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Znajomość środków językowych 1

Wymagania ogólne, wymagania szczegółowe

I. Znajomość środków językowych. Uczeń posługuje się podstawowym zasobem środków językowych (leksykalnych, gramatycznych, ortograficznych) […].


Uzupełnij zdania. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane w nawiasach. Nie należy zmieniać kolejności podanych wyrazów, trzeba natomiast – jeżeli jest to konieczne – dodać inne wyrazy, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów. Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyrazy już podane.

• She is a good student. She is ( interest / in / learn ) _______________________ new things.

• She is a good student. She is interested in learning new things.

• Bob, (be / you / old ) _______________________ than your sister?

• Bob, are you older than your sister?

• What ( she / look ) _______________________ for now? Has she lost her phone again?

• What is she looking for now? Has she lost her phone again?

• Oops, I have to go back home. I’ve taken a pair of my ( father / shoe ) _______________________ by mistake. He will be angry.

• Oops, I have to go back home. I’ve taken a pair of my father’s shoes by mistake. He will be angry.

• Martha smiled at me when (I/see/she) ______________________________________ at the bus stop yesterday.

• Martha smiled at me when I saw her at the bus stop yesterday.

• Patty, which fruit (you/like) ________________________________ better: strawberries or watermelons?

• Patty, which fruit do you like better: strawberries or watermelons?

• I hope my mother (prepare) _______________________________ a cake for my birthday party next Friday.

• I hope my mother will prepare a cake for my birthday party next Friday.

• She (have/never/ride) _____________________________ a horse.

• She has never ridden a horse.

• Mike was waiting for his sister when (I/meet/he) __________________________ at the train station last weekend.

• Mike was waiting for his sister when I met him at the train station last weekend.

• Susie, which sport (John/prefer)_______________________________: volleyball or football?

• Susie, which sport does John prefer: volleyball or football?

• I hope there (be)______________________________ a lot of people at my birthday party next Saturday.

• I hope there will be a lot of people at my birthday party next Saturday.

• It (have/never/snow) ________________________________ in my city.

• It has never snowed in my city.

• I hope they’ll lose this game. We (be/much/good) __________________________________ than them.

• I hope they’ll lose this game. We are much better than them.

• Wow, Susie, you’re good! When (you/start) ______________________________________ playing tennis?

• Wow, Susie, you’re good! When did you start playing tennis?

• Remember that plastic and paper should (recycle) _______________________________________ by everybody in this flat.

• Remember that plastic and paper should be recycled by everybody in this flat.

• Can you turn the volume down? I can’t (stand/listen) _____________________________ that horrible music.

• Can you turn the volume down? I can’t stand listening to that horrible music.

• I (never / be) _______________________________________ to Spain before.

• I have never been to Spain before.

• We (take / photo) _________________________________ outside our school last week.

• We took a photo outside our school last week.

• Your sister likes biology very much. (she / want) ____________________ to be a doctor?

• Your sister likes biology very much. Does she want to be a doctor?

• In last year’s competition I (be / fast) ________________________ than my best friend.

• In last year’s competition I was faster than my best friend.

• (you / see) ________________________ your best friend last week?

• Did you see your best friend last week?

• There were a (lot person) ________________________ at the party on Friday.

• There were a lot of people at the party on Friday.

• We would (like go) ________________________ to the cinema next Saturday.

• We would like to go to the cinema next Saturday.


Anna Zalewska azalewska@wodnsieradz.edu.pl
