Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




My lovely students, this is task 2! as you will see, it is very similar to the previous task. there are activities to learn and practise the vocabulary and a final challenge that you have to "prepare" to send me some photos AND SHARE the experience ON A VIDEOCONFERENCE. are you ready? let's start!

Welcome everybody!

THIS WEEK WE...Learn about healthy eatingLearn cooking vocabularyCook a healthy recipie

Challenge: Are you a good chef?

Play and learn

In the kitchen

Watch the videos


These videos are here to help you discovering new words in English. If you don't understand them at first, watch them a second or a third time. They are going to be really useful to improve your vocabulary!

to discover new words


1. Watch the videos about a healthy life

Healthy lifestile vocabulary and activities.

Healthy or unhealthy ?

Tick the healthy food

Play these games to help you remember and to understand new words. You do NOT have to e-mail me the results. (when you finish the activity you have to click the "finish" button and then click on "check my answers" button).

to learn new words


2. Play and learn

Activity 1, 2 and 3

Activity 4

Watch the videos and listen to the song to learn about cooking actions Then, do the activities to use new words in a context (when you finish the activity you have to click the "finish" button and then click on "check my answers" button).

to use new words


3. In the kitchen


Click on the recipies that you will find on the next page and read them. Choose the one that you prefer



Plan your shopping list and make sure that you have all the material that you need.



Prepare the recipie and have fun!!!


This week's final task is going to be yummie!

4. Challenge: Are you a good chef?

Tbsp= table spoon (cullera de postre)Tsp = tea spoon (cullereta de cafè)

Please! Take photos during the process so that you can show them to me

You can share your experience or show your result when we meet!




To see your fantastic cooking results, send me your photos at esanc58@xtec.cat!

Send me some photos!

Challenge: Are you a good chef?

If you have any questions contact me at:


Thank you!!