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Diario de entrenamiento, creado por Roberto Delgado Fernández, EF 2019/2020


Training and healthy habits diary.

Physical Education 2019/2020Teacher: Roberto Delgado Fernández

1. Project explanation.2. Items of your project.3. Tasks - Process.4. Information for sending. 5. The components of health.6. Some healthy tips.7. Physical capacities and health.8. Some training ideas.9. Rubric for assessment.


  • The aim of this project is you to stay active during quarantine by exercising regularly at home and maintaining healthy habits.
  • You can freely choose the activities you do (at least 2 days per week) and write them on a document or prepare a presentation that you will send to me by the first week of May.
  • There are lots of examples of training exercises on these days, but not all of them might fit you. I would suggest some ideas and links that may be helpful.
  • The most important part of this project is your reflection on what you would like to do (the aim) and how your healthy habits are (rest, diet, feelings...).
  • Instead of being just one more assignment, I would like this to help you to stay active and healthy while enjoying yourselves.
  • If you have any comment, any doubt about what to do or whether a training or exercise fits you or not, do not hesitate to contact me.

1. Project explanation

Opt ional

2. Items of your project

5. Final words.Conclusions and what do you think you have learned with the project.

4. Weekly self evaluation.Feelings, mood, training feedback, diet, rest,... How do you think you could improve it?

2. Personal goal.What would you like to get with your training (strength, losing weight, help with your back problems, feeling well...).

3. sessions: At least 2 per week.

  1. Description and goal.
  2. Physical capacities involved.
  3. Equipment.
  4. Exercises.
  5. Method of training used.
  6. Series, repetitions.
  7. Muscles involved.
  8. Aerobic or anaerobic exercises.

1. Cover, with your name, grade and class.

For your project you have to:

  1. Take a look of this full presentation.
  2. Reflect on what you would like to get through physical activity and sport. That will be your personal goal.
  3. Seek, think, plan exercises and phsical activities for each session. At least two per week.
  4. Perform or train according to the planned sessions.
  5. Spend at least 5 or 10 minutes a day to rest: breathe deeply, listen to music, or whatever makes you feel well and relaxed.
  6. Write on a document or presentation the weekly sessions and your feedback for that week.
  7. Read over your document or presentation, write down your conclusions and send it to me.

3. Tasks - Process:

Once is ready, you have to send it to my e-mail address robertoelprofeef@gmail, making clear your name and surname, grade and class, between May 4th and 10th.

It does not have to be a very large assignment, but it is necessary that you include every item is set. You may add videos, images or any other important resource; the more complete, and attractive, the better.

You may use...

  1. Power point.
  2. Prezi.
  3. Book creator.
  4. Genially.
  5. Word, pdf...
  6. Any other tool that you know.

4. Information for sending

In this current situation the World Health Organisation encourages us to stay active, if you want to know more click on the link

The World Health Organisation defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.Obviously the current situation affects us in the three components, so from Physical Education we are going to stay healthy and active.Regular physical activity helps you to be healthy by improving our physical, emotional, social health and well-being.

5. The components of health

How you relate with others. Sports and physical activity are a great way of socialising, learn to work in teams, cooperate and learn social values like respect, effort and desire of self-improvement...


How you feel. Being healthy is more than just having a body that works well, you also have to take into account how you feel. How you feel about yourself and how you respond to different situations.


How your body works. Improving our components of fitness we benefit our hearth, lungs, musculo-skeletal sytem, body composition... as well as exercise reduces the risk of you getting certain diseases.


Here you have some healthy tips:

  • Plan a schedule, consider work time, leisure time and rest.
  • Take care of your body. Try to eat healthy well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, get plenty of sleep and try not to get stressed.
  • Avoid too much exposure to screens, tv, mobile phone...
  • Connect with family and friends, Maintain relationships.
  • Try to spend some time outdoor, at least on a terrace or at a window, vitamin D is really important for our health.
  • Reduce boredom. Do enjoyable things and learn something new.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Currently we are learning a lot, also we are with our familiy, we have more free time, and you can manage the situation.
  • Over all, try to be happy.

6. Some healthy tips

Self-concept andhow do yo feel.

Body composition.

Muscular endurance.



Aerobic endurance

The subject of Physical Education will try to help improving your health, your physical condition and encouraging you to stay active.

7. Physical capacities and health

Ski indoorBingo work out.Uptown Abdom.Juggling a ball

Joint movilityDinamic-staticDinamic streching.

HIIT 7 minutes.10 min cicuitZumba

Mindful Breathing Jacobson relaxationMindfullness.

P4P planksPostural YogaPilates

Realfooding.Healthy recipes. Healthy diet.

FreeleticsP4P legsWork outs

Body posture

Training and healthy habits ideas.

Just for fun



Breath and relaxation



Although you cand find a lot of on-line resources, I share some appropriate for you, click on the link to watch it.

Assessment rubric

I will use this rubric to assess your project

I hope this project will help you feeling well.Come on!Best regards,Roberto.