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The weekly drawing for the child

Joshua Jackson (Jackie) is an Israeli cartoonist best known for his "The weekly drawing for the Child," it has been published in 'Yediot Ahronot' newspaper since 1963. Every Friday, kids all around Israel are looking for the hidden drawing in Jackie's cartoons.

When you find the hidden character, go over it with your mouse.

All the pictures was taken from @JoshuaJackyJackson,The weekly drawing for the child Facebook page

Tamar and Izhar got stuck at the top of a mountain because the road ended and there is no one around. Tamar glided down to the mountain to look for a tow that will rescue her and Izhar from the mountain.

Tell us - do you see where Tamar is?

Say Shalom to Tamar!

The hunter is hiding in the woods

Where is the hunter?

Good job! You found the hunter!

Gilad the hunter went out into the forest, but oh my! His glasses were lost and he couldn't find his way into the thick of forest.

Can you help him find his glasses?

You help the hunter find his glasses! Toda Raba!

Uriel, Chen and Or went on a safari trip, Suddenly, Or got lost!

Tell us - do you see where Or is?

Did you know? 'Or' means 'light' in Hebrew

The researcher's hat is lost in the jungle!

Can you help his friend find the hat?

Toda! Now the researcher will bve safe from the Shemesh (sun)

While traveling on a train to Tel Aviv, Meital and Abiram got lost!

Can you find Meital and Abiram who disappeared?

You found me!

Good job!

On a trip to the Golan Heights, the bus driver got lost!

Can you find the bus driver?

Did you know? The Golan heights are borders with Syria

Federico, Daniel, Sarit and Omer went out into the jungle to pick flowers, To their surprise, Sarit and Omer got lost in the thick of the jungle.

Can you find Sarit and Omer who disappeared?

Shalom, I'm Sarit!

Did you know? Omer is a name for boys and girls

Tarzan, the king of animals, has disappeared in the jungle

Can you find him?

Awesome job!

Toda Raba!



adi shalev shlicha