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Storytelling: The Giving Tree © 2020 by Laura Boada Corredera is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Shel Silverstein was born in Chicago (United States) on 1930. He was an amazing writter, poet, singer, illustrator...

If we open the book we will read a fascinating story... Are you ready? So click on the link "storytelling video" and enjoy it!

This picture book was written on 1964 by:

What is the name of this character?

The Giving Tree is the name of this book... Can you imagine what is the story about?

Is this apple important? Why?

This is the front cover of an interesting picture book! Do you want to know more? Then click on the icons from the screen

How many characters does this book have?

Here is the real book!

Other picture books from this author:

Do you want to listen his voice?