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Hello everyone! are you ready for the final task? Yes? Are you ready to come into the secret house? Ok...so...come in through the WINDOW!


This is the house of Lady Catherine, move, talk with paintings, look into books, use a light source to read hidden inscriptions, open cabinets and drawers. Discover !

Find my diary and write the missing words.

light the darkness

To find the pearl necklace you need to find 3 letters hidden in different rooms and put them in order to discover the word.


Welcome to my house.I'm lady Cathrine. I lived here two hundred years ago.Last night I was at the ball and I lost my pearl necklace. If you solve 4 riddles hidden in the house and find my necklace, I will give you 4 numbers to get out. Be smart, clever and brave. Good luck!

To dom zagadek - naciskaj, przesuwaj, zaglądaj do książek, rozmawiaj z obrazami, używaj źródła światła do odczytania ukrytych napisów, otwieraj szafki i szuflady. Odkrywaj gdzie się da.

If you finished all the riddles and found my necklace, you can go out. Enter the four-digit code.

If you finished all the riddles and found my necklace, you can go out. Enter the four-digit code.


If you finished all the riddles and found my necklace, you can go out. Enter the four-digit code.

If you finished all the riddles and found my necklace, you can go out. Enter the four-digit code.

If you finished all the riddles and found my necklace, you can go out. Enter the four-digit code.



Help me, please. Take the pen


You found my pearl necklace! Thank you very much!The fourth code number is 3.

Please, check if the detective asked the right questions.Click on the red circle, please!

I'm losing my mind. Will you help me?The pen!