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4th primary

14th, 15th and 16th April 2020




English classes

TUESDAY Today we´re going to start unit 5, that is "At the cinema" and we´re going to learn types of films. Watch the introduction video After that, if you don´t understand the type of films, watch this other video, where you´ll find the flashcards. Try to repeat the words. After that you can try this Kahoot! It´s very easy and it will help you with the new vocabulary Remember!! write your real name when you enter, please Lesson 1 Kahoot PIN: 07274688 Other online activity that has to do with types of films vocabulary. Educaplay - types of films wordsearch Now, we´re going to practice how to make suggestions. We use "Let´s..." Watch and repeat the sentences on the video. Now it´s time to do the activity book page 44 Once you´ve done it, you have to send it backk to me, through your "tareas" section. A photo will be enough. Don´t forget to write the date. If you´ve got any doubts, don´t hesitate and ask me!!

WEDNESDAY It´s Wednesday!! IMPORTANT: Don´t forget, when we write the date, the days and the months with CAPITAL letters Example: Wednesday 15th April 2020 After this short explanation, let´s continue with Unit 5. Let´s review the types of films again. After that, let´s learn a new structure "to want to" "To want to" is used to express a desire. As we are dealing with films, in the picture we see what does she want to watch. REMEMBER: third person os the singular add an -s They want to watch a fantasy film but She wants to see a fantasy film Here are two "online" worksheets to practice a little bit what you´ve learned above. They´re optional. Want to - doesn´t want to At the cinema Now, the best part of the unit... THE SONG!!! Watch the video and enjoy!! Now, here you can read the lyrics of the song, where you can see the structure "wants to / doesn´t want to" Now, it´s time to work a little bit. Today you´ve got the activity book page 45. To do exercise 1, you have to listen. Here is the video with the listening.

THURSDAY Today it´s going to be an "easy peasy" class. We´re going to review vocabulary and the "Let´s..." stucture through the flascards and the song, and then, do the Activity book. So first fo all... Look, listen and repeat VOCABULARY VIDEO FLASHCARDS VIDEO SONG VIDEO A lot of videos, I know, but it´s good to listen to the language as much as possible. Now, let´s remember the structure "Let´s...": it´s used to make a suggestion in order to do something such as watch a film, play a game, go somewhere... Now, some online worksheets. As I´ve told you, these are not compulsory, they´re optional,. Want to What do you want to...? And now, this is your task today... Activity book page 92