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Y nuestra historia siguió pasando hasta llegar...
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Y nuestra historia siguió pasando hasta llegar...


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Tal vez ahora estés pensando: pero si hemos visto que la Historia es la ciencia que estudia el pasado... ¿cómo es posible que digamos que ahora comienza la Historia? Fácil, la palabra Historia es HOMÓNIMA, es decir, significa varias cosas a la vez y en este caso...


Como PERIODO HISTÓRICO comienza con LA INVENCIÓN DE LA ESCRITURA, es decir, cuando el ser humano comienza a registrar por escrito sus acciones, ideas, organizaciones... os hablaré de eso más adelante

Como CIENCIA (os recuerdo que era la ciencia encargada de estudiar el pasado del ser humano)

La Historia (con mayúsculas)

Como PERIODO HISTÓRICO obviamente comienza en cuanto termina la Prehistoria, tenemos que saber que no ocurre en todo el mundo a la vez (como bien habréis imaginado), sino que su inicio se da poco a poco a medida que las tribus van avanzando y conociendo más cosas. Ya que, al igual que nosotros, cada lugar, poblado o tribu, llevaban su propio ritmo de desarrollo dentro de las etapas y momentos de la Prehistoria (todas y todos sabéis que no todas las personas comenzamos a leer y escribir el mismo día, mes o año). Sin embargo, sí que sabemos dónde nació la escritura, esto sucedió en la zona de MESOPOTAMIA, ese lugar es la cuna de la escritura. Y si queréis saber más...

Una vez nos adentramos en la Historia, esta se divide en varias partes con distintas características. Las llamaremos EDADES

Watch the video by clicling on the title

La Edad Antigua

Nosotras nos detendremos en...

Con ella llegan las primeras civilizaciones con sus características, cultura y escritura. Se extiende desde la invención de la escritura hasta la caída del Imperio romano Occidental en el caso de Europa (ya sebéis que el mundo es muy grande y en cada lugar todo el proceso sucede de formas y en momentos distintos).

Ancient Greece

Comenzaremos con...

What is Ancient Greece?

It was a civilization that dominated much of the Mediterranean thousands of years ago. Ancient Greece formed the foundation of much of Western culture today. Everything from government, philosophy, science, mathematics, art, literature, and even sports was impacted by the Ancient Greeks.

When it took place?

Minoans and Mycenaean

Dark Age

They are the first Greek civilisations

2200-1100 AC

1100-800 AC

Nobody knows much about what happened. All written language and art disappeared.

800-30 AC

Ancient Greece

Greek civilisation slowly emerged again and was a great and famouse culture until Roman conquest it.

Súbete al avión para ver tu destino.

A typical greek polis


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The Greeks built temples to their gods and goddesses. Every city in Greece had a 'patron' god or goddess. Greek temples were grand buildings with a simple design. The outside was surrounded by columns. Above them was a decorative panel: the frieze. Above the frieze was a triangle with sculptures called the pediment. Inside the temple was an inner chamber that housed the statue of the god or goddess of the temple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cfTbHLXT6w Ancient Greeks told wonderful stories about their many gods, goddesses and magical beings. These stories are called myths. Each Greek god had one or more magical powers. The gods used their powers for good, for trickery, and for adventure. Literacy task: Listen to the myth and answer the questions in your notebook (Correct answers in padlet on Friday) 1. Prometheus was ________ and compassionate man 2. One night he _______ the fire from Zeus 3. One day Mercury arrived with a _______ box 4. The Gods created a ________ woman called Pandora. 5. However, one day she could bear not longer and her ___________ over come her . 6.Nothing inside of the box could be ______ than the horrors that already got out.

The Greeks believed that gods and goddesses watched over them. These gods were a bit like humans, but they lived forever and were much more powerful. They felt human emotions, like love, anger and jealousy, and they did not always behave themselves. The Greeks thought the gods lived high above Mount Olympus , in a palace in the clouds. From here, they kept an eye on life below. Each god and goddess had power over a different aspect of life or the world. Literacy task: Click below to find out a bit more about greek godness. 1º-Choose one of them and circle the adjetives. 2º-Copy the adjetives in your Literacy notebook *If you want, stick it too. https://www.goconqr.com/es-ES/slide/22711195/Godness You can play with your family and know more about them: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1280415/wip-olympian-gods-game-working-title-feedback-and

Athens was ruled by the people as a democracy. It had a direct democracy. The people of Athens chose their ruler.This meant that each citizen had an equal say and opportunity in the governing of Athens. Athenian democracy was not like modern democracy. Only citizens over 18 could vote. Women, slaves and foreigners could not become citizens. So democracy in Athens meant rule by the men of Athens.

The Greeks built grand temples to their gods and superb sculptures of brave heroes. They pretty much invented the theatre as well. Thousands of people packed the hillside arena of ancient Athens to watch plays by famous writers like Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus. The Greeks also celebrated the arts with big festivals . There was always music, dancing and feasting in honour of their gods. Athens was the place to go for plays. The city put on a drama festival called the Dionysia in honour of the god Dionysus. He was the god of the theatre and wine. The festival was a bit like a competition. Judges gave prizes for their favourite tragedy and comedy performances. To know more: https://vimeo.com/164710800

Owning slaves was considered a normal thing in ancient Greece, but only rich people could afford them. Slaves could be men or women. Male slaves worked as gardeners and took care of the horses. Women worked as nannies, cooks and cleaners. Slaves who lived with rich families were treated well, so didn’t run away. But slaves who worked on farms, down mines or on trading ships were often treated badly.

Most girls were between 13 and 16 years old when they married. Often their fathers chose husbands for them. A girl's husband was usually older than she was, sometimes in his 30s. The day before she married, a girl sacrificed her toys to the goddess Artemis, to show she was now a grown-up. Girls might have played with small pottery figures and dolls made of rags. Girls didn't go to school. They were taught housework and cooking at home by their mothers.

Many Greek parents wanted to have a son because they could look after them in old age. Boys went to school at age seven. But teachers cost money, so poor boys didn't get much of an education. Most boys had to work hard as farmers, sailors, fishermen and craft workers. Children played with balls made from tied-up rags or a blown-up pig's bladder. The ankle-bones of sheep or goats were used in a game called 'knucklebones'.

Most Greek women didn't have a lot of freedom. Married women had to stay at home. They spent their time spinning thread and weaving cloth. They also looked after the children and prepared food. Rich women were only allowed to leave the house if they were accompanied by a slave or a male companion. Only poor women went out alone. They went shopping, fetched water and did the family washing in a stream.

Ancient Greece was a man's world. Men were in charge of the family and the home. A woman could not even leave the house without her husband's permission. In wealthy homes, men were served food and entertained by slaves, while the women and children ate in another room. Men would have to go out and earn a living. They could work in the army, politics, construction and trade, but most Greek men worked on farms growing and harvesting crops.

Greek people were really good salilors. Greek ships were about 115 feet long, so they were really big! There were many types of ships depending on their use: war, commerce, exploration... Before ships left harbor, Greek sailors prayed to the sea god Poseidon to keep them safe. The Greeks used their ships to trade with other Greek city-states, as well as other civilizations around the Mediterranean. Thanks to their ships they could found a lot of city-states (polis) around Mediterranean sea.

famous ancient greeks

Ancient Greece was one of the greatest civilizations in history. They put an emphasis on the value of the person and education. It was their people that made them great. Here are 5 of the most famous people from Ancient Greece:

Socrates - First of the great Greek Philosophers. He is considered by many to be the founder of Western philosophy.

ASPASIA OF MILETUS- She was the first female philosopher, to have power and influence over the greatest philosophers of Athens, who flocked to her feet. She is said to have established a girls’ school, surpassing the limitations imposed on women.

Euclid - The Father of Geometry, Euclid wrote a book called Elements, likely the the most famous mathematical textbook in history.

Telesilla of Argos- SHE was a prominent lyric poet, considered one of the nine Female Lyric Poets of Greece. She studied music and poetry. She also gained fame by pushing the Spartan forces away from argos with and arme of women, slaves and remaining men of the city. The makeshift army fought so valiantly that the Spartans fled.

Hipparchia was a Cynic philospher. She lived in equality with her husband. Their way of life shocked Ancient Greek society, and Hipparchia became famous for her rejection of conventional values and expectations of women. She wrote several philosophical treatises. her works were famous in her time, and she was the only woman among 82 philosophers to have her own entry in an important text about Philosophia “Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers” written in the following century.

Play with them!

written by Mary and Aran

Ancient Greek kids loved to learn

written by Aran and Mary

The most famous ingredient in Greece was the sugar.

They believed that learning was one of the best ways you could spend your time. They didn’t see going to school as a chore at all. They looked forward to the chance to improve their minds.

Sugar was an important Greek food. It was used as a sweetener in many different foods. It could also be used as a medicine. For them, sugar was almost magical.

Greek Newspaper by Aran and Mary

Find out which one is fake and which is true!!!





fíjate en estas letras

el alfabeto griego antiguo

El griego antiguo se refiere a la lengua hablada en Grecia durante la Antigüedad. Posteriormente evolucionó durante la Edad Media dando lugar al griego moderno. Sus letras son muy peculiares. Os mostramos una imagen de sus letras. Así les enseñan el alfabeto a los niños griegos.Si quieres ver cómo se dibuja alguna letra, puedes pinchar en el enlace a vídeo.


medida de ángulos

Vais a escribir vuestro nombre con caligrafía que recuerde a la griega. Vuestra tarea será copiar vuestro nombre en el cuaderno de matemáticas, imitando esTa caligrafía que nos recuerda al alfabeto griego. Hazlo en un folio y localiza al menos 5 ángulos resultantes de los trazos de sus letras.

Haz "clic" en la imagen para ver un ejemplo con el nombre de nuestro colegio.









500 - 550 - 600 - ...... HASTA 1.000.

3.600 - 3.630 - 3.660 - ...... HASTA EL 3.930.

990 - 980 - 970 - .... HASTA 870.

15.000 -14.900 - 14.800 - 14.700 - ........ HASTA 13.800.

200 - 225 - 250 - .......... HASTA EL 500

Seguro que te has quedado con las ganas de saber un poco más acerca de los Juegos Olímpicos y de su símbolo, los anillos olímpicos. ¡Vamos a investigar!

Haz "clic" en los vídeos y después contesta el cuestionario yendo a tu clase. No son muy largos, pero te aconsejo que los veas un par de veces para enterarte bien de todo y hacer bien el cuestionario.

Vídeo 1

Vídeo 2





Los Juegos Olímpicos

Los anillos olímpicos

Acertijos de la diosa Atenea

Acertijo 1

Acertijo 2

Acertijo 3

Escucha el mensaje de la diosa Atenea pinchando en su imagen y después pasa el ratón por cada uno de los acertijos para leerlos.


Las soluciones os lasdaremos el FIN DE SEMANA

Cuantos más de ellos acumulas, más de ellos dejas para los que vienen detrás. ¿Qué son?

Por la noche vienen sin ser llamadas.Por el día se pierden sin haberse ido.

Hay una casa verde. Dentro de la casa blanca. Dentro de la casa blanca hay una casa roja. Dentro de la casa roja hay muchos niños.

En la Antigua Grecia hubo grandes matemáticos como Pitágoras, Arquímedes, Hipatia de Alejandría...Tú también eres un/a gran matemático/a y por eso te proponemos hacer estas operaciones combinadas. Cópialas en tu cuaderno y resuélvelas.



Hipatia de Alejandría

¿Necesitas un repaso?


¿Terminadas? Haz una foto a tu cuaderno y envíanosla.Pincha en tu clase para ir a la tarea y poder subir la foto:





Grecia y las matemáticas


Apenas conocemos pinturas griegas a excepción de las representadas en los objetos de cerámica. Las ánforas griegas conservadas hasta nuestros días presentan imágenes de acciones tanto cotidianas como de mitología griega.¿Quieres saber cómo se fabricaba la cerámica griega?

Problema 1 Copia y resuelve en tu cuaderno de matemáticas Cada ánfora griega tenía una capacidad de 26 litros. Una familia tiene 8 ánforas iguales con agua potable, pero dos de ellas están vacías. ¿De cuántos litros de agua potable disponen?

Las soluciones os lasdaremos el viernes

Grecia y las matemáticas


El PartenónEl Partenón (del griego antiguo, Παρθενών, Parthenṓn /partʰe'nɔ:n/) es un templo consagrado a la protectora de Atenas, Atenea Partenos,

Problema 2 Copia y resuelve en tu cuaderno de matemáticasEl Partenón Con unas dimensiones aproximadas de 70 metros de largo y 30 de ancho, el Partenón estaba rodeado por columnas en todo su perímetro, 8 en las fachadas principales y 17 en las laterales. ¿Cuántos metros mide en total el perímetro?

Este es el plano de la base del Partenón

Las soluciones os lasdaremos el viernes

Justicia: Diosa Temis

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué se dice que la justicia es ciega?



La balanza: es el símbolo de la justicia moderna donde la Dama de la Justicia balanza cuidadosamente los pesos de cada lado. También se llama balanza de la Justicia. En la balanza suelen figurar elementos que se contrarrestan como por ejemplo una paloma y el signo de Géminis. La paloma representaría las demandas justas y Géminis representaría las demandas de muchas personas y/o testigos que dan informaciones confusas.


La espada: representa la ejecución de las medidas. Temis usa la espada como medio de ‘convencer’ a ambas partes sobre su decisión racional y de justicia


Los ojos vendados: Este símbolo solo aparece a partir del siglo XV. La venda en los ojos representa decisiones objetivas e imparciales sin influencias de riquezas, política, fama o infamias

Responde a estas preguntas :-¿Qué es para ti la justicia? Explica y pon un ejemplo-¿Alguna vez has presenciado una injusticia? ¿Cómo se ha solucionado? -¿Crees que Temis podría llevar algún atributo o complemento más para realizar su labor? Si es así, qué y por qué.

Leer en cada palabra solo por curiosidad, para saber lo que simboliza cada cosa. Enjoy it!!

Art Project

To watch

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To do


  • Complete this scheme and glue or copy it in your notebook


Teams and more information in your mail on Tuesday

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