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Yr 9 module 7.1 Allez 2.


Complete all of your work in your exercise book and hand your book in again at the end of the lesson.

Un toit à moi


mercredi 4 mai 2022

Task 1. Pour commencer...

Trouve les paires- find the pairs. Copy the French and note the letter for the matching picture

Understand and identify details about where people live in texts.

Step 03

Recognise and correctly form sentences using 'depuis'.

Step 02

Identify and revise key vocabulary to talk about where I live

Step 01

Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson I will be able to:

+ info

+ info

+ info

Task 2: learn the vocab for this topic on quizlet:https://quizlet.com/gb/342971914/allez-2-module-8-81-homes-around-the-world-flash-cards/If this link doesn't work, see the link in today's assignment on google classroom

S&C: translate all the words into English

Trouve l'intrus et explique pourquoi. Find the odd one out and explain why:1. une maison individuelle, un pavillon, un appartement2. à la campagne, une maison jumelée, en banlieue, en ville3. dans un village, à la montagne, à la campagne.

Task 3:

<< Moi, j'habite dans un yourte. Où habites-tu? >>

Now write a sentence about where you live and how long you have been living there.

  • how do you say I have been living ?
  • S&C: why is this different from the English?
  • which word means there?

Task 4: Read the information below and make notes

Charlotte: J’adore l'endroit où j’habite. J’habite une caravane près de Paris depuis cinq ans. Albert: Je n’aime pas la cabane où j’habite depuis six ans, c’est très petit. François: J’habite un igloo depuis toujours, c’est fantastique!

Lis le texte et choisis la bonne réponse. Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Task 5:

On a housing estatein the suburbs of...on the riverin a shantytown


Click on the link to listen to the recording. Complete the table below. HINT: use the vocab in the boxes below to help you.

Task 6:

Task 6: Use these strategies to help you with the task on the next slide

Use the strategies on the previous slide to help you

Trouve les expressions a–g dans les paragraphes 1–5.

Task 7:

Task 8: Look at the two houses below. What comparisons could you make about them in French?

je pense que....c'est....

plus.... quemoins....aue

What comparisons could you make with these and you own homes? Write one sentence in French

you’ve completed today’s lesson!Now hand in your book.
