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Fabienne BAZZICONI ( académie Aix-Marseille )

Experiencing the American Dream

Séquence flash

A new Life in America






1 - WHERE and WHEN is the scene set ? 2 - WHO can you see in the picture ? ( actions + origins ) 3 - HOW MANY Europeans emigrated to the USA ? 4 - WHAT did they come to the USA FOR ? 5 - WHAT was the USA nicknamed at that time ?

READ the document and ANSWER the questions

1 - The scene is set at the end of the 19th century in North America , on the east coast of the USA .2 - We can see many people on board of a boat . They are all watching The Statue of Liberty. They may be immigrants arriving in New York City .3 - 30 million Europeans emigrated to the USA.4 - They came to the USA to escape poverty and persecution and to find a better life.5 - The USA was nicknamed "The Land of Opportunity"


1 - WHO are the 2 main characters ? 2 - WHAT nationality are they ? 3 - WHERE are they arriving ? WHY ? 4 - WHAT happened to the 2 characters ? REORDER the different steps :a) They went through a medical examination.b) They had to take a shower.c) They were asked more questions about their settlement in New York.d) They were asked questions about their identities at the registration office.5 - WHAT was the nurse checking FOR ?6- WHAT happened to the immigrants who were sick ?

READ this comic strip and ANSWER the questions

1 - Culann and Mary2 - They are Irish3 - They are arriving in Ellis Island , the place where the immigrants are checked .4 - REORDER:a) They were asked questions about their identities at the registration office.b)They had to take a shower.c) They went through a medical examination.d) They were asked more questions about their settlement in New York.5 - She was checking for rickets and breathing problems.6 - They couldn't enter the USA.


GET more information1 - Reasons to emigrate to the USA 2 - Amount of immigrants who went through Ellis Island 3 - HOW LONG did they spend answering questions ? 4 - HOW MUCH money did they need to have to get into the USA ? 5 - WHAT did the immigrants pass a medical exam FOR ? 6 - WHAT is Ellis Island's nickname ? WHY ?

MATCH the answers to the questions

1 - Escape poverty and persecution in their native countries Dream of making fortune in a new land.2 - 20 millions3 - 2 to 5 hours 4 - 15 dollars5 - To check they don't have contagious diseases. To check they were physically and mentally fit to work.6 - The 'island of tears" because 2% of immigrants were not allowed into the USA


WATCH these viDeos about Ellis Island

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