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1.Biography 2.Meaning of Beret's name 3.His youth4.His beginning in music5.Songs6.Musical genre of beret7.His recording


BiographyFrancisco Javier Alvarez Beret was born in Seville on July 2, 1996, he is a Spanish singer, poet and composer. He has a urban music that moving between rap, reggae, raggamuffin, or dancehall, with his own style. His success born especially on YouTube, is taking him to stages for Spain.

Meaning of Beret's name

The singer's artistc name comes from his first name, he decided to make himself known as Beret because he created a kind of alter ego, another person, the one who risks and who shows his most personal feelings.

His youthFrom a very young age he discovered his interest in music. He got rhyming and composition skills and learnt to play the piano and guitar. Inspired by the wish to be a singer, he began to get involved in the art world. At 12, Beret was already composing her own songs. Three years later he started listening to rap and singing his own songs. He wrote many of his songs due to a strong expressive need, that he had during a time in his life. The places that inspired many of his compositions were the school buses. At first he began to write short sentences that he wrote in a personal notebook that he carried everywhere, and finally he obtained a lot of songs that gave he the way to his great passion, music.

His beginning in music

In 2015 he created a YouTube channel where he started uploading videos of his own songs that he mixed rhythms of reggae, dancehall and rap. The singer's artistic talents caught the attention of the public and people began to feel identified with the lyrics of his compositions. In a few months Beret won popularity and followers. With his own recordings, he obtained 113 million views on YouTube, and a high number of followers.


Musical genre of Beret

Reggae was the genre that influenced Beret's musical style. Those rhythms and melodies are part of this artist's ways of life, especially for the lyrics, in which it finds memories of emblematic figures of Jamaican music. That music made a powerful influence on Beret, in the way he composed his songs and in his training as a creator, until he is considered an artist of poetic. Thanks to rap the singer developed lyrical skills to rap and compose in a melodic way. Beret's songs are create with verse, rhyme, and musicality with topics that can express or reflect your feelings. Beret has got a own style where you can find characteristics of some genres and musical rhythms. As a singer and song writer, he has taken a very particular philosophy and style, without classifications. For Beret, the only important thing is that her songs arrive the public.

His recording

"Ápices" is the name of the fourth album that appeared in 2017 and produced by B-Records. With this album Beret obtained international recognition as an artist. The album had commercial exit to Latin American countries and the artist made a second concert tour of Spain. The promotional song, "Diez mil porqués", got twenty-three million views.

The third album "Inéditos" was also appeared in 2016, also produced by Warner Music Spain. The most listen songs were "Bala perdida" and "Ceniza". The two songs obtained fifteen million views.

In August 2016, Beret brought "Dime quién ama de verdad", which is part of the second album called "Efímero", produced by the record company Warner Music Spain. The album obtained thirteen million views. Beret uploaded that record work to the video platform anonymously, because the songs were a kind of self-portrait that showed his feelings. Then he decided to show his name. Thanks to the album, increased his popularity, to the point that he could make his first concert tour of Spain.

Beret debuted in the artistic world on April 23, 2015, the promotional song, “Volviendo”, is part of his first album called “Vértigo”, produced by the record company Tiamat Studios. The album got a hundred thousand views.

In 2019 the artist showed his album "Prisma", with the support and collaboration of other young figures of Spanish music. The songs on the album talk about topics that make you think about love, about falling and getting up and other problems or situations that thousands of people can identify with that.

By: Paula Sánchez Sánchez
