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Love with a big has

Love with a big L

Love with a big A

Love with a capital L

In English,the student should have written

"l'amour avec un grand A"

"Amour" commence bien par un "A" mais "love", lui, commence par un ... "L"!!

In French the student meant

Love with a great has!

"I hope you're well"

"Take care"

"Carry yourself well"

"Door you good"

In English,the student should have written

"Portez vous bien" ou "Porte toi bien"

In French the student meant

Worn you well

He is queuing up

He is standing / waiting in line

He does the tail

In English, the student should have written

Il fait la queue

He makes the dick

In French, the student meant

Please find my homework attached

I'm sending you my homework

I'm sending you my duty

In English the student should have said

I send you my duty

In French, the student meant: Je vous envoie mon devoir

They were on the run

They were leaking

In English the student should have said

Ils étaient en fuite

They were fleeing

They were in leak

In French, the student meant

Switch on the speaker

Light the enclosure

Turn on the pregnant

In English, the student should have said

Allumer l'enceinte

Switch on the pregnant

In French, the student meant

  • Tom wears a back pack
  • Tom is carrying a back pack
  • Tom is wearing a bag has back

The student should have said in English:

Tom porte un sac à dos

The student meant in French:

Tom door a bag has back

Be understanding, I'm begging you.

Be understanding, I pray you.

Be comprehensive, I price you.

Be understanding, please.

In English, the student should have said

In French, the student meant: Soyez compréhensif (ve), je vous en prie.

Be understanding, I took you

He drank it in one go

He drank dry ass

He drank without stopping

He swallowed the glass

In English,the student should have written

Il l'a avalé(e ) cul-sec

In French the student meant

He swallowed her dry ass

He went to bets

He want to bets

He gone to Bets

He went to Paris

In English,the student should have written

Il est allé à Paris

bets = des paris; alors avec une majuscule... Bets = Paris!

In French the student meant

He went to Bets

Les pires gaffes

Les meilleures gaffes

Les meilleurs hurleurs

The best howlers ?


Peut être faut il regarder dans UN VRAI DICTIONNAIRE pour avoir des suggestions convenables. (wordreference ; linguee ; collins...) La 1ere proposition n'est pas nécessairement la meilleure! ATTENTION à l'or taux graff * ! Ca peut induire totalement en erreur / horreur!! Et entre nous soit dit, pas facile, hein, d'être prof d'anglais!!