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Here we go!!!

I hope you like it a lot

-How to write a quick facts sheet with information about the countries.

- Where are the countries located?

-Some interesting and geographical facts about the countries .

-Some important oral expressions very useful to travel around the world.

-Which is the typical and special food of some countries?

What are we going to learn with this unit?


MAKE A BEAUTIFUL NEW COVER IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, PLEASE.(dibuja una portada preciosa en tu cuaderno). Gracias

monday 25th may, 2020.

In this unit, we are going to learn about food,geography and traditions of somecountries and how to make a quick fact sheet about a country.En esta unidad vamos a aprender sobre comida,tradiciones y geografía acerca de varios países y a hacer una pequeña ficha- descripción sobre un país que os guste un montón.

Lee para aprender.

TUESDAY 26th may, 2020.

Click on the Earth to start. Fasten your seatbelt and let´s go and have fun!!!



TUESDAY 26th may, 2020.

Situation- Mexico is located in South America.Capital- The name of the mexican capital city is Mexico DF.Languages - They speak Spanish as in our country.Inhabitants-Mexico is the 11th most populated country in the world with around 117 million people . Food-Mexican food is known for its range of flavours and spices. Popular dishes include tacos, burritos and enchiladas. Mexican food is well known all over the world.Interesting facts-The national symbol of Mexico is the golden eagle which features prominently on the coat of arms.

Mexico quick facts.

My name is Jorge and I´m going to talk about my beautiful country

Welcome to Mexico!! Let´s learn about my country.

TUESDAY 26th may, 2020.

Traditional Mexican Cuisine.

Now, We have to watch a video and answersome questions about my country.

Welcome to Mexico!! Let´s learn about my country.

wednesdaY 27th may, 2020.

Situation- Italy is located in the South of EuropeCapital- The name of the italian capital is Rome.Languages - They speak Italian.Inhabitants-. Over 61 million people live in Italy (61,261,254). Food-Typical Italian foods and dishes include assorted appetizers (antipasti ), all types of pasta, risotto and pizza, soups (minestroni and zuppe) and delicious meat and fish dishes.Interesting fact-Rome was the home to the Ancient Romans, a civilization that grew into a huge empire. Western civilization as we know today is based on many Ancient Roman principles. .

ITALY quick facts.

My name is Vincenzo and I´m going to talk about my beautiful country

Welcome to Italy!! Let´s learn about my country.

wednesdaY 27th may, 2020.

Traditional Italian Cuisine.

Now, We have to watch a video and answersome questions about my country.

Welcome to Italy!! Let´s learn about my country.

Click here to choose your country.

Now, it´s time for you to work, let´s write a quick facts sheet about your favourite country.Write it in your notebook please. Vamos a hacer una ficha sobre el país que queramos. Hazlo en el cuaderno,por favor y súbelo al padlet, con una foto, de la siguiente diapositiva.

Name of the country.............................................................Situation- ................................................................................Capital- .................................................................................Languages - ........................................................................Inhabitants-......................................................................... Food-.......................................................................................Interesting facts.....................................................................................................................................................................

thursday 28th, may 2020.

My favourite country quick facts.

+ info

Click here to upload your sheet.

Click here to choose your country.

Now, it´s time for you to work, let´s write a quick facts sheet about your favourite country.Write it in your notebook please. Vamos a hacer una ficha sobre el país que queramos. Hazlo en el cuaderno,por favor y súbelo al padlet, con una foto, de la siguiente diapositiva.

thursday 28th, may 2020.

My favourite country quick facts.Upload your beautiful creations on our padlet.

+ info

+ info

monday june 1st, 2020.

Click on the pictures to playa fantastic game about food.You can select any level but let´s start by the easy one then medium and hard.This is a game to learn, you can play 3 or 4 times, but pay attention, do it carefully . READ, HAVE FUN AND LEARN!!!

It´s game time.

+ info


TUESDAY june 2ND, 2020.

Click on "All about Airports" (1)to learn what do we have to do and say to travel and then click on the globe or Snoopy (2) to match the pictures with the definitions about it with a game I´ve made for my third graders, kiddys. LET´S PLAY, HAVE FUN AND LEARN!!TRATA DE REPETIR LAS RESPUESTAS CORRECTAS EN ALTO PARA PRACTICAR TU INGLÉS.

It´s speaking time.

1- Click on the picture to make the test. There are 20 questions to answer by choosing the right option carefully.Read the questions before give your answer. (Entra en la ficha y contesta las 20 preguntas que te propongo. Hazlo tranquilamente, sin correr. No te olvides poner tu nombre, apellido y curso A, B ó C., por favor).MUY IMPORTANTE) Mira las instrucciones en la diapositiva siguiente antes de seguir.

+ info

wednesday june 3rD,2020.

It´s test time. (Let´s learn together)

wednesday june 3rD,2020.

  • 3. Pon tu nombre , primer apellido y curso (MUY IMPORTANTE)
. 4. Cuando acabes me llegarán tus respuestas, seguro que lo haces genial . No tienes que enviar un e-mail ni nada. Llega solo con mi magia particular.
  • 1. Vamos a hacer el control del tercer trimestre. Leed bien las preguntas para seleccionar la respuesta adecuada.
  • 2. Haz click en la imagen de la ficha
  • .


THURSDAY june 4TH,2020.


In China, food is often cooked in round metal pans , called "woks".

This Indian chef is cooking meat in a clay oven called a "tandoor"

Cooking food can make it taste better and keep longer. It helps kill germs that might make you ill too. There are many different ways of cooking.

How people cook. (1)


THURSDAY june 4TH,2020.

Mealtime customs- There are many differnet ways of eating across the world. Some people kneel on the floor to eat, and some sit at high tables.Many people use their hands to eat, while others use chopsticks or a knife and fork. Watch the video and enjoy it, then you can sing about food. It´s so tasty BON APETIT!!!!!

How people eat. (2)


MONDAY june 8TH,2020.

The food people eat and the way they cook is very different around the world. Everyone needs food, but sadly, at least 800 million people in the world do not have enough. Do you think is it fair?A healthy diet can include bread ,nuts, milk and eggs and plenty of fruit and vegetables.Then you can play a vocabulary game. Try to make as much words as you can with the letters given, it can be any word, IT´S NOT EASY HAHAHAH!1


Have fun and learn with these 2 videos about the world´s food.


tuesday june 9TH,2020.

The main food of a country is called staple food. Rice is the staple food of about half of the world. Other staples include maize, wheat and potatoes.Some people grow their own staple foods. Others buy them in stores and markets, along with many other foods such as fruits and vegetables.


wednesday june 10TH,2020.


Set sounds 2 video

Set sounds 1 video

Do you remember the set 1 and 2 sounds we saw at school. Let me refresh your memory!! Click on the video 1 and 2 and repeat the words like in the class. Then you can play a nice game about thebwords and sounds . Have fun with this one!! ¿Mola mi rima,o no? fun-one Hahahahah

The wonderful world of phonics.

Game 2 Click on likes.

I´ve made a video for you to review it. Remember, when we speak about someone or something in the present simple you need to add es or s. Click on the video to learn more and on the games to play 2 games . Have fun kiddys!!

Thursday june 10TH,2020.

Game 1. Click on likes.

When we are speaking and writing we tend to forgetto add the "s" of the third person in the verb. Example:-I (Yo)love carrots but my sister Susan(ella) hates vegetables.-My mother (ella) likes swimming in the ocean but my father(él) doesn´t like it at all.

Present simple review.