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Maria, Aitana, Hodei, Sofia R



WHAT IT IS?His clases is ontozoaCaracterísticasCARACTERISTICES:Anemones hace radial simmetry and thoir body

Anemones A


Sea anemones use their stinging tentacles to capture prey. They feed on crustaceans small fish and ocasionally mollusk and sea unching.

Diet B


It has five pairs of legs in charge of the locomotion.

Locomotion B


A sea anemones looks lime a flower but it is actually a marine . Their bodies are hollow columns with a mouth and stinging tentacles at the top.

anatomy B

Anemones live amontong the reafs and use them as a shelter, use an organelle called a nest and serve them to hunt or defend themserlves.


CIRCLE OF LIFE: The planula fertilises an egg, it turns into a polyp stuck in the ground. Then it grows into a young and adult stage anemone.

REPRODUCTION:Some anemones reproduce sexually, they release their eggs & sperms into the sea, it is fertilised by a planula (small larva) and they settle in the ground. Other anemones reproduce asexually, they split into 1 or 2 identical clones.


The endanemonesmaria, aitana,sofia, hodei