Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Vocabulary introduction

More creations to inspire you


Unit 3. In the countryside.

Listen and draw

Listen and choose

Listen and repeat

Look, read and click

Look and write

Look, listen and match








Follow the instructions:

1 - Pick a sheet of paper, a pencil and a rubber. Coge una hoja de papel, a pencil and a rubber.2 - Now, listen the audio and draw. Pay attention the number of the elements and how they are (big/small, long/short...) You can listen the audio as many times as you need. Presta atención al número de elementos y cómo son (grande / pequeño,largo / corto ...) Puedes escuchar el audio tantas veces como necesites.3- When you finish, send to your teacher the photo of your picture. You can colour the picture but don't add new elements. Cuando acabes, envía a tu maestra la foto de tu dibujo. Puedes pintar el dibujo pero no añadir nuevos elementos.

Perdonad la calidad del audio de mi ordenador... El pobre es viejecito!