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My passion/ hobby

And space exploration


I'm passionable about space because it's so interesting and misterious. We don't know much about it. But in the last 60 years we managed to explore most of the solar system and step on the surface of our nearest cosmic neighbour. And the future looks promissing.

Why it's so hard

Getting into space is quite hard. If you want to go there, you need to reach an altitude of 200 km. But if just that is done you won't spend much time in space. You'll fall back to Earth because of lack of speed. To reach orbit, enormous amounts of speed are needed. While ascending the vessel needs to gain altitude and velocity at the same time. The Earth's orbital speeds are about 7,5 kilomters per second!. Taht's why a rocket, which on the launchpad weighs about 800 tones can deliever only obout 25 tonnes of payload to low orbit around our planet. If we need to go to the Moon, another 3km/s are needed to reach the destination. And a wondderfull journey which takes 3 days.

Achievements of humanity

Mankind sent a firs man into space allmost 60 years ago, during this relativly short time we managed to do a lot of stuff. The most spectacular of them wa sthe manned Moon landning in the year 1969. The last humans set a foot on the Moon in 1972 and to this date we haven't returned. But it's possible that humans will return to the Moon in this decade. The Moon is the farthest place reached by us. Other places in the Solar System were reached by unmanned probes. All the planets , dwarf planets Pluto and Cres , many planetoids and a few comets were or are sudied by machines.

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est. 2019

The future looks very bright.

Artemis program

Voyager 1 and 2

A 40 year lond historic voyage that gave us the chance to see the outer Solar System lasting to this day

Apollo program

Apollo missions were the most spectacular in history, allowing us to step on the Moon!