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Cherry tree

Alejandro Lobaco

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Cherry tree






Cherry tree The cherry tree is a fruit tree that belongs to the Rosaceae family, like other fruit trees such as the almond tree, the peach tree, the apricot tree or the plum tree. The cherry tree is a deciduous tree that can reach 25 meters in height and 0.60 meters in diameter. There are approximately 400 different types of cherry trees. They mutate easily. The cherry tree can live almost 100 years.

Growing The tree is native to Greece and then Romans expanded it to other countries. Now it grows in many places of the Northern Hemisphere. In Spain, cherry tree grows in many areas like Extremadura, Aragón, Cataluña y Valencia. Cherries are grown in areas with a temperate climate. They require winter cold to blossom in spring. Cherry tree requires well-drained, fertile soil. They also require about eight hours of sunlight daily, so you cannot plant them where they will grow in the shade of other trees. Growing cheery blossom (video)

Reproduction Cherry tree pollination is done by bees. Most sweet cherry trees require cross pollination (the assistance of another of the species). The sour cherry varieties can get pollen from the same specie to produce fruit. The cherry seeds are spread by birds, that eat the cherries, although this system is not very effective. Cherry tree propagation is easier from cuttings.

Flower Most of the flowers are white or pink with five petals. Flowering occurs in the month of April or May, before the coming up of the leaves.

Fruits There are two types of cherries: sweet cherries and sour cherries. Cherry is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit). It has the shape of a little ball of about 2 cm in diameter. The colour of sweet cherry varies from yellow through red to nearly black. Sour cherry is generally dark red. The acid amount of the sweet cherry is low, but sour cherry has so much acid that it’s not good for eating fresh.

Uses Sweet cherries The main use is the harvest of the fruit to be eaten fresh. Sour cherries They are used for cooking pies and making jam. Cherry tree wood The wood is used to make quality furniture and musical instruments. Ornamental tree Hanami is a tradition in Japan, that consist in visiting places where sakura (cherry flowers) are blooming. Cherry trees are a symbol of spring for Japanese people.