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Poroszló is an ancient settlement located on the right bank of the Lake Tisza. Anonymous, the famous historic writer, already mentioned that the conquering armies of Prince Árpád put up their camp near the Earthwork of Poroszló. The village received the country town title in 1445.

Click on the icons for the attractions.

Lake Tisza has 6 beaches.

You can bike around the lake Tisza.

There are many boat trips on the lake.

Here is the largest freshwater aquarium system in Europe- The Lake Tisza Ecocentre.

There are many restaurants and cake shops.

Lake Tisza Ecocentre

The largest freshwater aquarium system in Europe

3D showroom

Lookout Tower

Lake Tisza-part of the UNESCO

It has a capacity of nearly 1 million litres: its spectacular design together with underwater wonders offer a unique nature experience

Lake Tisza, the second largest lake in Hungary is situated on the Great Hungarian Plain, in the eastern part of the country.

Thanks to the solutions of the 3D technics the audience will feel like being part of the events shown on the screen and experience all the four seasons' beauty on Lake Tisza.

The spacious lookout terrace located in the tower of the main building on the 7th level.

Made by Anna

The lookout tower

We took boat trips to shallow waters and channels. I preferred smaller boats, which took us, into narrow places. We saw lots of birds and water plants.

I was suprised that you can also visit the lake during the winter. I've never been there, when it was colder.

I took the steps everytime to the top. The view is breathtaking over Poroszlo, and the lake Tisza. You can also see mountain ranges of the Bükk and the Mátra.

I visit the Ecocentrum every year, with my family. We can spend 4-5 hours a time here. Underwater aquarium is one of my favourite places here.


Made by: Izabella



About the place

My opinion

About the beach

What did I do there?

Swam in the water

Ate delicious foods

Took photos

Went to the theatre

Went to the law enforcement day

I like swimming, and collecting shells. Last summer I also swam in Lake Balaton, and collected beautiful shells.

The food is very good there. My favourite meal in the restaurant is fruit soup with Schnitzel with French Fries and Brownie! The waiters are very friendly and kind. Last summer, they showed us our table every day.

Since i got my phone in January, I was so excited to use it there. I took more that 300 pictures in 2 days! That was the day, when I realized that I am into taking pictures of nature.

We love going to the theatre and watching great lectures. Last summer my mother, father and I went to the theatre and watched Hippolyt the lackey. It was very funny.

Every year the MH RKK prepares an event, where tanks, cars, motorcycles march, and give an exhibition. Compared to being a girl, I like motorcycles, cars and especially tanks.

I had a lot of fun. My parents had a class reunion. While they were busy, I met a girl and we became very good friends. We played volleyball, basketball and football together. I like this place.

The beach is very noisy when there are a lot of people. But in the evening it is very peaceful. We love the water. We often feed the swans and the ducks.

Balatonkenese isn't a huge city. It's located in Veszprém county. We first went there when I was 8 years old. There are a lot of fun things to do there. We spend almost a week there every summer. Last summer was the best, we had lots of fun. This is my favourite place.


Made by Dóri



About the village

My experience

Places to visit

Daily reports

Day 1.

Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.

For the first time I spent about a week here with my parents, when I was 2. Now we went back and nothing has changed in the village. It was in the end of the summer both times, and I think spending time here feels the best in the late summer or in the early autumn, when the leaves start becoming colourful, but it's still not too cold to swim in the lakes there.

Szaknyér is a really small village in the Őrség, and it has only 66 dwellers at all. The houses are far from each other and there are lots of small meadows. There aren't any big hotels to stay, but the small apartments on the farms are so homely. The village and the neighbourhood of it has got many forests, lakes, mountains and other natural resources.

Staying just in Szaknyér can be a bit boring after a while, but just in few kilometres there are many interesting places. In a bigger village near to Szaknyér, in Szalafő, there is a folk art museum and a buffalo reservation. In another town called Őriszentpéter, and also said to be the capital of Őrség, there is a temple called St. Peter temple from the times of the Hungarian conquest. The border with Austria is also not too far from Szaknyér and you can visit much beautiful castles in Burgenland just in one day. The border of Slovenia is also close. The Slovenian part of the Őrség has beautiful forests and it's a perfect place to hike.

On the second day we went to the Folk Art Museum in Szalafő. We saw mostly typical old farmhouses and objects what was used around the house. A small petting zoo with goats also belonged to the museum. As another part of the museum, there was a small indoor playground. It demonstrated the life in the old times and it was fun for the whole family. Unfortunately, we didn't have such a good weather on the rest of the day, so we couldn't go in the buffalo reservation and we could only see it from out of the gate.

On the fifth day we went back to Austria and saw the Castle of Güssing. This is the oldest castle of Burgenland and I think its garden was the most beautiful of all castle gardens what we saw on this holiday. We also visited the Castle of Schlaining, but unfortunately it was closed at that time, and we could see it only from outside, but I think this castle looked the most beautiful on the outside. After that we came back to Hungary and went to a

On the second day we went to the Folk Art Museum in Szalafő. We mostly saw old farmhouses and objects what were used around the house. There was also a small petting zoo with goats. And a small indoor playground belonged to the museum, too. It demonstrated the life in the old times and it was fun for the whole family. Unfortunately, in the rest of the day we didn't have such a beautiful weather, so we couldn't go in to the buffalo reservation and we could only see it from out of the gate.

On the third day we went to Őriszentpéter and saw the St. Peter temple. After that we hiked a lot in the forests and meadows near the town. We played tig on the meadows but later that day sadly it rained again. In the end of the day we returned to the small pension where we stayed and what was called Pension Tündérkert. In the rest of the day we only watched movies and played with the two dogs in the pension's garden, when it didn't rain.

On the fourth day we went to the Temple of Ják. It is a beautiful church from about 1220 and we took really good photos there. Unfortunately a part of the temple was currently restoring when we were there, so we couldn't see it all. After that we went to Austria and visited the Castle of Lockenhaus. It has such an interesting story and the exhibition about the bats living there and about Erzsébet Báthory, the "Dracula Countess" is really exciting and scary. For dinner, we went to the Restaurant Rodeo in Szentgothárd. My father said he always had dinner here, when he was young. We tasted the special food of the restaurant like beans in saucepan. We also had a cake there, because we celebrated my sister's birthday at this time.

On the fifth day we went to the Castle of Güssing. It is the oldest castle in Burgenland, but it has the most beautiful garden. We also visited the Castle of Schlaining, but unfortunately it was closed at that time and we could see it only from the outside. I think this castle looked the most beautiful in the outside from all castles what we saw on this trip. After that we came back to Hungary and went to a restaurant in Szalafő, called Restaurant Őrszem. We tasted the most typical and most famous foods of the Őrség, like dumpling, strudel with poppy seed and sour cherry and coleslaw with pumpkin seed oil. Later that day we returned to the pension, packed up our things and went home. This was a kinda good holiday!

On the first day, we arrived to Szaknyér. We saw 3 lakes: the lake Borostyán, the lake Hársas and the lake Vadása. We hiked in the forest near the lakes. In the end of the day we visited my father's friends, who has a summer house there. They have a cat, and her kittens were born just few months ago. We saw a very cute and beautiful one, some time later we took her home, she got a name and she became Manci, who is almost a new family member for us now.

We saw beautiful natural places...

And we got a cat.

Lots of castles...

Meaning of the new words:

New words:

  • conquering- hódító
  • receive- kap
  • situate- elhelyez
  • solutoin- megoldás
  • audience- közönség
  • spacious- tágas
  • locate- elhelyez, felfed
  • capacity- kapacitás
  • unique- egyedi
  • class reunion- osztálytalálkozó
  • shell- kagyló
  • Hippolit the lackey- Hippolyt a lakály
  • law enforcement day- rendvédelmi nap
  • march- felvonul
  • exhibition- kiállítás
  • dweller- lakos
  • resource- forrás, erőforrás, eszköz
  • folk art- népművészet
  • buffalo- bivaly
  • conquest- hódítás
  • border- határ
  • indoor- benti
  • pension- nyugdíj
  • restore- helyreállt




1. Don't cheat! 2. Always read the purple button first! 3. Go in order! 4. When you go back to Genial.ly from Google Forms, you will start from the beginning. Skip those pages that you already saw. Thank you for your understanding.

Have fun!

You went on a hike in the forest. It is a wonderful, sunny day.

You didn't realize that, you went deep into the woods. You look around and see nothing, but trees. You got lost! You have to get out, before the sun sets...

Look around the trees!

You found a compass!

Find the code, to enter the cabin

Look around carefully!

Will you help the girl?

Yes No

The End

You find a hotel, call a taxi, and go home.

You go into another room, and suddenly you hear a strange voice... You realize, this is a young girl's voice. It is coming from behind you...

It is just a creepy doll

You look outside, and you realize, it is getting darker...





You turn around, and see the ghost of the girl... She starts to whisper: Help mee... Help meee...

To get the candle and the necklace, you have to answer the questions correctly!

To help the ghost, you have to bring a candle and her mother's necklace.

Go to the next page, if you have the candle and the necklace!

You give the candle and the necklace to the girl and say goodbye.

Thank you for playing!

Made by: Izabella

You find the way out, and call a taxi. On the way, you still think about that mysterious house.