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Classification of


By: Julia García LavanderoScience - Year 5

And what's more diverse than the animal kingdom?Today we are going to learn a little bit about the different animal classes.

We celebrated International Museum Day on the 18th May. The theme this year was Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion.



Animals are either:

Animal classes

An animal class is made up of animals that are all alike in important ways. Scientists have grouped animals into classes to make it easier to study them.


Today, we are going to study the vertebrates.Click on the pictures to learn a little bit more about each class:

Are warm-blooded. Live on land and water. Have hair or fur. Have skeletons on the inside of their bodies.Give birth to live babies which drink their mother’s milk.


Are cold-blooded. Live in water. Have scales, fins to move and gills to breathe underwater.Have skeletons on the inside of their bodies. Lay eggs (in water).


Are warm-blooded. Live on land and water. Have feathers (unique to birds), wings and a beak. Have skeletons on the inside of their bodies. Lay eggs.


Are cold-blooded. Live on land and water. Have scales, ear holes and dry skin. Have skeletons on the inside of their bodies (but tortoises have one on the outside, too!).Lay eggs.



Are cold-blooded. Live on land and water. Have moist skin and webbed feet. Have skeletons on the inside of their bodies. Lay eggs.

Don't forget to send them to your teacher!

After learning about the animal classification, test your knowledge doing the following activities. Click on each number: