Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Joan Miró

"I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music."

Surrealist Painter


Instructions with Meghan


Surrealism Video


Meet MiróJoan Miró was born in Barcelona, Spain in 1893. He died in 1983 at the age of 90. He was a painter, sculptor and ceramicist. He was know for his use of simple shapes, bright colours, and symbolism. His art is often described as being child-like, dream-like, and playful. His work is classified as Surrealism. Surrealist artists, such as Miró, Dalí, and Breton, wanted to show our dreams and unconscious thoughts in art, creating unexpected and irrational images. Miró didn’t like the conventional painting methods. He thought they resulted in boring, conservative, and bourgeois work. He wanted to make changes to the established ways of creating and thinking about art, and to innovate. He began making art in his childhood and continued throughout his life, using new styles, materials and ideas into his old age. He is a great Creativity Mentor.

Joan Miró, Horse, Pipe and Red Flower, 1920 Sculpture at Fundació Joan Miró Pájaro lunar (Moon Bird), 1966, Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid The Escape Ladder (from the Constellation series)1940 Le Coq

Our project We need to use Le Coq for inspiration! You can make anything you want (drawing, painting, statue, sculpture) as long as it is inspired by this famous Miró painting!