Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Instructions how to make your own jigsaw puzzle.


Click insert to add your picture Click on the picture and then the right hand stack icon to move your picture to the back Then do the same with the pinboard to move it to the back. Your picture should be between the pinboard and the gray squares.On a windows computer, click shift+windows button+S (at the same time) to bring up the snip tool. Cut out the first piece of the picture just within the first grey square. Click control+V to insert the cut out and put it in the right place on top of the original picture.This is your first puzzle piece. Continue with the rest of the squares, then delete the gray frames and jumble up the pieces.

For pictures

For Text

This is a paragraph of text waiting to be awesome content

Click the text button and insert a text box and paste the first part of your text. Use the right hand white dot on the text box to bring it in the right shape and put on the first white box. Change text size at the top if necessary. Click the text and hold down shift while you click the white square behind it, they should now both be selected. Click the triangle icon above the selected pieces or click cont+G to form a group. This is your first puzzle piece.

Example cut out (unfinished)

Example Jigsaw (unfinished)