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Welcome everybody!

My dear students, I hope that both you and your families are safe and happy. i miss you a lot and i hope that we can meet again soon. in this section there are activities to revise some contents that we have studied and a final task that you have to prepare! are you ready? let's start!

THIS WEEK WE...Learn vocabulary about foodTalk about likes and dislikes

Challenge: prepare your answer!

Shopping list

About your teacher...

Play and learn

Likes and dislikes

Watch the videos


These videos are here to help you discovering new words in English. Some of them are for younger kids, however, they are going to be really useful to improve your vocabulary!

to discover new words


1. Watch the videos

Game 2

Game 1

Game 3

Play these games to help you remember and to write new words.

to learn new words


2. Play and learn

Activity 3

Activity 1

Activity 2

Listen to the song and do the activities to use new words in a context (when you finish the activity you have to click the "finish" button and then click on "check my answers" button).

to use new words


3. Likes and dislikes

Try to say the words in English. Can you translate all the list?

Watch the video and look at your home's shopping list....WHAT'S ON THE LIST?

to use new words


4. Shopping list

Hello my lovely students!These days at home I'm very hungry and I prepare lots of yummy recipes! I use a shopping list to organise my shopping. On my shopping list there are iogurts, milk, bread, cheese, eggs, tomatoes, lettuce, beans, potatoes, lentils, chickpeas, apples, bananas, pears... and chocolate! I love chocolate and I really like lentils...I don't like chickpeas very much. My favourite food is lettuce. I use it to prepare a different salad every day!What about you? What's on your shopping list? Can you tell me about your likes and dislikes?

5. About me!

  • Which information can I use in my answer?

Challenge: Prepare an answer!

Step 1

Read my letter again and think.

Step 2

Write your answer. Use my letter to help you.

Step 3

Share your answer!

Step 3: share the answer

We will do a videoconference to share the answer.If you can not connect that day, don't worry. Write the text and I will read it!


Step 2: prepare the answer

Do a simple text.

Use the previous activities to help you with the vocabulary.

Write the text. You can photograph the text or use the computer to write it.

Email me the answer

If you have any questions contact me at:


Thank you!!