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End of the school year project


MAKING OF THE PROJECT (Izrada projekta)

Projekt ćete izraditi u Google forms. Google forms ćete podijeliti samnom te ću od vaših slide-ova napraviti video.

Read about the project! (Pročitaj o projektu)

There is no perfect neighborhood! In every neighbourhood, there are some good places and things and some places and things that are not so good. It is now time for you to think about the neighborhood that you live in. Put on your trainers and take a walk around it! Take your cameras or your mobile phones or tablets and take photos of your neighbourhood. (Ne postoji savršeno susjedstvo. U svakom susjedstvu ima ima dobrih i loših mjesta i svari. Razmisli o susjedsvu u kojem živiš. Obuj cipele/tenisice i prošetaj po svom susjedstvu! Prošetaj po susjedstvu i snimi fotografije.)

POWER POINT PRESENTATION (Power Point Prezentacija) - CONTENT (Sadržaj)

SLIDE 1 Name and surname (Ime i prezime) Title (naslov)

SLIDE 2 Describe your neighborhood. Use adjectives that we have learned in MODULE 2. (big/small/noisy/quiet/modern….) Start like this: My neighbourhood is…. Opiši svoje susjedstvo. Koristi pridjeve koje smo učili u MODULE 2. (big/small/noisy/quiet/modern….) Započni ovako: My neighbourhood is….

SLIDE 3 What good things and what bad things can you see? What is there and what isn’t there. What would you keep and what would you change? Use the phrase There is /there are Use the phrase I can/can’t Stick/upload pictures/photos Koje dobre a koje lose stvari možeš vidjeti u svom susjedstvu? Čega ima a čega nema? Što bi zadržao/zadržala a što bi promijenila? Koristi izraz: There is /there are Koristi izraz: I can/can’t

SLIDE 4 Think of 3 to 5 ideas to make your neighborhood a better place to live in. Write them down. Use: we/people /the neighbours could … (plant, build, put…….) Razmisli i navedi 3 do 5 ideja (možeš i više ali nikako manje od tri) za poboljšanje svog susjedstva. Koristi izraze: Mi bi mogli /Ljudi bi mogli / susjedi bi mogli…. (plant, build, put…….)

SLIDE 5 Sources (If you used Google pictures) Thank you Izvori fotografija (ako ste koristili fotografije s Googla) Zahvala