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An amazing trip with this incredible story...

Let's discover....

Today, let's meet the main characters...


Ronald Weasley

Ronald Weasley, or Ron, is the first person Harry meets in the train. He has got three brothers and one sister. All of them are red-haired. He always has to wear old clothes from his brothers. When he meet Harry in the train he tries a magis spell, but it doesn't work. Ron is very brave and always help Harry.

Harry James Potter

My scar

My life

My house

My school

An evil wizard, Voldemort, wanted to kill me when I was a little boy. I have this scar and sometimes it hurts when I have something dangerous near me.

I have two good friends; Ron and Hermione. They help me when Voldemort try to kill me again.

I live in Surrey with my uncles because m parents are dead. I have a cousin but they hate me because I have magic powers.

I didn't want to go to Slytherin, so I decided to go to Gryffindor, where brave wizards are.


Hermione Jane Granger

Hermione Granger is the most intelligent pupil in Gryffindor. She always has a lot of books to find information. She is very good at magic spells. Her parents are muggles (no magic person).

Harry, Ron and Hermione meet at the train

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