TIPA Annual Report 2019
Created on April 1, 2020
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Advocacy activities and awareness campaigns are conducted by TIPA and other NGOs via Kolektif Drwa Zanfan Morisien (KDZM) to create a synergy that will bring forward educational and protection matters on the rights of the children. The objective is to reach local authorities, professionals in the socio-education field, and the public in general. KDZM is a collective comprising of NGOS and social, psychology and education professionals. The members of KDZM are : TIPA, ANFEN, Caritas, Kinouete, Action for Integral Human Development/ICJM/SeDEC, Chrysalide, Autisme Maurice, CUT, Ti Diam's, Marie-laure Ziss-Phokeer, Martine Lassémillante, Isabelle David-Philippe and Mélanie Vigier de Latour-Bérenger. In 2019, TIPA via KDZM conducted 4 awareness workshops on prevention of violence towards children and 1 questionnaire was developed to assess the impact of the workshops on the perception of violence and 1 publication in 'Cahier pédagogiques' a french profesional journal. 1 press conference and 10 Newspaper articles were published by KDZM and recommendations on the Children Bill were transmitted to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare and 1 sensitization video on child mariage was conceived and shared on social networks. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Mélanie Vigier de Latour-Bérenger, Christelle Gopaul, Angélique de la Hogue and Emilie Carosin.
The creativity classes aim at helping children develop citizenship values such as participation, respect and self confidence. Implemented on a weekly basis, TIPA facilitators in collaboration with teachers, develop and implement pedagogical tools and activities so as to favor interactivity in class and also to develop children's knowledge of rights and responsibilities. TIPA also develops and provides pedagogical tools to frame activities, encourage children's presence and participation, as well as their knowledge and respect of their rights and responsibilities in class. In 2019, TIPA facilitators held 194 creativity classes and 41 planning sessions with 132 children and 15 teachers. 3 Holistic Education Teachers were introduced to TIPA tools and activities. 2 artists were involved and met the children in creativity classes. 2 participative pedagogical tools 'Kart Kouler' and 'Pano Drwa ek Responsabilite' were implemented in all the classes. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Elarie Pitois-Sournois, Jacques-Henri Dick and Emilie Carosin.
In collaboration with children, teachers and parents, TIPA organises school events in the form of workshops, exhibitions or events (Art festival, open day, etc.). The aim is to encourage and value children’s contribution in the school life, while celebrating art. These events can take place at different moments and frequency during the year, for example : during the morning assembly or on a one-off day. This year, school event was combined with team building and aimed at reinforcing relationships between the school staff and parents. In 2019, TIPA organized 1 Art Festival and 1 mini-expo in Vallijee and Pointe aux Sables Government schools (G.G) respectively. In Vallijee G.S.152 parents, 23 teachers and 182 children participated to the art festival and team building event. In Pointe au Sables G.S 55 parents visited the mini-exhibition where 118 children's artworks were exhibited and 8 teachers facilitated art activities. For the Art festival and Team Building 8 artists and 13 volunteers were also involved. In both schools the children felt valued by both their parents and teachers. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Jacques-Henri Dick, Elarie Pitois-Sournois and Emilie Carosin.
'Group Partaz' is the materialization of the online collaborative platform project. Group Partaz is an online group conceived to build an educational community with teachers, parents and educators to share artistic activities and pedagogical tools developed by TIPA staff and/or used by the members. It is also a space where other educational resources on child development, arts and cultural education can be shared. Experts in psychology, education and artists will be invited in the group to talk about specific topics with the members. 2019 was dedicated to content development and specification of the needs of the users. In 2019, TIPA presented the Group to 37 teachers and 21 facilitators. 20 teachers answered questions on their needs and expectations of the group. 12 artistic activities, 3 pedagogical tool guides, 1 child protocole infography and 1 database of articles on pedagogy and psychology were developed for the Group. 1 community development guide was initiated to guide and monitor group moderation. The report presents an analysis of the teachers' needs and expectations and an overview of the content developed for the platform. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Christelle Gopaul and Emilie Carosin.
Parents Support Programme (initially called Parents' Club) has evolved to offer weekly training on a period of 2 months. The aim is to invite parents to explore tools that they can implement at home for a better communication with their children. Session themes are chosen with parents according to their needs. In 2019, the Parent Support Programme covered : positive discipline tools, effective communication with children (from Thomas Gordon Method), rights and responsibilities of parents and children and prevention of violence against children. During the sessions, parents become aware and develop their capacities to be more involved in their children education. In 2019, TIPA provided 24 sessions in 4 schools. 160 parents were reached via the training sessions, lunch and classwise activities. 4 themes were covered during the training session and 1 TIPA tool was shared. 20 parents implemented artistic activities at home and 48 parents created artworks to thank teachers. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Nathalie Philogène and Emilie Carosin.
In the Facilit'Art training programme, educators develop skills to facilitate art workshops and foster pupils' citizenship values. During the training, participants explore Interactive Pedagogy methods that help children become active learners. The programme includes theoretical courses, art workshops, and on-field coaching to implement pedagogical approaches and tools. The training encourages sharing of good practices and collaboration between educators. Facilitators enroll in tandem and plan activities that involve their colleagues and/or pupils' parents. This training programme contributes to professionalizing the educational, artistic and social sector. In 2019, TIPA implemented 19 training sessions (174 hours) and 40 site visits for 21 educators from 8 NGOs and 2 schools. 11 educators benefited from 9 coaching meetings. 23 NGO managers were involved in a sharing of practices workshop. 8 expert trainers delivered 10 training sessions and 7 TIPA staff were involved as trainers to deliver 5 modules. 1 training centre project was initiated. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Camille Sénèque, Angélique de la Hogue and Emilie Carosin.
TIPA provides trainings and tailor-made workshops to partners such as the ZEP Unit and other NGOs. Our trainings cover a wide variety of subjects. Training delivered to the ZEP teachers (in line with the ZEP training on brain-based education) directly concern the pupils such as : pedagogical methods and tools to enhance class management and group regulation, child self-assessment, life-skills development and valuing children's potential through Arts. Training delivered to the staff of NGOs and institutions focused on professional development and aimed at developing creative teaching skills and/or consolidating team collaboration. In 2019, TIPA trained 164 ZEP teachers from 14 schools of Zone 1 on Positivie Discipline, 20 ZEP staff from Nicolay Government School benefited from 4 tutorials on teacher-child relationships. These trainings were organized with 1 ZEP II team member and 2 Cluster Coordinators. TIPA organized a workshop for 17 NGO managers and coordinators in collaboration with 1 CSR manager, 1 project coordinator and 2 NGO managers for ACTogether - CIEL Fondation Nouveau Regard. 30 NGO staff from the Mauritius Mental Health Association were trained. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Camille Sénèque and Emilie Carosin.
The aim of the Community Workshop project is to train parents to identify existing skills and develop new competencies to organise and facilitate art workshops on a monthly basis in their neighborhood. Mothers engaged in this project create and provide opportunities for themselves and other parents to improve their involvement in their children's education. In 2019, TIPA held 4 meetings with 4 parents and 1 old pupil to define the community workshops framework. The group decided to develop and implement after school workshops with children and take this opportunity to involve parents once a month. As a result, 6 training sessions were delivered to 2 mothers empowered by the group to facilitate the after school workshops in 2020. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Nathalie Philogène and Emilie Carosin.
Our aim to to encourage educators to meet parents, recognize their capacity and ask for their contribution in their children's education. In order to do that, TIPA facilitates activities between teachers and parents. These activities are an opportunity for TIPA team and teachers to get an insight into the pupils’ family dynamics in order to better collaborate with the families and support the children. Note : this action was initially thought as Site visits but adjusted to respect the privacy and intimacy of the families and their home. In 2019, TIPA supported 3 classwise activities with 2 teachers and 48 parents in 2 schools where the Parents Support Programme of ZEP unit was implemented. Parents were invited to meet their children's teacher during a lunch. Through these meeting parents were invited to express themselves and to ask the teacher how they can be more involved. Teachers were invited to share with the parents their expectations and ideas to enhance collaboration. The meeting was followed by classwise activities. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Nathalie Philogène and Emilie Carosin.
This action aims at identifying and following-up children that experience difficulties at school on different levels (learning, social, psychological, physical). A child in difficulty is a child who does not show signs of fulfillment of personal development resulting from violence or caused by socio-economic, physiological, and educational factors. These factors have a direct impact on physical, mental and behavioral health. The objective of the child protocole is to clarify procedures, implement tools, follow-up meetings and actions to help children experiencing difficulties and ensure child protection by all stakeholders. In 2019, TIPA conducted 3 interviews with 1 Cluster Coordinator, 2 Head Masters and 1 Deputy Head Master. The Child protocole was presented to the ZEP Unit Manager. 1 questionnaire and 1 focus group framework was develop to investigate existing procedures. An analysis of the interviews is presented in the report. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Christelle Gopaul and Emilie Carosin.
TIPA collaborates with the Mauritius Institute of Education to train trainee and/or in-service teachers on reflexive practices. The aim of the training sessions is to support teachers in the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes to design activities. Such activities draw from interactive pedagogy methods that foster children’s development by encouraging participation, knowledge and exercise of rights and responsibilities, self-assessment and groupwork. The activities are also designed to involve parents and to strengthen parent-teacher relationships. In 2019, TIPA conducted 4 seminar sessions on Children's rights with 99 trainee teachers and in collaboration with 1 MIE lecturer. The report presents the proportion of teachers impacted since the beginning of the programme (852 teachers in total) as well as a needs analysis to explore avenues to strengthen the collaboration with the Mauritius Institute of Education. Click here to read the detailed action report in a new window. Authors : Camille Sénèque, Angélique De la Hogue and Emilie Carosin.
Our public education system in Mauritius is in dire need of reform and this situation dates back sadly to even before the start of this century. One often hears that the massive use of digital tools in the classrooms, notably with the distribution of tablets, will generate a vastly improved learning experience for our children. This will indeed bring progress. But innovation in pedagogy is not simply a matter of boosting the use of Information Technology (IT). IT on its own will not put an end to the high levels of school failure that affect too many of our children each year, nor will it ensure that children develop the creativity, self-confidence, civic values and critical thinking that are vital for their self-development and future adult lives. Strategic and decisive change needs to take place at the level of the teachers in the classrooms, their administration and the curricula being used. Contents, methods and people. For years now, working holistically with State actors, parents, NGOs, TIPA has been steadily pushing the agenda of an in-depth, structural reform of pedagogical services, giving priority to children in deprived areas. Pedagogical tools and methods that are lacking, are developed and offered to those who need them. Though help is not always welcomed, as it brings change, TIPA in 2019 has stuck to a constructive approach of trying to fill service gaps and complement the work done by the authorities. In 2019, I personally witnessed a group of Government primary education teachers from ZEP schools around Port Louis enjoying the opportunity of a TIPA training course at Cite Vallijee Government School on positive discipline. TIPA is one of the very rare NGOs which makes it its mission to work with the Government services in its field of intervention so that the NGO’s ideas and work can have a national impact. For HSBC, as a funder, there is great comfort and satisfaction in providing support to approaches such as these. At the same time, TIPA is evolving and reinventing itself. With the setting up of a formally registered training centre, TIPA’s work from now on will be recognized officially as a source of knowledge and excellence. The training centre will also generate additional revenues, which could be critical for TIPA overall to survive in an increasingly difficult CSR context. 2019 has been a year of continued innovations at TIPA. It is my sincere wish that 2020 is a year of much deserved rewards for TIPA. Yan HOOKOOMSINGCorporate Sustainability Manager | HSBC Mauritius