Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


The steps of the adventure



Final activities


The story

Interactive games

The e-book

Ask and re-make

  • let's test our knowledge of Peter Pan's fairy tale
  • let's discuss about some elements of the fairy tale
  • let's create wordwalls with the keywords
  • let's create an acrostic with the name of one of the characters of the story

  • let's analyse the story (reading comphension activities)
  • let's work with the language (grammar activities)
  • let's talk about friendship, food and holidays
  • let's have fun with a wonderful crossword

  • let's meet the characters of the story
  • let's read about myths, fables, folk-tales and fairy tales
  • let's read about the author of the fairy tale
  • let's watch the video of the story (take notes of irregular verbs and of keywords and key sentences)
  • let's read the story and prepare three maps

  • let's design and create mind maps about the story and the different characters first on paper and later by digital devices

  • let's design and create teaching activities first on paper and later by digital devices

  • let's design and then create a flipbook about the fairy tale, containing mindmaps and interactive games

  • let's reflect on our digital products with our classmates and the teacher
  • let's carry out "debugging" activities
  • let's revise our digital products if necessary
  • let's vote the best final product

  • let's present our ebook to the school
  • let's evaluate and assess our work