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Natural Science 1 SM. MásSavia. All about my body.


I feel...

All about my body

One characteristic commoned most living things is that we have emotions.

We do things based on the way we are: happy, angry, sad, surprised, disgusted or scared.

What happens when our favourite icecream fall on the ground? We feel sad. This is sadness.

We can be angry when our brother or sister doesn't share his/her toys with us.That feeling is anger.



We are happy when we meet and play with our friends at the park. That feeling is happiness.


Also when we are in a Haunted House or we have a nightmare, we can be scared. This is called scare or fear.

Smelling something bad is not good for us, that's why we feel disgusted. The feeling is disgust.



When we read an awesome message in our smartphone we feel surprised. This is called surprise.



By Alejandro García