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Portuguese example of Circular Economy ... What can be done with coffee capsules?

N A M E / C I T Y

These coffee capsules have been used. Now what? As we are fond of transforming products into art before this process begins, there is an extra work to be done ... clean the capsules. Have a look!

Coffee removed from the capsules

Whether in the breakfast capsule or in powder in the most classic way, we have a valuable help in our home garden. Coffee is an extraordinary fertilizer for plants.It is a valuable source of nitrogen. It also contains magnesium, calcium, potassium and other minerals.You can put it directly on the ground. This will help to betray beneficial organisms for the development and healthy growth of plants. For example, they are a good attraction for earthworms.

Fertilizing plants and vegetables

Washing the capsules ...

Now it is time to wash the capsules and have them ready for the craft work.But ... don´t forget to keep the water. It is very useful to water our plants in the garden or in vases. You will be helping the environment and the water consumption at home.

Recycle the unnecessary capsules

The unnecessary coffee capsules are sent for recycling.THE POSITIVE CUP

Curiosity ...

Repellent You can put coffee grounds around your crops. This will protect them from snails, slugs and even ants. Caffeine affects these pests and causes them to move away from soils where there are coffee grounds.

They can also be used as cat repellents. They do not like digging earth with coffee grounds.

Portuguese team