Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




How To Play:

1. Click to start and stop the dice2. Click hold to drag your bike foward the number that the dice says.3. Click on the spot you land on (not on your bike) and an activity will pop up for you to do.4. The first player to reach the GOAL wins!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have reached the GOAL!

*Exercises from Ophea's 50 Fitness Activites

Created By: Marlee Corcoran

Do 15 Chicken Jacks

Do 10 Tuck Jumps

Find a wall and do a Wall Sit for 30 seconds

Do 15 Low Rows

Move forward 2 spaces and do that activity

Do 20 Mountain Climbers

Do 10 Ab-Rope Twisters on each side

Do 10 Head-2-Toes

Move back 1 space and do that activity

Do 20 In-Out Heal Touches

Do 20 Boxer Jogs

Do 30 seconds of Jogging Sky Rolls

Do 20 Gluteal Kicks

Do 20 Swinging Leg Lifts

Do 10 Raise The Roofs

Do 10 V-Hops

Move back 2 spaces and do that activity

Do 10 Plus Sign Hops

Do 20 Flutter Kicks Flutter Kicks

Do 10 Bell Hops

Do the Flurry for 30 seconds

Do 10 Leap Frog On-The-Spots

Move forward 4 spaces and do that activity

Do 10 Cross-Country Skiers

Do 10 X-Jumps

Do 10 Squat Hops

Do 10 Jump & Twists

Pretend you are Jumping Rope for 30 seconds

Do the Rocking Horse 10 times

Do 5 Box Hops

Move back 3 spaces and do that activity

Do 20 Step Touches

Do 10 Jump To Sky-Touch Toes

Do 20 Pull Up Your Shorts

Move forward 3 spaces and do that activity

Do 5 4-Point Stars

Do 10 Skier Jumps

Move back 2 spaces and do that activity

Do 20 Speed Skaters

Do 10 Squat and Kicks

Do 5 High Jumpers on each leg

Do 10 Coffee Grinders

Do 20 Calf Raises

Do Rock-Paper-Scissors 5 times

Move forward 1 space and do that activity

Do 10 Bob & Weaves

Do 20 Pogo Jumps

Do the Swimmer for 30 seconds

Move back 1 space and do that activity

Do 10 Half Turns

Do 20 Cross Crawls (Opposite Elbow to Opposite Knee)

Do 20 Heel Digs

Do 10 Jumping Jack and Jills (or just jumping jacks if that is too hard)

Move forward 2 spaces to the resting rock and do what it says to do there

Do 5 Lollipop Hops

Do 10 Wounded Ducks

YAY! You made it to the resting rock. Take a break for 1 minute (count to 60) before your next turn.

Do the Scissors for 30 seconds

Do the 5 Dot Hop for 30 seconds

Do 10 Punch Up - Down And Hops

Free Choice!!! Select any activity and do it 10 times or for 30 seconds. When finished click on the word GOAL.