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Welcome to New Zealand   

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Kia Ora

Welcome to New Zealand

1. Watch the video2. Do the following vocabulary activity 3. Check the vocabulary list on Quizlet

Introduction : welcome to New Zealand !

Read and watch carefully this presentation. You will have to answer questions about it at the end. Lis et regarde attentivement cette présentation. Tu devras répondre un quiz à la fin.

The capital city is Wellington . (It is located in the North island, the most populated island)

It consists of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as other smaller ones.

The Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand (They lived there before the Europeans arrived)

English, Maori and sign language are the official languages

They have a ceremonial dance called the Haka, when they stick their tongues out to frighten their enemies. It was a war dance.

In 1893, it became the first country in the world to give all women the right to vote.

New Zealand became independent from Great Britain in 1947.

New Zealanders are very proud of their national rugby team, the All Blacks.

Rubgy is the most popular sport in New Zealand.

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est. 2019


There are 4.8 million inhabitants in New Zealand

People from New Zealand are called New Zealanders, or sometimes ‘kiwis’. This is because the national symbol of the county is a bird called the kiwi. The kiwi has no wings and can’t fly.

There are no snakes in the country

There are more sheep than inhabitants!

New Zealand is not a crowded country.

Many people go there to try ‘extreme sports’ such as bungee jumping

Only 5 % of the population are humans. The rest are animals.

All three Lord of the Rings were filmed in New Zealand, which is famous for its magnificent landscapes.

Maoris say hello by pressing their noses together in a greeting called hongi.

There are many earthquakes in New Zealand (14,000 every year).Volcanoes are still active.

Natural catastrophes

Travaille le vocabulaire nouveau en cliquant ici

Check what you know

Now take the following quiz to check your knowledge. Then, learn the new vocabulary on Quizlet. Réponds au quiz suivant pour vérifier tes connaissances.

Ecoute cet enregistrement et fais ces deux exercices

Listening activity

Travail facultatif

Watch the video (until 2'40) and answer the questions Regarde la vidéo jusqu'à 2''40 and réponds aux questions du quiz

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