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Con la colaboración especial de Lindsie Anglesey y Voz de Brian de Uriarte.

Un día inolvidable en el Zoo de Madrid.

Escuchar en español

He was on his way to the elephant's cages. If you need a map, there is one at the entrance.

I need your help! An animal has escaped and is causing trouble all over the zoo!

Welcome to the zoo!

The groundskeeper has been cleaning up the messes all morning. If you find him he should have more details about the animal's whereabouts.

My name is Juan, I'm the manager.

Plano del zoo

The owner said the groundskeeper is near the elephant cages.

NO, WAIT! That's the wrong way! COME BACK!



A. El elefante tiene la pielB. Su piel le protege deC. Viven en manadas dirigidas porD. La gestacion (el embarazo) duraE. La cria pesa unos

  1. insectos y de las plantas.
  2. 22 meses.
  3. 100 kilos al nacer.
  4. gruesa y gris.
  5. una matriarca, sus crias y un par de machos.


Parece que este animal ha mezclado las frases del cartel y hay que volver a colocarlas en orden.¿Me ayudáis a darle sentido a este lio?

Bueno, si me ayudáis a organizar esta información sobre los elefantes os daré una pista.

Hola. Soy el encargado.¿Queréis saber algunos datos sobre el animal que ha estado aterrorizando el zoo?

Vuelve a leer el cartel. Te dará información para conseguir una pista.

A. El elefante tiene la pielB. Su piel le protege deC. Viven en manadas dirigidas porD. La gestacion (el embarazo) duraE. La cria pesa unos

  1. insectos y de las plantas.
  2. 22 meses.
  3. 100 kilos al nacer.
  4. gruesa y gris.
  5. una matriarca, sus crias y un par de machos.


Plano del zoo

Aquí, he encontrado una pista que ha dejado el animal.

El elefante tiene la piel gruesa y gris.Su piel le protege de insectos y de las plantas.Viven en manadas dirigidas por una matriarca, sus crias y un par de machos.La gestacion (el embarazo) dura 22 meses.La cria pesa unos 100 kilos al nacer.


Lo conseguistéis. Gracias, sois unos salvadores.

What did the groundskeeper say? Was he able to help?

THE Americas





A baby joey went missing! The mother thought it was safe in her pouch but it was something else! She has been hopping on the gound like crazy! Help!



This is a Cassowary. The female lays eggs and then abandones them. It is the male who cares for the babies. No pouches here.


An emu is part of the ostrich family. It does have a pouch but it is in its throat. It is used to make noises to communicate.


Koalas are great jumpers but they like to stay in the trees. They wouldn't be hopping around on the gorund.

Koalas are a kind of marsupial. That means they have a pouch for their babies. The babies are called joeys.

Plano del zoo

¡Guau, parece que se encontraron al final! ¡Qué descanso!

Hay más de 54 tipos diferentes.

Pueden saltar hasta 3 metros de altura.

Pueden llegar a pesar hasta 85 kg.

¿Sabías que pueden saltar hasta 3 metros de altura?

Y también hay más de 54 tipos de canguros diferentes.

Los canguros son increibles.

¡Me encantan los canguros!

Pueden llegar a pesar hasta 85 kg.

Which exhibit do you need to check next? The emus maybe. You're welcome to check the kangaroo exhibit again if you need.


Plano del zoo

An emu is slightly different it is the ONLY bird that has calf muscles and it can ONLY be found in Australia.An emu is the second largest bird in the world. It has three toes on each foot and two eyelids!

You may think this is an ostrich but it is actually an Emu. It is a relative of ostrich so neither can fly but both can run pretty fast.


Koalas are great jumpers but they like to stay in the trees. They wouldn't be hopping around on the gorund.

Koalas are a kind of marsupial. That means they have a pouch for their babies. The babies are called joeys.


This is a Cassowary. The female lays eggs and then abandones them. It is the male who cares for the babies. No pouches here.

THE Americas

Ya! I just it saw it heading toward that one continent..... You know the one, it's the biggest in the world.





I saw something playing around in the trees with the animals here but I didn't get a good look at either.

I would try searching an animal that likes to climb.


No that can't climb! Search for an animal that can climb trees.



They live in the water and can hold their breath for two hours. Their whiskers help them know where predators are in the water. Seals do not climb trees.

Seals are mammals. They can live for up to 30 years in cold and tropical places.


They can't see very well and they love the mud! Also they are HUGE so they can't climb trees.

Rhinos are mammals.They can communicate to other rhinos by honking, sneezing, and even their poop.


Elk are also called red deer.Their antlers can be 1 to 1.5 meters long. Elk are herbivores. They eat grass and plants.They can't climb trees.

Plano del zoo

La dieta de los pandas está formada por bambú principalmente, aproximadamente 99%; también comen insectos, huevos, frutos y pequeños mamíferos. Son animales tranquilos y expertos trepadores de árboles, como el animal que ha escapado.

Where did Marcos see something? Better get going!

NO, WAIT! That's the wrong way! COME BACK!



I was going to feed the dolphins with these fish, now they're EVERYWHERE!

Maybe the escaped animal followed him looking for food?!?!

I don't know where he was going but he said something about Mt. Elbrus.

Probably it's an omnivore. I saw Pedro with different fruits and insects.

I don't know what but some animal came through here and made a mess!

He didn't seem to like the fish. Maybe it likes something else.

NO, WAIT! That's not the way Pedro was going!



Mt. Elbrus? That's in Russia in the Caucasus Mountains.

THE Americas





¡Oh sí! Traje la comida para alimentar a los animales aquí.

¿Me puedes ayudar a alimentar a los herbívoros?

Encuentra al único herbívoro que hay en esta imagen.

Ya he alimentado a los carnívoros.


Plano del zoo

La cabra ibérica puede trepar hasta 3,000 metros de altura en verano, por lo que suelen estar en las montañas.

La cabra ibérica es un tipo de cabra. Hay 4 especies pero 2 están extinguidas.Los cuernos de los machos son mucho más largos que los de las hembras y pueden crecer hasta 75 cm de longitud.


The European Mink is a lot calmer than its American cousin. They are both omnivores but the European mink is less agressive and smaller. This mink likes to eat frogs and small animals.

The Iberian lynx is the most endangered feline (cat) in the world. The name lynx comes from Greek which means "to shine." Since it is a wild cat the lynx is a carnivore.


THE Americas


Where should we check now?





Whatever nocturnal means. Can you help me please?

Juan asked me to sort out this information about nocturnal animals.

Anyway, I am busy here so maybe you can help.

Since I am normally at the aquarium I am a little lost over here.

I had to bring some over.... I wonder what happened to that milk.

The milk they had for this little guy went missing.

Did you know that only mammals drink milk.

Hey, I came over here to help nurse this baby bear.

The Americas

I changed the CLICK, the owl's right eye is the other one

They are birds.They are nocturnal.They eat small animals: rodents, birds, fish, insects....


They are mammals.They are nocturnal.They eat insects, nectar from flowers, and others fruit. Some of them eat fish.



Plano del zoo

I think there is too much information on this page. Also we already have all the natural science ones done. It could be math and language or just one here because I had planned to have one more at the end in africa (either language or math)


Existen unas 60 especies de aguila en todo el mundo. El aguila pertenece a la familia de las aves rapaces. Se les llama así porque son aves que utilizan sus fuertes garras y picos para cazar y alimentarse. Son muy veloces. El aguila real es la más rápida, puede llegar a alcanzar 320km/h. Las especies más grandes pueden llegar a medir 2,5m.Su maravillosa visión es su sentido más desarrollado. Tienen hasta 7000 plumas.


H-H-Hey! I'm glad I found you!



It is a mammal.

It is an omnivore.

I was just thinking....

There is no way an animal could have messed with that sign...

Have you been able to find the escaped animal? No?!

Well, what do you think it is?

It can climb trees.

Well, what do we know about the animal so far?

... unless it has opposable thumbs!

It can run faster than an emu.


It has thumbs.





It is a mammal.

It is an omnivore.

Frogs are amphibians.Try again!

It can climb trees.

It can run faster than an emu.


It has thumbs.





It is a mammal.

It is an omnivore.

It can climb trees.

Tigers don't have thumbs.Try again!

It can run faster than an emu.


It has thumbs.





It is an omnivore.

It is a mammal.

A koala can't run faster than an emu.Try again!

It can climb trees.

It can run faster than an emu.


It has thumbs.


It must be there! To the aviary!



The keeper in the aviary just called me and said that the parrots started making monkey noises.

I think you're right! It must be a monkey!

Well, I definitely hear the monkey, but I don't see it. Do you?

Plano del zoo

By Jove! You've got it! You should take it back to where it belongs.

Oh great, you found it! Let's get it back to its exhibit.

Is there any area of the Zoo you haven't been to yet?

THE Americas





Le llamamos Patas. Le encanta correr y trepar.

Vamos a devolverle a su exposición.

Lo habéis encontrado. Genial.

Muchas gracias.


¡Estoy tan contento de encotrarlo sano y salvo!

¡Qué bien que lo cogieráis! Estos animales son muy rápidos.

Pueden correr unos 53 km por hora.

Un saludo.Volved pronto.

Espero que hayáis disfrutado y aprendido con nosotros.

¡Enhorabuena!Habéis sido de gran ayuda.

Plano del zoo


Human civilization began in Africa. We know that because the oldest fossils of 'homo-sapiens' are found there.

Africa lies between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. To the north is the Mediterranean Sea and to the South is the Southern Sea.It is the second largest continent in the world. Spain has territories on this continent (Ceuta and Melilla).


Plano del zoo


Human civilization began in Africa. We know that because the oldest fossils of 'homo-sapiens' are found there.

Africa lies between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. To the north is the Mediterranean Sea and to the South is the Southern Sea.It is the second largest continent in the world. Spain has territories on this continent (Ceuta and Melilla).


Plano del zoo


Human civilization began in Africa. We know that because the oldest fossils of 'homo-sapiens' are found there.

Africa lies between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. To the north is the Mediterranean Sea and to the South is the Southern Sea.It is the second largest continent in the world. Spain has territories on this continent (Ceuta and Melilla).


Plano del zoo


Human civilization began in Africa. We know that because the oldest fossils of 'homo-sapiens' are found there.

Africa lies between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. To the north is the Mediterranean Sea and to the South is the Southern Sea.It is the second largest continent in the world. Spain has territories on this continent (Ceuta and Melilla).


Plano del zoo


China and India are the two most populated countries in the world. Each has more than a billion people.The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, is located along the border of China and Nepal.

It is the largest and most populous continent.It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.It is separated from Europe by the Ural and Caucasas Mountains and by the Turkish Straits.


Plano del zoo


China and India are the two most populated countries in the world. Each has more than a billion people.The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, is located along the border of China and Nepal.

It is the largest and most populous continent.It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.It is separated from Europe by the Ural and Caucasas Mountains and by the Turkish Straits.


Plano del zoo


China and India are the two most populated countries in the world. Each has more than a billion people.The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, is located along the border of China and Nepal.

It is the largest and most populous continent.It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.It is separated from Europe by the Ural and Caucasas Mountains and by the Turkish Straits.


Plano del zoo


China and India are the two most populated countries in the world. Each has more than a billion people.The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, is located along the border of China and Nepal.

It is the largest and most populous continent.It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.It is separated from Europe by the Ural and Caucasas Mountains and by the Turkish Straits.


Plano del zoo


This island continent is known as the land 'down under'. Australia is the driest populated continent on earth. Its large desert area is called The Outback.

It is an island continent.It is the world's smallest continent, but its largest island. Australia has lots of unique animals including the koala, emu, and kangaroo.


Plano del zoo


This island continent is known as the land 'down under'. Australia is the driest populated continent on earth. Its large desert area is called The Outback.

It is an island continent.It is the world's smallest continent, but its largest island. Australia has lots of unique animals including the koala, emu, and kangaroo.


Plano del zoo


This island continent is known as the land 'down under'. Australia is the driest populated continent on earth. Its large desert area is called The Outback.

It is an island continent.It is the world's smallest continent, but its largest island. Australia has lots of unique animals including the koala, emu, and kangaroo.


Plano del zoo


This island continent is known as the land 'down under'. Australia is the driest populated continent on earth. Its large desert area is called The Outback.

It is an island continent.It is the world's smallest continent, but its largest island. Australia has lots of unique animals including the koala, emu, and kangaroo.


P ano del zoo

THE AMERICAS make up the entire Western Hemisphere and include South America and North America. North America consists of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. South America has many more countries.

The Americas

The 3 most common languages of North America are English, French, and Spanish. In Central and South America, Spanish and Portuguese are most common.


Plano del zoo

THE AMERICAS make up the entire Western Hemisphere and include South America and North America. North America consists of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. South America has many more countries.

The Americas

The 3 most common languages of North America are English, French, and Spanish. In Central and South America, Spanish and Portuguese are most common.


Plano del zoo

THE AMERICAS make up the entire Western Hemisphere and include South America and North America. North America consists of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. South America has many more countries.

The Americas

The 3 most common languages of North America are English, French, and Spanish. In Central and South America, Spanish and Portuguese are most common.


Plano del zoo

THE AMERICAS make up the entire Western Hemisphere and include South America and North America. North America consists of the USA, Canada, and Mexico. South America has many more countries.

The Americas

The 3 most common languages of North America are English, French, and Spanish. In Central and South America, Spanish and Portuguese are most common.


Plano del zoo


Europe has 50 countries recognized by the United Nations.But the European Union has just 27 members.

Europe is located completely in the Northern Hemisphere.It is the second smallest continent in the world. The continent is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.


Plano del zoo


Europe has 50 countries recognized by the United Nations.But the European Union has just 27 members.

Europe is located completely in the Northern Hemisphere.It is the second smallest continent in the world. The continent is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.


Plano del zoo


Europe has 50 countries recognized by the United Nations.But the European Union has just 27 members.

Europe is located completely in the Northern Hemisphere.It is the second smallest continent in the world. The continent is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.


Plano del zoo


Europe has 50 countries recognized by the United Nations.But the European Union has just 27 members.

Europe is located completely in the Northern Hemisphere.It is the second smallest continent in the world. The continent is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
