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English 6th Primary




15th - 16th April




MONDAY No class!! Easter Holiday!!

THURSDAY We continue with unit 5 "At the market" Watch the video again Now, look, listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to pronounciation. Let´s move on to lesson 2. As you know, in this part of the unit, we have a little bit of grammar. In this case, we have countable and uncountable nouns and quantifiers. Watch this short expanation about countables and uncountables As the word countable shows, this can be counted: 1, 2, 3... so it´s got singular and plural Uncountable means, it can´t be counted. Do you undestand?? If you´ve got any doubts you can ask me, well... you MUST ask me Let´s practice a little bit of these. Here I attach some online worksheets to practice. They´re not compulsory, but try to do them. As much as you practice, the better you learn. Shopping list Some/any Any or some Now, the compulsory task... Remember to upload it on the "task" section of our Teams, group. Activity book page 47 In order to make exercise 2 and 3, you have to watch this video to listen to the conversation.

WEDNESDAY WELCOME BACK!! to the online classes. Today qe´re going to star unit 5, that is "At the market", so we´re going to learn or reinforce some food we can find in a market. What is a market? It´s a place where you can buy different things, mainly food, but also other products such as clothes, handmade items, natural products... Market images Now, you have to write a list of food that you already know, OK? At least 10 food items. Now, after watching the vocabulary, we´re going to have a look at this grammar picture "Going to" is used to talk about the future. We need to add the verb "To be", as you can see at the picture. "GOING TO" video Do you understand?? Now, it´s time to practice a little bit. ONLINE WORKSHEET - FOOD Food - Kahoot! PIN: 05200679 FOOD CROSSWORD These activities are optional, for you to practice depending on your time, what is compulsory, it´s the things I ask you through the "task" section at the Team group. For today you have the list of food and the Act book page 46. Important. Exercise 2, as it can´t be done orally, you have to do it on your notebooks. Choose a list and write questions and answers (the answers must be negative and affirmative, ok?)