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Top Tips to suit your preferred learning style



Study Skills: tips to suit your learning style

First, let's see what type of learner you are with a quick quiz! Click to start...

Now you know what kind of learning style best suits you - check out some study skills Top Tips by clicking on the learning styles below..

Visual learner

Auditory learner



Remember, one type of learning style is no better than another. Many people use a mix for different tasks or situations!



auditory learner

Visual learner

Move your mouse over the numbers below to see some Top Study Tips for visual learners!





flash cards

  • Flash cards are a great way to aid memory
  • Put a prompt word on one side, with the information on the other side. Test yourself, or get others to test you. e.g. Pop the question on one side, and the answer on the other.
  • Try making your own Flashcards to keep on your phone, here!

mind mapping

  • Mind Maps are maps of your ideas and are a great way to represent information visually.
  • By forming associations between images or words you can improve your understanding and memory.
  • Click here to download our Mind Mapping revision sheet!

practice tests

  • Practice tests are a great way to test your memory.
  • Write down some questions related to your subject, then come back and answer them once you've revised the topic.
  • Use past mock exams as a guideline. You can access these from school.







Move your mouse over the numbers below to see some Top Study Tips for kinesthetic learners

think about your study space

  • Having a study space that accommodates your need for engagement or movement is important.
  • Use our Study Space tool to experiment with different study setups.
  • You may benefit from a standing desk so that you can pace a bit. Maybe you like to sit up straight so you can tap your foot. Find what feels best for you.

teach others

  • Teaching the information you just studied to someone else is a great way to help you remember it.
  • Find a group of classmates to meet over Skype or Zoom, and teach each other!

take regular breaks

  • You probably don't like to sit still for too long, so don't make yourself do it.
  • Get up every hour, or as often as you need, and do something different.
  • Get some exercise, grab a snack, call a friend for a chat - clear your head ready for your next study session.
  • Try building your own study planner in apps like this one!

Auditory learner


Move your mouse over the numbers below to see some Top Study Tips for auditory learners!




repeat out-loud

  • When learning new information, try and repeat the words out-loud. A bit like talking to yourself!
  • Repetition will help you retain the information.


  • This is a code that can be remembered easily and that helps you to recalling the information it represents.
  • For example: My Very Expensive Mother Just Served us Noodles (is code for) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Videos and podcasts

  • Listening to podcasts and watching informative videos can help you learn about a subject.
  • Try searching for TED Talks related to your subject!