Want to make creations as awesome as this one?





Elige tu ficha de juego.Pincha en el dado para que se ponga en marcha y otra vez para pararlo. Mueve tu ficha hasta la casilla correspondiente y si caes en una casilla con sorpresa, hazla. Si la haces bien, vuelve a tirar. Si fallas, tira el siguiente jugador. Si caes en una casilla que no tiene nada, no vuelves a tirar.Si tiras un 6, vuelve a tirar.Gana el primero que llega a la meta.



Adelanta 2 casillas


Adelanta 2 casillas


Adelanta 2 casillas


Adelanta 3 casillas


by @laclasede_carmen

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit sed

Say the days of the week

Say five animals

Say the numbers from 0 to 10

How are you?

How are you?

Say four toys

Say eight colours

Say three shapes

Say five members of your family

Say the numbers from 0 to 5

Say four parts of your body

Say four feelings

Say two fruits

Are you a boy or a girl?

Say two vegetables

Say the numbers from 0 to 20

Say four weather

Say three transports

What's your favourite toy?

What's your favourite animal?

Say six foods

What's your favourite food?