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Dolor sit amet


You can write a introduction here

The Challenge

Magic is everything

Create your villain

The setting

Create your hero

Write your Fairy Tales

The End

Time to write

You must/ You may

Key words

The structure of your story

Step 5

Step 4

Step 3

Step 2

Step 1

Prepare to take notes

(at last)

Write your Fairy Tale step by step

While reading...

Fill in the grid

Prepare to take notes.

And make a mindmap

Title 1

While reading...

Fill in the grid

Prepare to take notes.

And make a mindmap

Title 1








My Fairy Tale










Magic power

Magic power

Magic power


Second place

Original place



Describe her/him physically and morally

Step 1: Create your hero/heroine

Title 1

So where does YOUR fairy tale take place?

Different settings can create different moods in a fairy tale.

Choose a place...

Other examples of common settings in fairy tales include an enchanted forest or a royal palace.

and a type of dwelling

A gloomy castle on the other hand might set the scene of a dark, gothic fairy tale.

For example, a nice little cottage in a forest is the perfect place to create a cosy, warm feeling.

Step 2: Describe the setting

Describe her/him physically and morally

Step 3: Create your villain

Title 1

What if the teapot could talk? What if the cat had magical powers?

This is a useful technique to help you think outside the box and create some really magical elements for your fairy tale.

When creating your magical element, use the “What if” technique.

Step 4: Think about the magical element

Magic is the best part of any fairy tale. It is the magical element that guides your hero and helps them get their happy ending.

Title 1

What is the solution?

What is your hero's problem?

For example only true love could break the beast’s curse in the Beauty and The Beast.

Step 5 : Think of the challenge

The challenge or obstacle your hero faces must be impossible to overcome without the help of a magical character or some special abilities.

Title 1

Time to write!

Title 1


This is where you explain the solution and give your happy ending

the resolution

the climax

The Conflict

The exposition




This is were you explain the obstacles the hero must face.

This is where you explain the problem and the villain's actions.

This is where you describe the initial situation leading to the conflict.

Title 1

Then, ...... and they lived happily ever after.

One day, ...

So, ...

Once upon a time, there was...

Title 1

Need more help?

  • Adapt an existing tale
  • Illustrate your storyboard.

You May

  • Set the story in an imaginary world.
  • Describe characters and actions.
  • Respect the structure of a fairy tale.

You Must

Title 1

Trame facultative

Title 1

Well done!

Title 1