Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Original Idea:


Jak aktywnie wykorzystać czas podczas kwarantanny?

Odwiedź nas na:

Weź udział w "Wyzwaniu Biblioteki"28

Napisz ciekawy tekst do szkolnej gazetki

Czytaj książki

Powtórz wiedzę z lektur

Ucz się nowych języków obcych

Spotkaj się wirtualnie z bliskimi

Zwiedzaj wirtualne muzea

Zadbaj o zdrowie i odporność

Wykorzystaj swoje zdolności manualne

Graj w gry edukacyjne i quizy

TYPE OF ORGANIZATION How is the organization and its members: type of activity performed , number of members , digital competence of its members , age of participants, group class (formal - informal) , type of relationships between members , etc. ?

INFORMATION SOURCES What resources the organization has to build / improve your OLE (tools, people , time , ... ) ?

CREACIÓN DE CONTENIDOS ¿Dónde modifica la información? ¿Qué tipo de contenidos crea? ¿Qué herramientas usa?

COMMUNICATION (PLN) Where it relates to other people or organizations? What channels used? When and how?

RESOURCES What resources the organization has to build / improve your OLE (tools, people , time , ... )?

ACTIVITIES What is needed to attain the ideal OLE ? What activities and strategies must be put in place for this?

INFORMATION SOURCES What kind of information do you need ? What sources of information should incorporate ? What tools should manage this information ? Who should be responsible ?

CONTENTS CREATION What kind of content you need to create and how fi ality ? What tools should I use? Who should create content?

COMMUNICATION (PLN) Who should you talk to? What is your network? ... And your community? What tools and channels should be used?

NEEDS To go real to the ideal OLE what the organization needs (tools, training materials or other resources)?