Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Christophe Peyre-CamyLycée Haute Vue Morlàas

1ere et term bac pro

Your mission : Create your video CV

Cette séquence à pour objectif de vous amener à construire votre CV vidéo en exploitant vos expériences.Laissez vous guider:Etape 1: Faire le point sur le lexique professionnel.Etape 2: Observer une situation d'entretien d'embauche, identifier les étapes et comprendre l'importance de la prononciation.Etape 3: Travailler la prononciation des "H" et des "S".Etape 4: Comprendre un 'video CV'.Tâche finale: Préparer et présenter votre CV vidéo.Des outils pour s'entraîner.


More specific vocabulary...selon les spécialités professionnelles

Etape 1: Faire le point sur le lexique professionnel.Follow the steps to make sure you remember these useful words.

Match the words and their translation

Choose the correct answer

Match the words and definitions


Repeat with the correct pronunciation:"After school, I went to India, looking for happiness".

Etape 2: Observer une situation d'entretien d'embauche, identifier les étapes et l'importance de la prononciation.



Human resource



B. Listen to these words and correct their pronunciation

A. Watch this video and answer the enclosed questions.


Record here

Etape 3: Travailler la prononciation des lettres "H" et des "S". A. The pronunciation of "h".

Listen and repeat this sentence with "H": "Hurry Harry...

Listen and repeat these words with "H".



Record here

B. The pronunciation of "S". A noter pour la prononciation du 'S':

Ne faites pas comme le candidat de l'entretien d'embauche...n'oubliez pas les 's' qui marquent le pluriel...' there were 2 candidate'.


Entraînez-vous à prononcer le "S"."Sam said she is jealous because she has no salad"

B. More activities to help you


Etape 4: Comprendre un video CV.A.Watch the video and answer the enclosed questions

Vous pouvez vous enregistrer à la fin de chaque étape

Tâche finale: Préparer votre video CV Here are the steps, click on to get more information.

9. Anything relevant

8. Give 2 adjectives to describe yourself

7. Talk about your personal skills

6. Talk about the languages you speak.

4. Describe your tasks. Choose one and explain it specifically.

3. Talk about your work experiences

2. Give details about your education and training

1. Give details about your personal information

5. Describe the positive aspects of the training periods



Name.Family name.Age.Nationality.Place of birth.Place of living.Occupation.Family.

1. Give details about your personal information (name, nationality, place of birth...) Watch the video and follow the steps to prepare your introduction.


Professional words

Useful prompts: - To prepare...- Vocational diploma in...- Vocational course in ...- A vocational school- Situated in..- To learn...- From September 2017 to June 2020

2. Give details about your education and training.


Construction:-Forme affirmative: Sujet + Base verbale +ED-Forme négative: Sujet+DID+ Base verbale-Forme interrogative: Did+Sujet+Base verbale

Remember!!Vous faites référence à des évènements passés...donc emploi du prétérit.

3. Talk about your work experiences, your odd jobs: - Give the name of the companies you worked in.- Explain the company 's main activity, its location, give the number of employees .- Explain who your tutor was. - Give details about your timetable.- Define the general atmosphere. - Did you have a salary? Quelques activités pour réviser:


RememberEvènements passés = prétérit

Professional vocabulary

For example:During my last training period, I answered the phone, I....

4. Describe your tasks in your last training period(s). What did you do? Choose one task and explain it specifically.


More words


- to learn- to try- friendly- enriching- ...

Here are some activities to help you:

5. Develop the positive aspects of the training period.








I can speak ....I can understand ...but it's difficult for me to speak.I can talk with people speaking ...if they don't talk too fast.I can understand and speak ...I speak... fluently because I was born in...

6. Talk about the languages you speak.


It can be:- sports: practising, coaching...- computing- reading- playing music (to play the...)- anything else...Use likes and dislikes expressions.

7. Talk about your personal skills.


I'm ...

8. Give 2 adjectives to describe yourself.Here 's a video which gives hints about character and personality.Choose those which best represent who you are and explain why.


Tout ce qui peut vous sembler utile pour expliquer qui vous êtes...

9. Anything relevant...

Quelques exercices d'entraînement:

Sans oublier de faire du lien entre vos phrases...avec LES MOTS DE LIAISON.



pour la prononciation des phrases


En route vers le BTS




Cambridge dictionary

Des outils pour s'entraîner.



Congratulations!! You did it on your own!

Tâche finale: Get ready now... Enregistrez-vous, écoutez-vous, ...Soignez la prononciation des 'H' et des 'S'.