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3º Primary Education

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The digestive system

How does it work?



Mouth: boca Chewed: masticada Mixed: mezclada Esophagus: esófago Links: conecta Stomach: estómago Gastric juices: jugos gástricos Pancreas and liver: páncreas e hígado Small intestine: intestino delgado Large intestine: intestino grueso. Faeces: heces.

Mouth: It is where digestion begins. Food is chewed into pieces and mixed with saliva.

Esophagus: It is a tube that links the mouth to the stomach.

Stomach: It is like a bag where food is mixed with gastric juices.

Pancreas and liver: they produce the gastric juices.

Small intestine: It is a thin tube. The blood vessels that are in this organ take the nutrients and pass them into the blood.

Anus: It is where the faeces leave the body.

Large intestine: It is a wide tube that connects to the anus. The things our body doesn't need turn into faeces.