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Variola virus

Smallpox disease

Why are

so important?


10.000 years ago, a deadly virus arose in north-eastern Africa.

A virus spread through the air, attacking the skin cells, bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes.

The unlucky infected developed fevers, vomit and rashes.

30% of the infected people died in the first two weeks of infection.

It is estimated that 300 to 500 million people died during the 20th centrury (1900-200 AD)

In the year 1022, a buddhist nun from China grinded smallpox pustules and blow the powder into nose of healthy people.


Variolation in Europe

Father of theimmunology

Edward Jenner

He noticed something unusual in the dairy maids

He noticed that dairy maids had cowpox and didn't get infected with smallpox.

Both virus are very similar.

Had the idea to use cowpox to protect people from smallpox.

He repeated the procedure in several patients and observed they didn't got infected.

For the actual vaccines we use the same pathogen but in small amounts or as a dead organism.

Vaccines were created!
