Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



YOUNG REPORTERSInvestigative Journalism


YRE es una competencia internacional que brinda a los jóvenes una plataforma para investigar temas ambientales y promover soluciones. El programa capacita a los jóvenes para que tomen una posición informada sobre los temas ambientales que les interesan y les brinda una plataforma para articular estos temas a través de los medios de escritura, fotografía o video.

Jovenes Reporteros para el Medio Ambiente

SECUNDARIA1º ESO Exposición VirtualPeriodismoInvestigativo

Estamos orgullosos de mostrar el trabajo realizado por nuestros estudiantes de 6º EPO en materia de contaminación, específicamente residuos. Demuestra su creciente conciencia de los problemas que enfrentamos como comunidad global, así como su creatividad para publicitarlo y para encontrar soluciones. Este es el segundo año que 6º EPO y 1 ESO han participado en esta competición global.


YRE is an international competition giving young people a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions. The programme empowers young people to take an educated stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and gives them a platform to articulate these issues through the media of writing, photography or video.

Young Reporters for the Environment


YRE is an international competition giving young people a platform to research environmental issues and promote solutions. The programme empowers young people to take an educated stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and gives them a platform to articulate these issues through the media of writing, photography or video.

Young Reporters for the Environment

We are proud to showcase the work done by our 6th grade students on pollution, specifically litter. It demostrates their growing awareness of the problems we face as a global community as well as creativity in publicising it as well as finding solutions. This is the second year that 6th grade and 1st year of Secondary have participated in this global competition.

PRIMARY 6th GradeOnline ExhibitionInvestigative Journalism

6A Antonio Crespillo Ortega

6D José Fernando Ávila Muñoz Hugo Valencia González Benjamín Velasco González Jaime Villegas Fernández

6C Adriana Muñoz Fernández

6C Fernando Becerra Díaz Pilar Díaz Soto

6C Laura Fernández Mejuto Inés Garaizabal Fdez. de Mesa Carlota Sánchez López Pilar Vela Trespalacios

6C Ángel Estella Viviana

6B Beltrán Sánchez Garrido

6B Adrián Rios Pequenis

6B Mª Mercedes Ortega García

6B Tania Esnaola Gil

6º ESO

Our Reporters

Single Photo Reportage 18 words

Marine contamination can be found all along our Mediterranean coast as well as in our rivers and lakes.


6A Antonio Crespillo Ortega


Single Photo Reportage: 14 words

6B Tania Esnaolo Gil

Everyone has the right to have fun, but you have to know how to have fun and take care of the environment at the same time.


Everyone has the right to have fun, but you have to know how to have fun and take care of the environment at the same time.

6B Mº MercedesOrtega García

Article: 214 words

In this picture, you can observe just the opposite. It was taken a Sunday morning after a group of young people were dancing, singing and drinking alcohol the night before. They got drunk and began littering, urinating in the streets... etc. And someone called the police, but the police could not come because lots of people were doing the same thing in the entire town. Not only did they not let the neighbours sleep, but also that the next morning they left the streets like this and the community had to clean it up.


Imagine living in that neighbourhood, not having slept the previous night and when you get up to go to school or work, the disgusting smell of urine comes through your window. You also know that you are going to be late because you have to clean up all that mess. So here is my question: Would you like that to happen to you? I don’t but, it has happened to me several times. Next time someone thinks that it’s fun to do that, please think about it twice. I really hope that people will change.

Article: 214 words

6B Mº MercedesOrtega García

In the first photo we can see the street is clean. In the second photo ...


6B Adrian Ríos Pequenis

Article: 165 words

In the first photo we can see the street is clean. In the second photo we can see the trash thrown on the ground instead of being deposited in the garbage containers. By doing this things people pollute the environment resulting in dirt and infections.Being thrown to the ground cannot be recycled, for example the plastic that does so much damage and infections. People need to realize that today we must recycle and be more environmentalist to care for the world for everybody. Citizens that throw trash in our streets, do not recycle at home.There is no awareness of taking care of the environment. People do not measure the damage that they cause by throwing all kinds of garbage and objects into the river and the sea. Another problem is the smell that is produced by a lot of garbage in the streets. The problem of garbage belongs to all us citizens, so we all have to be more careful and recycle more.


6B Adrian Ríos Pequenis

Article: 165 words

We found plastic bottles, crisp packets and a milk carton in a park. We picked them up and separated them into the correct containers.People have to be aware that it is important to separate trash to protect biodiversity. We should keep in mind that if we do not recycle, the future of our children will not be easy. We all have to do our part as a team so that this does not happen. We can start by using the recycling bins correctly, it would be a great help for those who have to collect the garbage.

Take care of our planet so that humans do not die out.

Single Photo Reportage: 98 words


6B Beltrán Sánchez Garrido

Garbage Island


... people around the world are creating this man-made disaster.

Fernando Becerro DíazPilar Díaz Soto

Article: 131 words

As you can see in these photo above, “It is possible”…, Garbage Island exists, and all the people around the world are creating this man-made disaster. This island is in the Pacific Ocean. Its surface is estimated between 710.000km2 and 17.000.000km2. But… how did it form? It has been formed because people throw garbage to the sea and it is collected by the ocean currents “North Pacific Ocean twist”.

Animals died when they ate this garbage (such as: fishes, jellyfishes, etc…) because they thought that they were small animals. Some whales, when they swim through this floating island, get trapped in the garbage and die, because they cannot get out. If you have done this in the past, please STOP, you have killed a lot of animals.



Fernando Becerro DíazPilar Díaz Soto

Garbage Island

Article: 131 words

We cannot run out of time!

With this photograph I am trying to show that we need to stop polluting everywhere. The sand in the hourglass cannot run out. We cannot continue throwing plastic, using fuel, polluting the Earth… We need to STOP and save our planet! We can all do it little by little by not using the car so much or using a reusable container instead of a plastic bag or foil for a snack.

Single Photo Reportage: 71 words

6C Angel Estella Viciana


Every year people generate 50 kilos of waste per person (plastic, bottle, batteries...). Spain is the second country in Europe that recycles the most, but also one of the worst countries in Europe to throw rubbish on the floor or ground. In Spain each person recycles about 18 kilos of waste in a year (which is a lot) but the quantity of plastic waste is about 23 kilos per person (more than we recycled).

Laura Fernández MejutoInés Garaizabal Fdez. de MesaCarlota Sánchez LópezPilar Vela Trespalacios

Article: 177 words

It depends on us whether the world will be here tomorrow or not.

Article: 177 words


Laura Fernández MejutoInés Garaizabal Fdez. de MesaCarlota Sánchez LópezPilar Vela Trespalacios



About 6,000 million tonnes of plastic have become waste and only 9% of it has been recycled. Most plastic is made from petroleum which is not renewable. Most types of plastic do not decompose in any way, that means that the plastic we waste stays there for millions of years. People need to recycle more, because in the future we would like to see nature like we see it now or even better. We are contaminating too much and it has to stop.

Article 177 words

Single Photo Reportage: 95 words

This photo shows that people don't respect the world as they should It is recommended to carry your own utensils or a wooden spork and avoid using plastic utensils. Review restaurant and cafes and recognize them when they avoid straws and plastic packaging - and let them know you want them to do better when they don't. Use reusable water bottles, coffee mugs, and bags. To achieve their responsibilities si minimal costs to citizens, local U.S governments are enacting plastic bag fees and bans, restrictions on plastic straws and prohibition of EPS foam food containers


6C Adriana Muñoz Fernández

Single Photo Reportage 34 words

Don’t leave your things wherever you want! Be brave enough to tell people who are littering irresponsibly how to do it better or pick it up yourself. Make the change with your own hands.



José Fernando Ávila MuñozHugo Valencia GonzálezBenjamín Velasco GonzálezJaime Villegas Fernánde

YOUNG REPORTERSInvestigative Journalism