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Created by Lolina

"There is a moment when you wonder why is this happening to me, why do they want to hit me, why am I the weirdo?"

"Not liking, not being good enough, my complexes, my low self-esteem ..."

"Seek comfort in a hobby, like sports, and talking about it with your family it's the most important"

"In the end, you have to work it out and build yourself little by little until you find the real you"

"I had difficult teenage years and up to 20 didn't go very far ... From the age of 30 I started to find myself. I realized I was focusing on negative thoughts"

"Surround yourself with people who love you and that also include yourself"

"When you hit the bottom, you must gain momentum to climb back up. You should never totally sink"

"You must be very strong and self-confident so that you aren't bothered by the comments of others. Unfortunately that doesn't happen"

These quotes were said by Vanesa Romero, a Spanish model and actress who suffered bullying