Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Obilježavanje Dana škole kroz aktivnost kreiranja zagonetki o životinjama na engleskom jeziku


Dan Osnovne škole Vladimira NazoraNova Bukovica 2020.


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Ove školska godina uistinu je posebna,toliko da nas je uvela u virtualan svijet.Nije to ni tako loše...Naučili smo puno novih stvari, maštamo i smišljamo na drugačiji način...Takvim načinom razmišljanja kreirali smo za vas... ZAGONETKE!! :D

S obzirom da se na rođendanu uvijek zabavljamo, nadamo se da ćete se i vi kroz naše zagonetke zabaviti... Pa krenimo.. :)

Subtitle here

Animal riddles

It's has got two legs. It lives on the farm. It likes bugs, snakes, lizards and seeds. It is blue and green. It can't fly. It can't run very fast. It doesn't live in the ocean. It isn't dangerous. It is not big. It doesn't have teeth.

What is it???

It's a peacock!

It is small and white.It is weak. It isn't dangerous.It hasn't got wings. It has got four legs.It has got big ears. It likes carrots.It lives in a forest.It can run very fast.

What is it...?

It's a rabbit.

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It is small. It si red and blue.It is weak. It isn't dangerous.It has got wings. It has got two legs.It hasn't got ears. It likes apple.It lives in the jungle. It can't run very fast.

What is it...?

It's a parrot.

It is big. It is black and white.It is strong. It isn't dangerous.It doesn't have wings.It has got four legs.It lives in the jungle. It likes bamboo.It can climb a tree.It has got small ears.

What is it...?

It's a panda.

It's big. It's brown.It has got long neck.It has got four legs.It lives in the jungle.It has got small ears.It likes grass. It has brown dots on its body.

What is it...?

It's a giraffe.

It is very small.It flies from flower to flower.It has small wings.It feeds with the nectar from flowers.It is very cute. It is colourful. It is not big. It has no teeth.It has thin legs. It has small eyes.It develops from the caterpillar.

What is it...?

It's a butterfly.

It is big. It has got four legs.It lives in the forest.It likes honey.It can run very fast.It can be dangerous.

What is it...?

It's a bear.

It is brown.It has got wings.It lives in a forest.It can fly.It likes worms.It sleeps in a daytime.

What is it...?

It's an owl.

It is big.It has got four fins.It lives in the ocean.It likes fish.It can swim very fast.

What is it...?

It's a shark.

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It is brown.It likes bananas.It lives in the jungle.It can climb a tree.It has got two legs.It is funny.

What it is...?

It's a monkey.

It can be black, yellow, orange, white, brown.It has got four legs. It lives around the house. It likes milk and mice.It can purr.

What is it...?

It's a cat.

It is big.It has got four legs.It lives on a farm.It isn't dangerous.It likes grass.It is very clever.

What is it...?

It's a horse.

It is big.It lives in the ocean.It is not dangerous.It likes fish.It can swim very fast.It likes people.It is very friendly.

What is it...?

It's a dolphin.

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Nadamo se da su vam se zagonetke i naši radovi svidjeli te da ste uspjeli pogoditi sve životinje, ako ne iz opisa, barem sa slike. :)

Hvala vam što ste se s nama poigrali i na taj način pridonijeli proslavi rođendana naše školice!

Draga Školo, sretan rođendan žele ti ...tvoji trećaši !!

Zagonetke i crteže su izradili:Ana Koleno i Leo Vujasin,Viktorija Ćosić i Eleonora KišurSaša Predragović Knez,Luka Novaković i Petra Šoić,Tena Bužonja, Ivan Pečeki Mateo Dejak.

Prezentaciju izradila učiteljica Nadin Cuca.