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Playground games

Playground games

1- Parcours

3- Action songs

2- Jeux authentiques

4- Relaxation

5- Individual activities

Chalk obstacles paths and games

Il est important de faire oraliser les actions par les élèves.


Use some sidewalk chalk and make a hopscotch grid. Number the squares from one to nine. Pick a rock or a beanbag. Start by tossing the rock onto Square 1. Hop over the rock and hop with a single foot or both feet (to follow the hopscotch pattern) all the way to the end. Turn around and come back, stopping on Square 2. Balancing on one foot, pick up the rock in Square 1 and hop over Square 1 to the start. Continue this pattern with Square 2. And so on. If you toss your rock and miss the correct square, your turn is over. This game can be played with any number of people, but only one person can go at a time.


Un élève donne les consignes, un autre essaie de les suivre.Exemple 1: Left hand, yellowRight foot, greenExemple 2:Put your left foot on a red spot. Put your right hand on a blue spot.

One pupil call out: "Right hand, red." Another pupil try to follow the child's directions.

  • Each player must try to place the called-out body part on a vacant circle of the called-out color.
  • If your called-out hand or foot is already on a circle of the called-out color, you must try to move it to another circle of the same color.
  • There can never be more than one hand or foot on any one circle.
  • Never remove your hand or foot from a circle unless you're directed to by the pupil.

Mirror Me

The goal of the game is to mirror the person across from you by repeating the pattern of steps they take on the various coloured circles. After each turn the pattern increases by one until the opposing player cannot mirror the pattern.

Regarde les pages suivantes pour découvrir quelques exemples d'actions qui peuvent être incluses dans le parcours.

Pieds joints (in) et pieds écartés (out)

Suivre une ligneLa consigne peut être "Follow the line"

FROG JUMPS Dessiner des pieds et des mains et sauter comme une grenouille en plaçant ses pieds et ses mains sur les dessins correspondants.

Courir dans un couloir.

Sauter en écartant les pieds et les bras, cela s'apparente à la forme d'une étoile.

Sauter à pieds joints

hurdles = haies

Traditional games

Red light, green light1-2-3 soleil !

One person is the traffic light at one end. The other players are at the other end. When the traffic light faces the group, he or she says, "Red light!" and everyone must freeze. The traffic light then turns his or her back and says, "Green light!" and the group tries to get as close to the traffic light as possible. The traffic light turns around quickly, again saying, "Red light!", and if anyone is spotted moving, they have to go back to the starting place. The first person to tag the traffic light wins and gets to be the next traffic light.

Chaque élève se déplace dans son couloir pour respecter les distances. Possibilité de varier les consignes de déplacement :- marcher à reculons- sautiller- marcher en canard ... D'autres idées en regardant cette vidéo : regardant cette vidéo : https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5rb7c4

Simon says ...

One person is Simon and starts by saying, "Simon says, TOUCH YOUR HEAD " .Everyone must do the action. But, if Simon makes an action request without saying, "Simon says", anyone who does that action is out. The last person still playing in the end will be Simon for the next round.

Shadow tag

You have to tag (touch) a child's shadow with your feet. The child who is tagged will chase after the other children’s shadows.Variation : Freeze TagIf the person tags you, you have to freeze where you are. Another participant can tag you to unfreeze you. When the child tags another child’s shadow, he must say aloud "Tag! You’re it (name)!”

Rock paper scissors

Activité proposée par Julien Crémoux :Circuit "hop in the hoops" and "Rock paper scissors".-1 groupe se situe à l'extrémité du circuit et 1 autre de l'autre.- Départ ensemble en sautant de cerceau en cerceau puis lorsque les deux élèves se rencontrent, ils font un "Rock paper scissors".- Le perdant sort et le gagnant continue d'avancer.- Pendant ce temps l'élève suivant redémarre et va a la rencontre du gagnant...

What's the time Mister Wolf

One player is chosen to be Mr Wolf.The other players stand in a line on the opposite end of the playground. Mr Wolf stands with his back to them.The players chant, ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’Mr Wolf replies : ‘3 o’clock.’The players advance the same number of steps, that is, 3 steps for 3 o’clock.The game continues until Mr Wolf thinks the players are close enough to catch and after being asked the time again he replies, ‘Dinner time,’ then turns and chases the players. The first child caught becomes Mr Wolf.

Ce jeu peut être adapté.Au lieu de toucher l'élève, plusieurs variantes sont possibles :- placer un foulard dans la ceinture de chaque élève, le loup devra s'en emparer.- à l'instar du jeu "shadow tag", le loup devra toucher l'ombre de l'élève avec son pied.

Red letterto revise the alphabet

One child is ‘It’ and the other children stand at the opposite side of the playground.The person who is ‘It’ chooses a red letter and tells the players what it is.If the caller calls the red letter, she chases all the players back to the start, if one is caught then they are ‘It’.When she calls out a letter , the players take one step for each time that letter occurs in their name.The first player to get to the caller is ‘It’ the next time.

Action songs

Avec les élèves, favoriser l'écoute sans les paroles. Le lien est réservé aux enseignants afin qu'ils aient accès aux paroles.Le visionnage de la vidéo peut se faire une fois les paroles de la chanson mémorisées.L'écrit n'apparaît donc que dans un 2nd temps.

Boom Chicka BoomA repeat after me song

Version 1

version 2

There was a Crocodile

Une chanson à gestes pour rebrasser le nom de certains animaux : crocodile, bunny, elephant, beaver, monkey, eagle

The Hokey Pokey

De nombreuses versions sur internet.Ideal pour réviser les parties du corps.

Can't stop the feeling

Get funky

Des consignes de déplacement et de mouvements

"Stand Up, Sit Down" is a fun actions song to get children moving and learning. In this song we'll learn and do: stand up, sit down, turn around, put one hand up, put one hand down, put two hands up, put two hands down, jump, hop, run and stop.

Move and freeze

Une vidéo d'environ 3' qui permet de suivre des consignes, revoir les parties du corps et travailler la coordination.Attention à 2'36, modifier les paroles et les gestes pour éviter le contact avec les autres : "Put your right hand on your head, your left hand on YOUR knee..."


Revoir les formes géométriques basiques tout en pratiquant la relaxation

3. Table Top Pose Pretend to be a Square.Drop your knees gently on the floor and come to an all-fours position with your fingers spread out and palms flat on the ground. Ensure that your back and neck are in a straight but neutral position. Your shoulders should be over your wrists, and your hips should be over your knees while the tops of your feet are flat on the ground. Pretend to create a square shape with your body. Say, “I’m a square!”

source : https://www.kidsyogastories.com/shapes-yoga/

1. Downward-Facing Dog Pose Pretend to be a Triangle.From Standing Forward Bend, step back to your hands and feet in an upside-down V shape, with your buttocks up in the air, and pretend to create a triangle shape. (You could also practice Triangle Pose to see a triangle created with your legs.) Say, “I’m a triangle!”

2. Plank Pose Pretend to be a Rectangle.From Downward-Facing Dog Pose, come forward to balance on your palms and on your bent toes, in a plank position. Keep your arms straight and your back long and flat. Imagine that you are creating a rectangle shape with your body. Say, “I’m a rectangle!”

Revoir les formes géométriques basiques tout en pratiquant la relaxation

source : https://www.kidsyogastories.com/shapes-yoga/

5. Resting Pose Pretend to be a Star.Lie on your back with your arms and legs stretched way out, like a star. Say, “I’m a star!” Breathe deeply and rest.

4. Child’s Pose Pretend to be a Circle.Shift back to sitting on your heels. Slowly bring your forehead down to rest on the floor in front of your knees, rest your arms down alongside your body, and take a few deep breaths. Pretend to be a circle shape with your body. Say, “I’m a circle!”

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Individual activities

Cat's cradle

Le" berceau du chat" est un de jeu de ficelle qui se joue à une ou deux personnes afin de créer des figures.Clique sur l'image afin de découvrir quelques figures à réaliser.