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Enviromental impact



Reactor is the most important part of the nuclear power station





operating scheme

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Nuclear power plants operate in a very similar way to conventional power plants. The only thing that changes is the part of the reactor that in this case works thanks to nuclear fission

Nuclear energy is a non-renewable energy that involves damage to the environment, Radioactive waste is very difficult to unravel and the ways that exist are very expensive, so they decide to leave those particles that decompose over the years, in the air, land, or the same smoke that comes out of the cooling towers. Apart from that it also has these drawbacks and dangers: -Harmful materials -Unlimited resources (water ... etc) -Treatment of radioactive materials (what I had said before)


To generate water vapor there are circuits: - primary circuit: In this circuit the water passes through the reactor this water is at very high temperatures but as it is subjected to high pressures it cannot be transformed into gas. -secondary circuit: This circuit is the most important, it is a closed circuit that is in contact with the primary. Much of the water is converted into gas that will pass through the turbine.


The nuclear power plant cycle begins in the (nuclear) reactor which in this case uses the thermal energy generated by the fission to create water vapor.


The turbines are driven by the water vapor that makes them spin. In this process the internal energy of the steam is transformed into mechanical energy by making the rotational movement. As the turbine is connected to the generator it is activated too.


The generator is the responsible of transforming the mechanical (kinetic) energy of the turbines into electric energy that we will use later. Once it has transformed the energy it passes it to the high voltage lines.


The high voltage lines are responsible for distributing electricity in the distribution and transport lines that will later bring energy to homes, factories, shops ... This is how we get the energy that we use in our lifes.



The refrigerant that has been transporting and absorbing heat and fluids in the reactor acquires a very high temperature, This fluid is passed to the generator where a second circuit is created which the generator heats with water and passes in the form of steam to the turbine. Photo of: STEAM GENERATOR

The reactor is the most important part of the nuclear power station. Works with a, moderator, the control rods, the coolant and fuel: -The moderator causes the neutrons made in the fission to decrease its speed to have more probabilities at the time of making new fissions between atoms -The control bars control the flow of neutrons -The refrigerant absorbs and transports the heat produced to the fuel rods -The fuel, there are uranium atoms at -235 Photo of: REACTOR

A turbine is a rotary machine that transforms into mechanical energy the potential and kinetic energy of water, steam or gas. It's parts are: -distributor, fixed part that distinguishes the flow of water or steam on the roller -The roller, wheel with blades, on its axis the energetic transformation of the steam takes place Photo:TURBINE

The kinetic mechanical energy produced in the turbine is transformed by the alternator into electrical energy. It has two parts: Stator (fixed part) Rotor (moving part) Photo: PDF energy 2n ESO

The function of the transformer is to convert the electrical energy produced in the alternator into electrical energy for use, then transported by the transmission lines. Photo of: Transformer

The cooling towers go with the condenser since the condenser takes cold water from the sea, it goes through the entire circuit more than once and that water must be changed because when more than one lap has passed, the circuit heats up and then the water goes when cooling, the tower cools the water that has already passed through the circuit and once cold they are thrown into the sea so as not to kill animals. This serves to prevent the circuit from overheating as fluids travel at high speed and high temperature. Photo of:COOLING TOWERS

What is the nuclear fission? The procces stards when a neutron crachs whit an uranium atom, when this happens they give away to other neutrons and little uranium atoms. The new neutrons will be collided with other uranium atoms and the process will repeat untill the neutrons are gone. In this transformation energy is also genered wich will be used later.  For evit nuclear bombs we use control rods because they absorb neutrons and this way control the fissions.

The turbines are driven by the water vapor that makes them spin. In this process the internal energy of the steam is transformed into mechanical energy by making the rotational movement. As the turbine is connected to the generator it is activated too.

The generator is the responsible of transforming the mechanical (kinetic) energy of the turbines into electric energy that we will use later. Once it has transformed the energy it passes it to the high voltage lines.

Webs que hem utilitzat reactor turbina tranformador generador de vapor alternador: dossier d' energies foto de la central (de Ascó) pàgina per explicar l'esquema pàgina per explicar l'esquema esquema mediambient mediambien info

Energy tranformation scheme