For example... Ignoring your dog when they jump up, will decrease the likelihood of them doing it again
Negative Punishment is where you remove something in hopes to prevent a behaviour
For example... Adding a choke collar to stop a dog from pulling
Positive Punishment is where you add something in hopes to prevent a behaviour
What is Negative Punishment
What is Positive Punishment
For example... Pushing on a dogs bum to make them sit then removing the pressure when they do sit, will make them more likely to sit to avoid the pressure.
Negative reinforcement is where you remove something in hopes to encourage a behaviour
What is Negative Reinforcement
It is recomended by many professional dog trrainers/behaviourists that if you do use Punishment, ALWAYS follow it up srtraight after with positive reinforcement. Instead of telling your dog what they can't do, show them what they can do instead. Keeping the training positive can keep the dog focused and wanting to learn, meaning they learn quicker and more effectively.
Is Positive Reinforcement effective?
For example... Asking your dog to sit and giving them a treat when they do is positively reinforcing them. Adding the treat is making the "sit" more likely to occur!
Positive reinforcement is where you add something in hopes to encourage a behaviour
What is Positive Reinforcement

removing SOMETHING
reinforcement - Encouraging a behaviour
Positive vs Negative

You're training your dog, but what is the best course of action? What is positive reinforcement? Is it effective? All these questions will be answered below!
Positive Reinforcement - Best way of training?