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Inclusive Rural -Urban Linkages

Right to the City Components

Statements 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network India : "Need for Special Measures to Check Spread of COVID-19 among Homeless and Other Inadequately-housed Persons" 🔗 Action Aid India : Together against COVID Campaign 🔗 YUVA : COVID-19 Lockdown and Resilience: Narratives from the Ground Measures 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network: Human Rights Assessment and Compilation of State Relief Measures

Press release 🔗 HIC- Housing and Land Rights Network : "To Combat COVID-19, We Need a Human Rights Habitat"

Campaigns 🔗 Montreal Social Movements: Rent Strike beginning April 1st Right to Housing movements in Montreal have come together organizing a rent strike beginning April 1st. Statements 🔗 Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (2014-2020)::Press release and thematic guidance notes

United Nations 🔗 Initiative: #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UCLG) 🔗 Article: "Measures against coronavirus cannot violate human rights" (in spanish) 🔗 Statement by Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts to UN-OHCHR: "COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights" 🔗 Article: "UN rapporteur calls for countries to adopt universal basic income in the face of the pandemic" (in portuguese) 🔗 Response Plan: "Global Humanitarian Response Plan"

Statements and letters 🔗 CESAL: "COVID-19 Alert: CESAL, closer to those who need us most"

Campaigns 🔗Red Mujer y Hábitat: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Latin America?" The Women and Habitat Network LAC is promoting this survey to gather information on how the conditions of social isolation that are taking place in the different territories of the region are being confronted by women, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals, non-binaries, and above all those from the popular sectors. Ressources 🔗 Ana Falú (CISCSA): "The pandemic analyzed under a feminist point of view" 🔗 Foro de Mujeres de Pernambuco: "Guide for Hygiene with limited water to prevent COVID-19" 🔗Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Córdoba?" 🔗 Red Mujer y Habitat: Lecturas feministas sobre ciudades y territorios. Desigualdades frente a la pandemia del COVID-19 Statements and letters 🔗 CISCSA: Communiqué

Ressources 🔗 Community organizations from Medellín’s Communes 3 and 9: "Plan for COVID-19 Contingency in informal settlements"

Campaigns 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition:"#CancelRent and #ReclaimOurHomes The Right to Council NYC Coalition along with other organizations in NYC are putting forward two campaigns focused on protecting the right to adequate housing in the state of New York, focused on cancelling rent during the pandemic, freezing prices and rehousing those in need. The organization managed to win an eviction moratorium in the state. 🔗 Right to the City Alliance : "Beyond recovery" and "No rent" campaigns The Right to City Alliance, along with other collectives is leading these two campaigns to protect the Right to Housing in the US.. The first calls for cancelling the payment of mortgages, rents and utilities during the pandemic, while the second help tenants send a letter to their landlords notifying them of the inability to pay rent in order to secure protection from evictions. Ressources 🔗 US Right to Housing organizations:: "COVID-19 Emergency Tenant Protection in the US" 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition: Toolkit to support rent strikes + legal support for tenants suffering evictions 🔗 Housing Justice for All: Map with stories of those fighting to #CancelRent 🔗 The New Inquiry: Resources for Rent Strikes Statements and letters 🔗 National Coalition for the Homeless:: "NCH statement on coronavirus response" and demands to Congress 🔗 Housing Justice National Platform:: "COVID-19 Response"

Initiatives 🔗 Street Vendor Project" Distribution of hot meals cooked by street vendors The Street Vendor Project has partnered with Senator Jessica Ramos to distribute hot meals in Queens (NYC). The meals were cooked by local street vendors, which guaranteed them a source of income while economic activity is paralyzed. Campaigns 🔗 Multiple collectives:" National Agenda for Street Vendor Justice Street Vendor collectives from four different cities join forces in this campaign with measures to address the needs of street vendors both during the pandemic and in the long term. Statements and letters 🔗 Street Vendor Project::Demands and needs of NYC street vendors 🔗 Street Vendor Project: "NYC must include street vendors in any outdoor dining push"

Campaigns 🔗 Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "The Basic Income We Want" Through the pressure of brazillian civil society, the country's Congress approved an emergency basic-income of three months for the workers and families most affected by the crisis. 🔗 WIEGO: COVID-19 and the world's two billion informal economy workers On May 1st (international Worker's Day), WIEGO released a campaign along informal economy workers’ organizations across the global economy to call on governments at all levels to partner with them on relief, recovery and resilience efforts that are emerging from the grassroots during this time of unprecedented crisis. Ressources 🔗 WIEGO:Ressources for informal workers (street vendors, waste picker, home-based workers, domestic workers and others 🔗 BR Cidades: Information on the Emergency Basic Income 🔗 Global Alliance of Waste Pickers : "COVID-19 and waste pickers"

Campaigns 🔗Rent in crisis São Paulo tenants' collective created amid the COVID-19 crisis in order to advance towards the protection of the right to housing of the city's tenants during the health and economic crisis 🔗Nossas Cidades Network: Quarantine rooms campaign Campaign created to pressure São Paulo's Mayor to use the local hotel network to house health professionals, homeless and women victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. Ressources 🔗LabCidade: News, materials and campaigns on COVI-19, urbanism, right to housing and right to the city 🔗Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico: Videos on COVID-19 and the Right to Housing " Statements and letters 🔗 Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico "Appeal for suspension of execution of repossession and eviction orders" (in portuguese)

Statement : 🔗 Enda Tiers-monde: "Declaration of the International ENDA TM Network" (in french) Ressources : 🔗 Enda Tierrs-Monde : Journée de l'enfant Africain et Covid-19 🔗 Enda Tiers- Monde: Synthèse des contributions du réseau Enda à la lutte contre le Coronavirus au Sénégal

Ressources 🔗Instituto Marielle Franco: Corona in the peripheries Mapping of initiatives to combat COVID-19 in favelas and peripheries of Brazil. 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: "Society against COVID-19" A series of civil society organizations across Brazil has come together in order to give visibility to the main efforts and articulations from the civil society in the response to the COVID-19 crisis. 🔗Popular movements against COVID-19 Website created by brazillian grassroots movements to disseminate their proposals to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, encourage actions of solidarity and pressure the State for its responsibility to solve the health, economic and social crisis. Campaigns 🔗 Pacto pela Democracia and other Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "Bolsonaro: Inconsequent and unacceptable" 🔗Video: "#StopBolsonaro" Statements and letters 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: Collective proposals to address the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil's favelas and peripheries, prioritizing the vulnerable groups and under a Right to the City framework

Ressources 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Caminos de la Villa" (platform with information on the spread of COVID-19 in Buenos Aires informal settlements and measures to prevent it) 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Analysis of the measures that seek to bring relief to the tenant population in Argentina" 🔗 Argentinian social organizations: Special protocol for addressing COVID-19 in informal settlements Statements and letters 🔗 Habitar Argentina: "Urgent proposals for measures to combat the COVID-19 from a comprehensive view of the habitat"

Initiatives 🔗Recerca Guide of small artisanal food producers in Uruguay with the goal of connecting producers and consumers directly. An initiative of Slow Food Uruguay.

Campaigns DHESCA Brasil & other organizations: Campaign against the Constitutional amendement n95 DHESCA Brasil & other civil society organizations issued a plea to cancel the Constitutional amendement n95 which drastically cuts federal public spending in social policies, with emphasis on health, education, housing, food security and social assistance. A letter was sent to UN Special Rapporteurs and a lawsuit was filed under Brazil's Supreme Court. ACTION AID : NESTA CRISE, NÃO PODEMOS DEIXAR NINGUÉM PARA TRÁS // ENGLISH // FRANCAIS Ressources 🔗Ondas: Informative booklet on the right to water during the pandemic Statements and letters 🔗São Paulo social movements: Manifesto against the closing of "Atende 2" in "Cracolândia"

Statements and letters 🔗Ni todo está perdido Collective: "Call to authorities and to everyone's solidarity" (in spanish) 🔗 Social organizations in Montevideo (FUCVAM, PIT-CNT, FEUU, ONAJPU, Intersocial Feminista and Colectivo Ovejas Negras): "Intersocial statement by social organizations in Montevideo"

Initiatives 🔗 Women’s Commune Programme, In Montevideo, the municipality has increased opening hours and established special services in the Women’s Commune Programme, a space that offers free care and services to women in situations of domestic violence. Ressources 🔗 Gender and pandemic Blog: blog with texts on the COVID-19 pandemic under a feminist perspective Statements and letters 🔗 Pro cuidados Network: Communiqué on the care system and the COVID-19 pandemic

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations in Uruguay: "Letter to uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou regarding the Right to Housing during the pandemic" 🔗 FUCVAM, CIEDUR and CLADEM: Statement on mass eviction in Santa Catalina (Montevideo) 🔗 FUCVAM: Urgent need of measures to face the pandemic from a right to adequate housing point of view

Ressources 🔗 CENCA: Weekly advice on home agriculture Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian Agroecological consortium: "Our current challenge: reverse the sanitary, climate and food crisis with an empowered citizenship"

Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian social movements: Urgent proposals for the Peruvian State to ensure sustainable cities and the right to adequate housing in the face of COVID-19

Statements and letters 🔗 Corporación Ciudad Común: "Housing and the city under COVID-19"

Ressources 🔗 CEPAL: The COVID-19 pandemic deepens the care crisis in Latin America

Statements and letters 🔗 Mexican social organizations and collectives: "Overcoming the pandemic: guaranteeing the constitutional right to adequate housing and access to drinking water"

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations, academics and activists from Mexico: "Urgent Measures to address the Coronavirus pandemic from a Right to Adequate Housing perspective" 🔗 Mexican housing collectives: "Enhancing the social production and management of the habitat could contribute to the social transformation our country needs"

Initiatives 🔗 Campaign “Woman, you are not alone” The Secretariat of Policies for Women of the Federal District of Brazil has launched the campaign “Woman, you are not alone” with emergency services, call centers and other services to assist, shelter and protect women who are under threat of violence as a result of measures of social isolation.

Statements and letters 🔗 Guaranteeing water provision In Colombia, nearly 200,000 families who did not have drinking water service due to non-payment have been reconnected to the water system, in addition to freezing water rates for the duration of the emergency

Ressources : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : "Information: solidarity during quarantine" (in french) Petitions : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : Plan for solidarity protection in times of containment! - (in french) 🔗 French Right to Housing movements : "COVID19: SOS Homeless, poorly housed and tenants!" (in french)

Statement 🔗 Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l'économie sociale solidaire (RIPESS) : "COVID-19: Globalising solidarity is the response we need now!"

Statements : 🔗 WIEGO/ SAWPA : Call to national and local governments and citizens to assist and support Waste Pickers 🔗 Streetnet : STREETNET International Statement in response to COVID-19

Manifiesto 🔗 Citizens from Barcelona : "Reorganize the city after the COVID-19"

Campaign 🔗 Spanish collectives and social organizations : "Crash Plan for the COVID-19 Crisis"

Ressources 🔗 Eurocities : "Live updates COVID-19"

Media ressources 🔗 Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung : "Corona Chronicles" 🔗 Cities Alliance : "The impact of COVID-19 in informal settlements" Statements & Messages 🔗 Habitat International Coalition : "HIC calls for social justice in the face of the COVID-19 crisis" "HIC message to Members, Friends and Allies " 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Zero evictions for coronavirus" Initiatives 🔗United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UN-Habitat) 🔗Metropolis : "Cities for Global Health" Ressource 🔗 Front Line Defenders : "Physical, emotional and digital protection while using home as office in times of COVID-19" Materials 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Stories, proposals, good practices and struggles for the right to housing and the city in the face of the Coronavirus worldwide"

Ressources 🔗 International Observatory on Participatory Democracy: "In the face of isolation, strengthening citizen solidarity" (in spanish) Initiative 🔗 United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : "Monitoring the impact of COVID 19 and its aftermath"🔗 APU Villeneuve : "Prendre soin de Villeneuve"

Statements and letters 🔗 Urgenci: "Message of solidarity with Urgenci members around the world"Initiatives Zambra is a coordination of groups that are working with people with low income and in social exclusion situation.We are working on groups of Community supported agriculture, self-organized, where people are growing their own food in community gardens or connecting people from cities with farmers, sharing the tasks and the risks of the harvest. They are getting healthy food and food autonomy because they do not want to depend on food banks.

Statetement 🔗 UK Housing academics : "Almost 100 housing academics call on government to ‘prevent human catastrophe’ over coronavirus"

Statement 🔗 Catalan Solidarity Economy Network : "Coronavirus does not fall from the sky, but from capitalism" (in catalan) Communiqué 🔗 Southern Europe Network Against Turistification: "The SET Network in the face of COVID-19 and its consequences" (in spanish, italian, catalan and portuguese)

Statement 🔗 Abahlali baseMjondolo : Call for solidarity in a time of crisis

Initiatives 🔗 WIEGO/ SEWA : Vegetables on Wheels in Ahmedabad, India

Statements & Letters : 🔗 WIEGO / Alliance of Waste Pickers : Safety of the waste-pickers and informal waste collectors during Covid 19 pandemic.

Statements 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : COVID-19 and NHRIs in the Asia Pacific Initiatives 🔗 Asian Coalition for Housing Rights : News from groups around Asia about what's happening in the region

Initiatives : 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : ICHR's activities following the declaration of the state of emergency in Palestine as a preventive measure to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 Statement : 🔗 ALHAQ : Israel’s Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Face of COVID-19 (Reporting Period 8 - 29 March 2020)

Statement 🔗 Covid-19 Crisis Group, is a civic platform providing responses to the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya : Statement on the Reponses the COVID-19 situation in Kenya

Initiatives 🔗 TMG Research, in partnership with the Mazingira Institute : Video diaries from Nairobi: Navigating food insecurity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Statement : 🔗 ASSOAL Commitment note in the face of the Covid crisis / Note d’engagement ASSOAL cris du COVID-19 Initiatives : 🔗 ASSOAL Cartographie des interventions (français) / Intervention-Map-Covid-ASSOAL (English) 🔗 CODAS CARITAS : "Awareness against COVID19"/ "Sensibilización contra el COVID19"/ "Eveil contre le COVID19"

Statements 🔗 ONDESC : Civil society Appeal for COVID19 Better Management Cameroon (english) / Appel ONDESC Crise COVID-19 ( en français)

Initiatives 🔗 CSA Network : Know your food, Know your farmer

Ressources 🔗 FEMUM : Webinar COVID19 y Seguridad // English // Français

Ressources : 🔗 WIEGO : Las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal y el trabajo de WIEGO durante la crisis // English // Français

Initiative 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : World Assembly of Inhabitants// Español // Français

Campaign : 🔗 Urbamonde : Habitat Solidarity Fund - FHaS // Français Statement : 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : Zero evictions for Coronavirus Ressources : 🔗 HIC : Voces del Hábitat : Frente a la pandemia el futuro es hoy // English // Français

Material : 🔗 UN-Women Latin America and the Caribbean: "COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: how to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the response to the crisis " (in spanish) Initiative : 🔗 Huairou Commission : Creación de un Fondo de Resiliencia Comunitaria COVID19 // English // Français

No Discriminación

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Funciones sociales

Igualdad de Género

Economías diversas e inclusivas

Espacios y servicios públicos de calidad

Ciudaddanía Inclusiva

Vínculos inclusivos entre el campo y la ciudad

Componentes delDerecho a la Ciudad

Statements 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network India : "Need for Special Measures to Check Spread of COVID-19 among Homeless and Other Inadequately-housed Persons" 🔗 Action Aid India : Together against COVID Campaign 🔗 YUVA : COVID-19 Lockdown and Resilience: Narratives from the Ground Measures 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network: Human Rights Assessment and Compilation of State Relief Measures

Press release 🔗 HIC- Housing and Land Rights Network : "To Combat COVID-19, We Need a Human Rights Habitat"

Campaigns 🔗 Montreal Social Movements: Rent Strike beginning April 1st Right to Housing movements in Montreal have come together organizing a rent strike beginning April 1st. Statements 🔗 Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (2014-2020)::Press release and thematic guidance notes

United Nations 🔗 Initiative: #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UCLG) 🔗 Article: "Measures against coronavirus cannot violate human rights" (in spanish) 🔗 Statement by Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts to UN-OHCHR: "COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights" 🔗 Article: "UN rapporteur calls for countries to adopt universal basic income in the face of the pandemic" (in portuguese) 🔗 Response Plan: "Global Humanitarian Response Plan"

Material : 🔗 UN-Women Latin America and the Caribbean: "COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: how to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the response to the crisis " (in spanish) Initiative : 🔗 Huairou Commission : Creación de un Fondo de Resiliencia Comunitaria COVID19 // English // Français

Statements and letters 🔗 CESAL: "COVID-19 Alert: CESAL, closer to those who need us most"

Campaigns 🔗Red Mujer y Hábitat: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Latin America?" The Women and Habitat Network LAC is promoting this survey to gather information on how the conditions of social isolation that are taking place in the different territories of the region are being confronted by women, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals, non-binaries, and above all those from the popular sectors. Ressources 🔗 Ana Falú (CISCSA): "The pandemic analyzed under a feminist point of view" 🔗 Foro de Mujeres de Pernambuco: "Guide for Hygiene with limited water to prevent COVID-19" 🔗Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Córdoba?" 🔗 Red Mujer y Habitat: Lecturas feministas sobre ciudades y territorios. Desigualdades frente a la pandemia del COVID-19 Statements and letters 🔗 CISCSA: Communiqué

Ressources 🔗 Community organizations from Medellín’s Communes 3 and 9: "Plan for COVID-19 Contingency in informal settlements"

Campaigns 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition:"#CancelRent and #ReclaimOurHomes The Right to Council NYC Coalition along with other organizations in NYC are putting forward two campaigns focused on protecting the right to adequate housing in the state of New York, focused on cancelling rent during the pandemic, freezing prices and rehousing those in need. The organization managed to win an eviction moratorium in the state. 🔗 Right to the City Alliance : "Beyond recovery" and "No rent" campaigns The Right to City Alliance, along with other collectives is leading these two campaigns to protect the Right to Housing in the US.. The first calls for cancelling the payment of mortgages, rents and utilities during the pandemic, while the second help tenants send a letter to their landlords notifying them of the inability to pay rent in order to secure protection from evictions. Ressources 🔗 US Right to Housing organizations:: "COVID-19 Emergency Tenant Protection in the US" 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition: Toolkit to support rent strikes + legal support for tenants suffering evictions 🔗 Housing Justice for All: Map with stories of those fighting to #CancelRent 🔗 The New Inquiry: Resources for Rent Strikes Statements and letters 🔗 National Coalition for the Homeless:: "NCH statement on coronavirus response" and demands to Congress 🔗 Housing Justice National Platform:: "COVID-19 Response"

Initiatives 🔗 Street Vendor Project" Distribution of hot meals cooked by street vendors The Street Vendor Project has partnered with Senator Jessica Ramos to distribute hot meals in Queens (NYC). The meals were cooked by local street vendors, which guaranteed them a source of income while economic activity is paralyzed. Campaigns 🔗 Multiple collectives:" National Agenda for Street Vendor Justice Street Vendor collectives from four different cities join forces in this campaign with measures to address the needs of street vendors both during the pandemic and in the long term. Statements and letters 🔗 Street Vendor Project::Demands and needs of NYC street vendors 🔗 Street Vendor Project: "NYC must include street vendors in any outdoor dining push"

Campaigns 🔗 Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "The Basic Income We Want" Through the pressure of brazillian civil society, the country's Congress approved an emergency basic-income of three months for the workers and families most affected by the crisis. 🔗 WIEGO: COVID-19 and the world's two billion informal economy workers On May 1st (international Worker's Day), WIEGO released a campaign along informal economy workers’ organizations across the global economy to call on governments at all levels to partner with them on relief, recovery and resilience efforts that are emerging from the grassroots during this time of unprecedented crisis. Ressources 🔗 WIEGO:Ressources for informal workers (street vendors, waste picker, home-based workers, domestic workers and others 🔗 BR Cidades: Information on the Emergency Basic Income 🔗 Global Alliance of Waste Pickers : "COVID-19 and waste pickers"

Campaigns 🔗Rent in crisis São Paulo tenants' collective created amid the COVID-19 crisis in order to advance towards the protection of the right to housing of the city's tenants during the health and economic crisis 🔗Nossas Cidades Network: Quarantine rooms campaign Campaign created to pressure São Paulo's Mayor to use the local hotel network to house health professionals, homeless and women victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. Ressources 🔗LabCidade: News, materials and campaigns on COVI-19, urbanism, right to housing and right to the city 🔗Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico: Videos on COVID-19 and the Right to Housing " Statements and letters 🔗 Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico "Appeal for suspension of execution of repossession and eviction orders" (in portuguese)

Statement : 🔗 Enda Tiers-monde: "Declaration of the International ENDA TM Network" (in french) Ressources : 🔗 Enda Tierrs-Monde : Journée de l'enfant Africain et Covid-19 🔗 Enda Tiers- Monde: Synthèse des contributions du réseau Enda à la lutte contre le Coronavirus au Sénégal

Ressources 🔗Instituto Marielle Franco: Corona in the peripheries Mapping of initiatives to combat COVID-19 in favelas and peripheries of Brazil. 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: "Society against COVID-19" A series of civil society organizations across Brazil has come together in order to give visibility to the main efforts and articulations from the civil society in the response to the COVID-19 crisis. 🔗Popular movements against COVID-19 Website created by brazillian grassroots movements to disseminate their proposals to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, encourage actions of solidarity and pressure the State for its responsibility to solve the health, economic and social crisis. Campaigns 🔗 Pacto pela Democracia and other Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "Bolsonaro: Inconsequent and unacceptable" 🔗Video: "#StopBolsonaro" Statements and letters 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: Collective proposals to address the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil's favelas and peripheries, prioritizing the vulnerable groups and under a Right to the City framework

Ressources 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Caminos de la Villa" (platform with information on the spread of COVID-19 in Buenos Aires informal settlements and measures to prevent it) 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Analysis of the measures that seek to bring relief to the tenant population in Argentina" 🔗 Argentinian social organizations: Special protocol for addressing COVID-19 in informal settlements Statements and letters 🔗 Habitar Argentina: "Urgent proposals for measures to combat the COVID-19 from a comprehensive view of the habitat"

Initiatives 🔗Recerca Guide of small artisanal food producers in Uruguay with the goal of connecting producers and consumers directly. An initiative of Slow Food Uruguay.

Campaigns DHESCA Brasil & other organizations: Campaign against the Constitutional amendement n95 DHESCA Brasil & other civil society organizations issued a plea to cancel the Constitutional amendement n95 which drastically cuts federal public spending in social policies, with emphasis on health, education, housing, food security and social assistance. A letter was sent to UN Special Rapporteurs and a lawsuit was filed under Brazil's Supreme Court. ACTION AID : NESTA CRISE, NÃO PODEMOS DEIXAR NINGUÉM PARA TRÁS // ENGLISH // FRANCAIS Ressources 🔗Ondas: Informative booklet on the right to water during the pandemic Statements and letters 🔗São Paulo social movements: Manifesto against the closing of "Atende 2" in "Cracolândia"

Statements and letters 🔗Ni todo está perdido Collective: "Call to authorities and to everyone's solidarity" (in spanish) 🔗 Social organizations in Montevideo (FUCVAM, PIT-CNT, FEUU, ONAJPU, Intersocial Feminista and Colectivo Ovejas Negras): "Intersocial statement by social organizations in Montevideo"

Initiatives 🔗 Women’s Commune Programme, In Montevideo, the municipality has increased opening hours and established special services in the Women’s Commune Programme, a space that offers free care and services to women in situations of domestic violence. Ressources 🔗 Gender and pandemic Blog: blog with texts on the COVID-19 pandemic under a feminist perspective Statements and letters 🔗 Pro cuidados Network: Communiqué on the care system and the COVID-19 pandemic

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations in Uruguay: "Letter to uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou regarding the Right to Housing during the pandemic" 🔗 FUCVAM, CIEDUR and CLADEM: Statement on mass eviction in Santa Catalina (Montevideo) 🔗 FUCVAM: Urgent need of measures to face the pandemic from a right to adequate housing point of view

Ressources 🔗 CENCA: Weekly advice on home agriculture Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian Agroecological consortium: "Our current challenge: reverse the sanitary, climate and food crisis with an empowered citizenship"

Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian social movements: Urgent proposals for the Peruvian State to ensure sustainable cities and the right to adequate housing in the face of COVID-19

Statements and letters 🔗 Corporación Ciudad Común: "Housing and the city under COVID-19"

Ressources 🔗 CEPAL: The COVID-19 pandemic deepens the care crisis in Latin America

Statements and letters 🔗 Mexican social organizations and collectives: "Overcoming the pandemic: guaranteeing the constitutional right to adequate housing and access to drinking water"

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations, academics and activists from Mexico: "Urgent Measures to address the Coronavirus pandemic from a Right to Adequate Housing perspective" 🔗 Mexican housing collectives: "Enhancing the social production and management of the habitat could contribute to the social transformation our country needs"

Initiatives 🔗 Campaign “Woman, you are not alone” The Secretariat of Policies for Women of the Federal District of Brazil has launched the campaign “Woman, you are not alone” with emergency services, call centers and other services to assist, shelter and protect women who are under threat of violence as a result of measures of social isolation.

Statements and letters 🔗 Guaranteeing water provision In Colombia, nearly 200,000 families who did not have drinking water service due to non-payment have been reconnected to the water system, in addition to freezing water rates for the duration of the emergency

Ressources : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : "Information: solidarity during quarantine" (in french) Petitions : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : Plan for solidarity protection in times of containment! - (in french) 🔗 French Right to Housing movements : "COVID19: SOS Homeless, poorly housed and tenants!" (in french)

Statement 🔗 Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l'économie sociale solidaire (RIPESS) : "COVID-19: Globalising solidarity is the response we need now!"

Statements : 🔗 WIEGO/ SAWPA : Call to national and local governments and citizens to assist and support Waste Pickers 🔗 Streetnet : STREETNET International Statement in response to COVID-19

Manifiesto 🔗 Citizens from Barcelona : "Reorganize the city after the COVID-19"

Campaign 🔗 Spanish collectives and social organizations : "Crash Plan for the COVID-19 Crisis"

Ressources 🔗 Eurocities : "Live updates COVID-19"

Media ressources 🔗 Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung : "Corona Chronicles" 🔗 Cities Alliance : "The impact of COVID-19 in informal settlements" Statements & Messages 🔗 Habitat International Coalition : "HIC calls for social justice in the face of the COVID-19 crisis" "HIC message to Members, Friends and Allies " 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Zero evictions for coronavirus" Initiatives 🔗United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UN-Habitat) 🔗Metropolis : "Cities for Global Health" Ressource 🔗 Front Line Defenders : "Physical, emotional and digital protection while using home as office in times of COVID-19" Materials 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Stories, proposals, good practices and struggles for the right to housing and the city in the face of the Coronavirus worldwide"

Ressources 🔗 International Observatory on Participatory Democracy: "In the face of isolation, strengthening citizen solidarity" (in spanish) Initiative 🔗 United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : "Monitoring the impact of COVID 19 and its aftermath"🔗 APU Villeneuve : "Prendre soin de Villeneuve"

Statements and letters 🔗 Urgenci: "Message of solidarity with Urgenci members around the world"Initiatives Zambra is a coordination of groups that are working with people with low income and in social exclusion situation.We are working on groups of Community supported agriculture, self-organized, where people are growing their own food in community gardens or connecting people from cities with farmers, sharing the tasks and the risks of the harvest. They are getting healthy food and food autonomy because they do not want to depend on food banks.

Statetement 🔗 UK Housing academics : "Almost 100 housing academics call on government to ‘prevent human catastrophe’ over coronavirus"

Statement 🔗 Catalan Solidarity Economy Network : "Coronavirus does not fall from the sky, but from capitalism" (in catalan) Communiqué 🔗 Southern Europe Network Against Turistification: "The SET Network in the face of COVID-19 and its consequences" (in spanish, italian, catalan and portuguese)

Statement 🔗 Abahlali baseMjondolo : Call for solidarity in a time of crisis

Initiatives 🔗 WIEGO/ SEWA : Vegetables on Wheels in Ahmedabad, India

Statements & Letters : 🔗 WIEGO / Alliance of Waste Pickers : Safety of the waste-pickers and informal waste collectors during Covid 19 pandemic.

Statements 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : COVID-19 and NHRIs in the Asia Pacific Initiatives 🔗 Asian Coalition for Housing Rights : News from groups around Asia about what's happening in the region

Initiatives : 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : ICHR's activities following the declaration of the state of emergency in Palestine as a preventive measure to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 Statement : 🔗 ALHAQ : Israel’s Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Face of COVID-19 (Reporting Period 8 - 29 March 2020)

Statement 🔗 Covid-19 Crisis Group, is a civic platform providing responses to the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya : Statement on the Reponses the COVID-19 situation in Kenya

Initiatives 🔗 TMG Research, in partnership with the Mazingira Institute : Video diaries from Nairobi: Navigating food insecurity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Statement : 🔗 ASSOAL Commitment note in the face of the Covid crisis / Note d’engagement ASSOAL cris du COVID-19 Initiatives : 🔗 ASSOAL Cartographie des interventions (français) / Intervention-Map-Covid-ASSOAL (English) 🔗 CODAS CARITAS : "Awareness against COVID19"/ "Sensibilización contra el COVID19"/ "Eveil contre le COVID19"

Statements 🔗 ONDESC : Civil society Appeal for COVID19 Better Management Cameroon (english) / Appel ONDESC Crise COVID-19 ( en français)

Initiatives 🔗 CSA Network : Know your food, Know your farmer

Ressources 🔗 FEMUM : Webinar COVID19 y Seguridad // English // Français

Ressources : 🔗 WIEGO : Las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal y el trabajo de WIEGO durante la crisis // English // Français

Initiative 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : World Assembly of Inhabitants// Español // Français

Campaign : 🔗 Urbamonde : Habitat Solidarity Fund - FHaS // Français Statement : 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : Zero evictions for Coronavirus Ressources : 🔗 HIC : Voces del Hábitat : Frente a la pandemia el futuro es hoy // English // Français

Non Discrimination

Plus forte participation politique

Fonctions sociales

Egalité de Genre

Economies diversifiées et inclusives

Services et Espaces Publics de qualité

Citoyenneté Inclusive

Interactions entre les zones rurales et urbaines

Composantes du Droit à la Ville

Statements 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network India : "Need for Special Measures to Check Spread of COVID-19 among Homeless and Other Inadequately-housed Persons" 🔗 Action Aid India : Together against COVID Campaign 🔗 YUVA : COVID-19 Lockdown and Resilience: Narratives from the Ground Measures 🔗 Housing and Land Rights Network: Human Rights Assessment and Compilation of State Relief Measures

Press release 🔗 HIC- Housing and Land Rights Network : "To Combat COVID-19, We Need a Human Rights Habitat"

Campaigns 🔗 Montreal Social Movements: Rent Strike beginning April 1st Right to Housing movements in Montreal have come together organizing a rent strike beginning April 1st. Statements 🔗 Leilani Farha, UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing (2014-2020)::Press release and thematic guidance notes

United Nations 🔗 Initiative: #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UCLG) 🔗 Article: "Measures against coronavirus cannot violate human rights" (in spanish) 🔗 Statement by Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts to UN-OHCHR: "COVID-19: States should not abuse emergency measures to suppress human rights" 🔗 Article: "UN rapporteur calls for countries to adopt universal basic income in the face of the pandemic" (in portuguese) 🔗 Response Plan: "Global Humanitarian Response Plan"

Statements and letters 🔗 CESAL: "COVID-19 Alert: CESAL, closer to those who need us most"

Campaigns 🔗Red Mujer y Hábitat: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Latin America?" The Women and Habitat Network LAC is promoting this survey to gather information on how the conditions of social isolation that are taking place in the different territories of the region are being confronted by women, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals, non-binaries, and above all those from the popular sectors. Ressources 🔗 Ana Falú (CISCSA): "The pandemic analyzed under a feminist point of view" 🔗 Foro de Mujeres de Pernambuco: "Guide for Hygiene with limited water to prevent COVID-19" 🔗Universidad Nacional de Córdoba: "How do measures of social isolation impact the bodies of women, lesbians and trans people in Córdoba?" 🔗 Red Mujer y Habitat: Lecturas feministas sobre ciudades y territorios. Desigualdades frente a la pandemia del COVID-19 Statements and letters 🔗 CISCSA: Communiqué

Ressources 🔗 Community organizations from Medellín’s Communes 3 and 9: "Plan for COVID-19 Contingency in informal settlements"

Campaigns 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition:"#CancelRent and #ReclaimOurHomes The Right to Council NYC Coalition along with other organizations in NYC are putting forward two campaigns focused on protecting the right to adequate housing in the state of New York, focused on cancelling rent during the pandemic, freezing prices and rehousing those in need. The organization managed to win an eviction moratorium in the state. 🔗 Right to the City Alliance : "Beyond recovery" and "No rent" campaigns The Right to City Alliance, along with other collectives is leading these two campaigns to protect the Right to Housing in the US.. The first calls for cancelling the payment of mortgages, rents and utilities during the pandemic, while the second help tenants send a letter to their landlords notifying them of the inability to pay rent in order to secure protection from evictions. Ressources 🔗 US Right to Housing organizations:: "COVID-19 Emergency Tenant Protection in the US" 🔗 Right to Council NYC Coalition: Toolkit to support rent strikes + legal support for tenants suffering evictions 🔗 Housing Justice for All: Map with stories of those fighting to #CancelRent 🔗 The New Inquiry: Resources for Rent Strikes Statements and letters 🔗 National Coalition for the Homeless:: "NCH statement on coronavirus response" and demands to Congress 🔗 Housing Justice National Platform:: "COVID-19 Response"

Initiatives 🔗 Street Vendor Project" Distribution of hot meals cooked by street vendors The Street Vendor Project has partnered with Senator Jessica Ramos to distribute hot meals in Queens (NYC). The meals were cooked by local street vendors, which guaranteed them a source of income while economic activity is paralyzed. Campaigns 🔗 Multiple collectives:" National Agenda for Street Vendor Justice Street Vendor collectives from four different cities join forces in this campaign with measures to address the needs of street vendors both during the pandemic and in the long term. Statements and letters 🔗 Street Vendor Project::Demands and needs of NYC street vendors 🔗 Street Vendor Project: "NYC must include street vendors in any outdoor dining push"

Campaigns 🔗 Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "The Basic Income We Want" Through the pressure of brazillian civil society, the country's Congress approved an emergency basic-income of three months for the workers and families most affected by the crisis. 🔗 WIEGO: COVID-19 and the world's two billion informal economy workers On May 1st (international Worker's Day), WIEGO released a campaign along informal economy workers’ organizations across the global economy to call on governments at all levels to partner with them on relief, recovery and resilience efforts that are emerging from the grassroots during this time of unprecedented crisis. Ressources 🔗 WIEGO:Ressources for informal workers (street vendors, waste picker, home-based workers, domestic workers and others 🔗 BR Cidades: Information on the Emergency Basic Income 🔗 Global Alliance of Waste Pickers : "COVID-19 and waste pickers"

Campaigns 🔗Rent in crisis São Paulo tenants' collective created amid the COVID-19 crisis in order to advance towards the protection of the right to housing of the city's tenants during the health and economic crisis 🔗Nossas Cidades Network: Quarantine rooms campaign Campaign created to pressure São Paulo's Mayor to use the local hotel network to house health professionals, homeless and women victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. Ressources 🔗LabCidade: News, materials and campaigns on COVI-19, urbanism, right to housing and right to the city 🔗Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico: Videos on COVID-19 and the Right to Housing " Statements and letters 🔗 Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Urbanístico "Appeal for suspension of execution of repossession and eviction orders" (in portuguese)

Statement : 🔗 Enda Tiers-monde: "Declaration of the International ENDA TM Network" (in french) Ressources : 🔗 Enda Tierrs-Monde : Journée de l'enfant Africain et Covid-19 🔗 Enda Tiers- Monde: Synthèse des contributions du réseau Enda à la lutte contre le Coronavirus au Sénégal

Ressources 🔗Instituto Marielle Franco: Corona in the peripheries Mapping of initiatives to combat COVID-19 in favelas and peripheries of Brazil. 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: "Society against COVID-19" A series of civil society organizations across Brazil has come together in order to give visibility to the main efforts and articulations from the civil society in the response to the COVID-19 crisis. 🔗Popular movements against COVID-19 Website created by brazillian grassroots movements to disseminate their proposals to respond to the COVID-19 crisis, encourage actions of solidarity and pressure the State for its responsibility to solve the health, economic and social crisis. Campaigns 🔗 Pacto pela Democracia and other Brazilian Social Movements and Organizations: "Bolsonaro: Inconsequent and unacceptable" 🔗Video: "#StopBolsonaro" Statements and letters 🔗Brazilian civil society organizations: Collective proposals to address the COVID-19 crisis in Brazil's favelas and peripheries, prioritizing the vulnerable groups and under a Right to the City framework

Ressources 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Caminos de la Villa" (platform with information on the spread of COVID-19 in Buenos Aires informal settlements and measures to prevent it) 🔗 Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia: "Analysis of the measures that seek to bring relief to the tenant population in Argentina" 🔗 Argentinian social organizations: Special protocol for addressing COVID-19 in informal settlements Statements and letters 🔗 Habitar Argentina: "Urgent proposals for measures to combat the COVID-19 from a comprehensive view of the habitat"

Initiatives 🔗Recerca Guide of small artisanal food producers in Uruguay with the goal of connecting producers and consumers directly. An initiative of Slow Food Uruguay.

Campaigns DHESCA Brasil & other organizations: Campaign against the Constitutional amendement n95 DHESCA Brasil & other civil society organizations issued a plea to cancel the Constitutional amendement n95 which drastically cuts federal public spending in social policies, with emphasis on health, education, housing, food security and social assistance. A letter was sent to UN Special Rapporteurs and a lawsuit was filed under Brazil's Supreme Court. ACTION AID : NESTA CRISE, NÃO PODEMOS DEIXAR NINGUÉM PARA TRÁS // ENGLISH // FRANCAIS Ressources 🔗Ondas: Informative booklet on the right to water during the pandemic Statements and letters 🔗São Paulo social movements: Manifesto against the closing of "Atende 2" in "Cracolândia"

Statements and letters 🔗Ni todo está perdido Collective: "Call to authorities and to everyone's solidarity" (in spanish) 🔗 Social organizations in Montevideo (FUCVAM, PIT-CNT, FEUU, ONAJPU, Intersocial Feminista and Colectivo Ovejas Negras): "Intersocial statement by social organizations in Montevideo"

Initiatives 🔗 Women’s Commune Programme, In Montevideo, the municipality has increased opening hours and established special services in the Women’s Commune Programme, a space that offers free care and services to women in situations of domestic violence. Ressources 🔗 Gender and pandemic Blog: blog with texts on the COVID-19 pandemic under a feminist perspective Statements and letters 🔗 Pro cuidados Network: Communiqué on the care system and the COVID-19 pandemic

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations in Uruguay: "Letter to uruguayan president Luis Lacalle Pou regarding the Right to Housing during the pandemic" 🔗 FUCVAM, CIEDUR and CLADEM: Statement on mass eviction in Santa Catalina (Montevideo) 🔗 FUCVAM: Urgent need of measures to face the pandemic from a right to adequate housing point of view

Ressources 🔗 CENCA: Weekly advice on home agriculture Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian Agroecological consortium: "Our current challenge: reverse the sanitary, climate and food crisis with an empowered citizenship"

Statements and letters 🔗 Peruvian social movements: Urgent proposals for the Peruvian State to ensure sustainable cities and the right to adequate housing in the face of COVID-19

Statements and letters 🔗 Corporación Ciudad Común: "Housing and the city under COVID-19"

Ressources 🔗 CEPAL: The COVID-19 pandemic deepens the care crisis in Latin America

Statements and letters 🔗 Mexican social organizations and collectives: "Overcoming the pandemic: guaranteeing the constitutional right to adequate housing and access to drinking water"

Statements and letters 🔗 Social organizations, academics and activists from Mexico: "Urgent Measures to address the Coronavirus pandemic from a Right to Adequate Housing perspective" 🔗 Mexican housing collectives: "Enhancing the social production and management of the habitat could contribute to the social transformation our country needs"

Initiatives 🔗 Campaign “Woman, you are not alone” The Secretariat of Policies for Women of the Federal District of Brazil has launched the campaign “Woman, you are not alone” with emergency services, call centers and other services to assist, shelter and protect women who are under threat of violence as a result of measures of social isolation.

Statements and letters 🔗 Guaranteeing water provision In Colombia, nearly 200,000 families who did not have drinking water service due to non-payment have been reconnected to the water system, in addition to freezing water rates for the duration of the emergency

Ressources : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : "Information: solidarity during quarantine" (in french) Petitions : 🔗 Collectives from Marseille : Plan for solidarity protection in times of containment! - (in french) 🔗 French Right to Housing movements : "COVID19: SOS Homeless, poorly housed and tenants!" (in french)

Statement 🔗 Réseau intercontinental de promotion de l'économie sociale solidaire (RIPESS) : "COVID-19: Globalising solidarity is the response we need now!"

Statements : 🔗 WIEGO/ SAWPA : Call to national and local governments and citizens to assist and support Waste Pickers 🔗 Streetnet : STREETNET International Statement in response to COVID-19

Manifiesto 🔗 Citizens from Barcelona : "Reorganize the city after the COVID-19"

Campaign 🔗 Spanish collectives and social organizations : "Crash Plan for the COVID-19 Crisis"

Ressources 🔗 Eurocities : "Live updates COVID-19"

Media ressources 🔗 Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung : "Corona Chronicles" 🔗 Cities Alliance : "The impact of COVID-19 in informal settlements" Statements & Messages 🔗 Habitat International Coalition : "HIC calls for social justice in the face of the COVID-19 crisis" "HIC message to Members, Friends and Allies " 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Zero evictions for coronavirus" Initiatives 🔗United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : #BeyondTheOutbreak (with UN-Habitat) 🔗Metropolis : "Cities for Global Health" Ressource 🔗 Front Line Defenders : "Physical, emotional and digital protection while using home as office in times of COVID-19" Materials 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : "Stories, proposals, good practices and struggles for the right to housing and the city in the face of the Coronavirus worldwide"

Ressources 🔗 International Observatory on Participatory Democracy: "In the face of isolation, strengthening citizen solidarity" (in spanish) Initiative 🔗 United Cities and Local Governments World Secretariat : "Monitoring the impact of COVID 19 and its aftermath"🔗 APU Villeneuve : "Prendre soin de Villeneuve"

Statements and letters 🔗 Urgenci: "Message of solidarity with Urgenci members around the world"Initiatives Zambra is a coordination of groups that are working with people with low income and in social exclusion situation.We are working on groups of Community supported agriculture, self-organized, where people are growing their own food in community gardens or connecting people from cities with farmers, sharing the tasks and the risks of the harvest. They are getting healthy food and food autonomy because they do not want to depend on food banks.

Statetement 🔗 UK Housing academics : "Almost 100 housing academics call on government to ‘prevent human catastrophe’ over coronavirus"

Statement 🔗 Catalan Solidarity Economy Network : "Coronavirus does not fall from the sky, but from capitalism" (in catalan) Communiqué 🔗 Southern Europe Network Against Turistification: "The SET Network in the face of COVID-19 and its consequences" (in spanish, italian, catalan and portuguese)

Statement 🔗 Abahlali baseMjondolo : Call for solidarity in a time of crisis

Initiatives 🔗 WIEGO/ SEWA : Vegetables on Wheels in Ahmedabad, India

Statements & Letters : 🔗 WIEGO / Alliance of Waste Pickers : Safety of the waste-pickers and informal waste collectors during Covid 19 pandemic.

Statements 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : COVID-19 and NHRIs in the Asia Pacific Initiatives 🔗 Asian Coalition for Housing Rights : News from groups around Asia about what's happening in the region

Initiatives : 🔗 Asia Pacific People's Forum : ICHR's activities following the declaration of the state of emergency in Palestine as a preventive measure to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 Statement : 🔗 ALHAQ : Israel’s Gross Violations of Human Rights in the Face of COVID-19 (Reporting Period 8 - 29 March 2020)

Statement 🔗 Covid-19 Crisis Group, is a civic platform providing responses to the coronavirus pandemic in Kenya : Statement on the Reponses the COVID-19 situation in Kenya

Initiatives 🔗 TMG Research, in partnership with the Mazingira Institute : Video diaries from Nairobi: Navigating food insecurity in times of the COVID-19 pandemic

Statement : 🔗 ASSOAL Commitment note in the face of the Covid crisis / Note d’engagement ASSOAL cris du COVID-19 Initiatives : 🔗 ASSOAL Cartographie des interventions (français) / Intervention-Map-Covid-ASSOAL (English) 🔗 CODAS CARITAS : "Awareness against COVID19"/ "Sensibilización contra el COVID19"/ "Eveil contre le COVID19"

Statements 🔗 ONDESC : Civil society Appeal for COVID19 Better Management Cameroon (english) / Appel ONDESC Crise COVID-19 ( en français)

Initiatives 🔗 CSA Network : Know your food, Know your farmer

Ressources 🔗 FEMUM : Webinar COVID19 y Seguridad // English // Français

Ressources : 🔗 WIEGO : Las personas trabajadoras en empleo informal y el trabajo de WIEGO durante la crisis // English // Français

Initiative 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : World Assembly of Inhabitants// Español // Français

Material : 🔗 UN-Women Latin America and the Caribbean: "COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: how to incorporate women and gender equality in the management of the response to the crisis " (in spanish) Initiative : 🔗 Huairou Commission : Creación de un Fondo de Resiliencia Comunitaria COVID19 // English // Français

Campaign : 🔗 Urbamonde : Habitat Solidarity Fund - FHaS // Français Statement : 🔗 International Alliance of Inhabitants : Zero evictions for Coronavirus Ressources : 🔗 HIC : Voces del Hábitat : Frente a la pandemia el futuro es hoy // English // Français