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SBMS Summer Reading Guide 2020




This 20-boook selection is a focused set of books, but there are more titles! Click the book icon for the link. Check out Sora for all summer reading recommendations.



All these books are set in the summer!





FANTASY/RETELLING. Prince Rhen is cursed and relives his 18th year over and over again. All seems lost until feisty Harper enters his life. There's a little bit of romance and a whole lot of magic in this retelling of Beauty and the Beast.

HISTORICAL FICTION. It is June 6, 1944, D-Day, and four young people are literally fighting for their freedom (and their lives) at the end of World War II.

GRAPHIC NOVEL/HISTORICAL FICTION. Meet a young Jewish girl hidden away by a family in Nazi-occupied France during World War II. Based off the characters in Wonder, this is told in graphic novel form.

MEMOIR. Free Lunch is the story of Rex Ogle's first semester in sixth grade. Rex was often hungry, wore secondhand clothes, and struggled with family issues. Ogle shares his own story of a hard time in his life.

SCARY. After suffering a tragic loss, eleven-year-old Ollie only finds solace in books. When she happens upon a crazed woman at the river threatening to throw a book into the water, Ollie dives in, stealing the book and running away. This is a creepy, dark, and twisty tale, not for the faint of heart!

GRAPHIC MEMOIR. Actor, author, and activist George Takei recounts his childhood as a prisoner of American internment camps for Japanese Americans during World War II. This experience greatly impacted the rest of life.

MEMOIR. Trevor Noah, the funny guy who hosts The Daily Show on Comedy Central, shares his remarkable story of growing up in South Africa. With a black South African and a white European father, Noah navigates a harsh life under a racist government.

NOVEL IN VERSE. Jude and her mom leave their family in Syria as violence escalates in her hometown. In her new home in Cincinnati, Jude discovers new friends, a whole new family, and the joys of a school musical.

GRAPHIC NOVEL. Seventh grader Jordan Banks loves drawing and wants to attend an art school. Instead, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school, where Jordan is one of the few kids of color. Jordan finds himself torn between two worlds, and doesn't really fit into either one.

NOVEL IN VERSE. Twelve-year-old Guero, a red-headed, freckled Mexican American border kid, discovers the joy of writing poetry, thanks to his seventh grade English teacher.

FANTASY. Seventh-grader Tristan Strong tumbles into the MidPass and, with allies John Henry and Brer Rabbit, must entice the god Anansi to come out of hiding and seal the hole Tristan accidentally ripped in the sky.

REALISTIC FICTION. Twelve-year-old Coyote and her father rush to Poplin Springs, Washington, in their old school bus to save a memory box buried in a park that will soon be demolished.

ADVENTURE. When a little girl is lost in a 750,000-acre national park, a family of search-and-rescue professionals reunites and three generations of secrets are uncovered.

REALISTIC FICTION. Following a tragedy that alters the course of her life, twelve-year-old Lucy Everhart decides to continue her mother's unfinished shark research.

Recommended for 7th grade and up

Recommended for 7th grade and up

Recommended for 7th grade and up

REALISTIC FICTION. Unhappy about being sent to the same summer camp after their fathers start dating, Bett and Avery, eleven, eventually begin scheming to get the couple back together after a break-up. Told entirely through emails.

REALISTIC FICTION. After Ofelia, Aster, Cat, and Lane fail to persuade a local girls club to change an outdated tradition, they form an alternative group that shakes up their sleepy Florida town.

REALISTIC FICTION. Caleb Franklin and his younger brother, Bobby Gene, spend an extraordinary summer their new, older neighbor, Styx Malone, a foster boy from the city.

ROMANCE. Addie hopes that the road trip of a lifetime through the rolling hills of Ireland will bring summer romance and adventure. At the same time, she is trying to help fix her relationship with her brother after secrets surface.

Recommended for 7th grade and up

FANTASY. Fionn Boyle, terrified of the sea, must spend the summer with this older sister, Tara, and their grandfather on Arranmore, an island that has been known to make people disappear, and seems to be restless again.

SPORTS. While thirteen-year-old Teddy fights for his life after a football injury at training camp, his friends and family gather to support him and discuss events leading to his coma. Told through dialogue, text messages, newspaper articles, transcripts, an online forum, and Teddy's inner thoughts.