Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


5 Oxford street, London


When is the opening date ?

Veggillie will open his doors on May 25 !


Veggillie is a restaurant based in London, you can find many vegetables but not meat ! So as you can guess Veggillie is a vegetarian restaurant !

The concept is simple, we all wanted to try to be vegetarian once. But you didn't find an original and great recipe ? So this restaurant is for you ! We propose several vegetarian meal ! Every day you can have a new menu and at the end of you meal you can have the recipe of your favorite food !Even if you are not vegetarian you can come and eat tasty recipes !

"Tell me more about the concept"

Welcome to the menu :

STARTERS :- Little panini with tomato and mozzarella - Avocado toast with tomato and basil- Rice salad, cauliflower and roasted chickpeas

Main Course :- Butternut stuffed with crunchy gratin- A sweet potato wrap- Bagel with vegetables and goat cheese

Dessert :- A cup of fresh fruit salad- Lemon meringue pie- Melt-in-your-mouth chocolate cake with cofee