Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Presentation made for eTwining project "Let's GTA! - STEAM as a versatile..."


Its history and examples


An amazing geometrical solid

"K-dron is a completely different shape from the ones we've known so far. It's an overlooked, eleven-faced geometrical solid, combining both positive and negative, up and down. It's like yin and yang in 3D. It's a half of a pyramid and a half of the absence of a pyramid, embracing one another."

Janusz Kapustaa Polish architect and drafter who discovered K-dron

Models made by students of Szkoła Podstawowa im Jana Pawła II (Zabór, Poland)

How does K-dron look like?

K-dron by Vlada Orlova (3rd grade)

Vlada's K-dron from a different angle

K-dron by Alicja Bednarczyk (5th grade)

Alicja and her K-dron

Filip is in the 5th grade

K-dron by Filip Kukulski

K-dron by Karolina Bednarczyk (6th grade)

Karolina's K-dron from a different angle

Michał is in the 6th grade

K-dron by Michał Wolniak

History of K-dron

K-dron was discovered in 1985. Its name comes from a Greek word "dron", which means "face" (of a solid). K is the eleventh letter of Greek alphabet.

Two connected K-drons create a regular hexahedron (a cube).

Janusz Kapusta says there are 168 ways to use K-dron. It is used in architecture, jewellery, mechanics and even toy making. In your opinion, how can we use K-dron in our everyday life?

We're waiting for your ideas!

Thank you!