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Nouveautés avril 2020

La Drôme, rivière sauvage

Cote : 551.48 DAU

L'action publique saisie par ses "publics"

Cote : 352.1 GOU

Résumé : Les politiques publiques ciblent, produisent, catégorisent des " publics ". C'est là une évidence. Pourtant ces opérations sont rarement au coeur de l'analyse de l'action publique. A partir de textes originaux sur des sujets variés (immigration, vaccination, participation, open-data, régulation bancaire...), cet ouvrage collectif démontre le potentiel heuristique d'une approche de l'action publique " par les publics ".Comment les politiques publiques ciblent-elles leurs " bénéficiaires " ? Jusqu'où l'opinion publique, les identités peuvent-elles être considérées comme des produits de l'action publique ? Dans quelle mesure l'action publique participe-t-elle à la mise en forme de l'ordre social via la catégorisation des individus et des groupes ? Comment les gouvernants se représentent-ils les publics et leurs comportements ? Autant de questions qui soulignent l'intérêt d'une telle approche, visant étudier la contribution de l'action publique à la production et à l'entretien de l'ordre politique.

Expérimenter l'intervention artistique en urbanisme

Cote : 710 ARA

Résumé : Les initiatives associant artistes et professionnels de l'urbanisme se multiplient et reçoivent un écho très favorable. Cet ouvrage étudie ce phénomène qui, pour être fortement valorisé, reste mal connu. Il explore cinq expérimentations intégrant artistes, professionnels de l'urbanisme et usagers dans une démarche de réflexion sur l'espace urbain et examine ces nouvelles formes de collaborations, leurs objectifs, les activités et les méthodes déployées, leurs effets.A partir d'observations, d'entretiens et d'outils puisés dans le champ de l'urbanisme et de la sociologie (sociologie des organisations et de l'action et sociologie de l'art pour l'essentiel), l'ouvrage questionne autant l'approche de l'espace urbain par les artistes que les relations sociales à l'oeuvre dans la rencontre entre mondes de l'art et de l'urbain. L'ouvrage révèle l'importance accordée par les artistes au terrain et à la subjectivité dans l'appréhension de l'espace, il éclaire leur rôle perturbateur qui décadre le professionnel de l'urbanisme de ses pratiques habituelles et qui positionne les usagers dans un rôle actif.Ces expérimentations redéfinissent un cadre d'intervention et proposent de nouvelles formes de relations entre ces acteurs mais elles soulignent aussi une tension entre les attendus artistiques et les finalités opérationnelles des urbanistes. Enfin, les auteurs montrent à travers la notion "d'entrepreneurs de méthodes" comment, dans un contexte de montée en puissance de l'approche sensible, d'un recentrage sur l'individu et d'un questionnement sur les outils urbanistiques se tisse un réseau composé de professionnels de l'art et de l'urbanisme favorables à la promotion de ces recompositions dans les pratiques de l'urbanisme.

Territoires impériaux

Cote : 325 TER

Résumé : Ce livre a pour ambition de réexaminer la relation entre savoirs géographiques et empires à la lumière des travaux les plus récents, posant ainsi les jalons d'une histoire spatiale des empires. Croisant différentes approches, les auteurs de ce volume analysent la question fondamentale de l'appropriation coloniale de l'espace par la construction des savoirs géographiques et des pratiques spatiales (cartographie, tracés de frontières, enquêtes).Elle permet de saisir la diversité des situations coloniales, de tracer la diffusion des savoirs sur l'espace colonial et de révéler la formation de territoires coloniaux aux contours complexes, parfois enchevêtrés, indéterminés et souvent marqués par de nombreuses discontinuités. La circulation des concepts, des méthodes de description et d'explication est induite par le déplacement des principaux acteurs - explorateurs et voyageurs, militaires, ingénieurs, cartographes -, et par leurs rencontres au sein de réseaux de relation institutionnels ou informels (informateurs autochtones, associations, revues).Ils participent pleinement de la représentation des empires, président à leurs pratiques politiques et questionnent de façon originale la domination coloniale en prenant en compte la coexistence de spatialités multiples, qui ne sauraient se résumer à une opposition binaire entre spatialités européenne et indigène. Fruit d'une enquête collective et internationale menée dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche financé par l'Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR), ce livre dessine un monde découpé, réduit, agrandi, ordonné et déconstruit : l'imaginaire territorial d'un monde impérial.

Faut-il ouvrir les frontières ?

Cote : 341 WIH

Résumé : Alors que la mobilité est reconnue comme un facteur essentiel de développement humain, les deux tiers des habitants de la planète ne peuvent circuler librement. Quant aux pays traditionnels d'immigration, ils ont fermé leurs portes, si ce n'est bâti des murs pour se protéger des migrants. Les effets pervers de la fermeture des frontières sont légion. Aux victimes, aux sans-papiers et aux sans-droits, s'ajoutent les camps de réfugiés, l'économie mafieuse du passage, les déficits économiques et démographiques liés à l'absence de mobilité, sans parler du coût exorbitant des politiques de fermeture et d'expulsion.Face aux inégalités criantes du régime des frontières, il est temps que se mette en place une diplomatie internationale des migrations et que soit reconnu un droit universel à la mobilité.

Mirages de la carte : l'invention de l'Algérie coloniale

Cote : 916.1 BLA

Résumé : Lorsque les troupes françaises débarquèrent à Alger en 1830, le territoire qui s'étendait devant eux leur était à peu près inconnu. Quelques récits de voyageurs, les traités des géographes antiques : le bagage était mince. La conquête allait commencer, mais aucun Français ne savait ce qu'était l'Algérie. Quelles étaient ses limites, à l'est et à l'ouest, en direction de la Tunisie et du Maroc ? Fallait-il se contenter d'occuper une bande de terre côtière ou pénétrer en direction du mystérieux Sahara ? Comment établir des frontières dans les confins traversés par des populations nomades ? Et, dans l'immédiat, sur quelles cartes s'appuyer pour assurer le contrôle du territoire, identifier les populations locales et nommer les régions occupées ? Mirages de la carte renouvelle en profondeur l'histoire de la conquête de l'Algérie, en suivant au plus près les travaux des géographes et des cartographes chargés d'arpenter ce territoire et d'en tracer les contours dans le sillage de l'armée.Hélène Biais montre que la géographie coloniale sert à prendre possession d'un territoire, aussi bien militairement que symboliquement, mais qu'elle ne se réduit pas à imposer une domination. En nous conviant à l'invention de l'Algérie coloniale, à la croisée des pratiques savantes et des ambitions impériales, ce livre original et novateur démontre brillamment comment l'histoire des savoirs peut renouveler celle des empires coloniaux.

Voyages au grand océan

Cote : 910.4 BLA

Résumé : Pour avoir été dédiées à la découverte et à la science, les grands voyages de découverte autour du monde du XVIIIe siècle ont acquis un immense prestige. Au lendemain des guerres napoléoniennes, la Marine française tente de renouer avec cette tradition. De grands marins comme Freycinet, Dumont d'Urville ou Dupetit-Thouars partent alors sur les traces de Bougainville et de Lapérouse. Le monde a cependant changé. De 1815 à 1845, les ambitions coloniales renaissent. L'océan Pacifique, qui reste un réservoir de mythes et de rêves pour les Européens, devient simultanément un terrain de convoitise. Il faut répondre à la fois aux normes modernes de précision et aux impératifs géostratégiques qui se modèlent dans cette partie du monde. En 1842, la mainmise française sur les archipels des Marquises et de Tahiti donne aux reconnaissances géographiques une orientation coloniale soudain explicite. C'est l'histoire encore méconnue de ces voyages océaniens, où les visées impérialistes se mêlent aux objectifs scientifiques, qui est ici racontée. Quels étaient les objectifs politiques et les visées scientifiques de ces explorations ? Que faisaient au juste les voyageurs sur le terrain ? Quels nouveaux savoirs géographiques ont-ils élaboré ? Quel usage a-t-on fait des informations rapportées ? Hélène Blais montre comment la curiosité géographique et les ambitions coloniales s'articulent de façon inattendue et parfois ambiguë. Les marins comblent les blancs de la carte, donnant ainsi naissance à des géographies du Pacifique qui se distinguent par leurs usages et leur réception. Mais au-delà, ces voyages au Grand Océan font apparaître, à travers le choix des échelles et les découpages internes, les différents facteurs qui président à l'invention d'un territoire dans un contexte d'expansion coloniale.

Crise mondiale et systèmes partisans

Cote : 327 MAR

Résumé : Brexit au Royaume-Uni, montée de l'extrême-droite en Autriche, élection de Donald Trump aux Etats-Unis, d'Emmanuel Macron en France, percée des Cinq étoiles en Italie et de Syriza en Grèce, etc. Les "coups de tonnerre" électoraux se succèdent dans les démocraties occidentales et bouleversent les grands systèmes partisans de l'après-guerre. Cette évolution s'inscrit dans une tendance déjà ancienne qui, dès les années 1970, a vu décliner la participation électorale et les partis de gouvernement, s'accroître la volatilité et se dessiner un nouveau clivage autour des questions d'immigration et d'identité nationale.Le processus s'est accentué après 2008 avec l'émergence de nouveaux partis, l'effondrement ou la réorientation brutale de partis anciens, en réaction au néolibéralisme et aux inégalités croissantes qu'il engendre. Pour bien comprendre les mutations en cours au sein des systèmes politiques occidentaux et s'interroger sur leur avenir, il est indispensable de les analyser à l'échelle mondiale et de prendre en compte tous les phénomènes économiques, sociaux et environnementaux qui leur sont liés, dans le contexte d'une "révolution mondiale" à l'oeuvre depuis 1945.

System innovation and the transition to sustainability : theory, evidence and policy

Cote : 363.7 SYS

Résumé : Modern societies face several structural problems such as transport congestion and greenhouse gas emissions due to the widespread use of fossil fuels. To address these important societal problems and achieve sustainability in the broad sense, major transformations are required, but this poses an enormous challenge given the complexity of the processes involved. Such transformations are called 'transitions' or 'system innovations' and involve changes in a variety of elements, including technology, regulation, user practices and markets, cultural meaning and infrastructure.This book considers two main questions: how do system innovations or transitions come about and how can they be influenced by different actors, in particular by governments. The authors identify the theories which can be used to conceptualise the dynamics of system innovations and discuss the weaknesses in these theories. They also look at the lessons which can be learned from historical examples of transitions, and highlight the instruments and policy tools which can be used to stimulate future system innovations towards sustainability. The expert contributors address these questions using insights from a variety of different disciplines including innovation studies, evolutionary economics, the sociology of technology, environmental analysis and governance studies. The book concludes with an extensive summary of the results and practical suggestions for future research.This important new volume offers an interdisciplinary assessment of how and why system innovations occur. It will engage and inform academics and researchers interested in transitions towards sustainability, and will also be highly relevant for policymakers concerned with environmental issues, structural change and radical innovation.

Borders and mobility in South Asia and beyond

Cote : 341 BOR

Résumé : The world is experiencing one of the largest movements of people in history with 65 million people displaced by conflict in 2015, the majority of which were from Asia. This book brings a deep engagement with individuals whose lives are shaped by encounters with borders by telling the stories of a poor Bangladeshi women who regularly crosses the India border to visit family, of Muslims from India living in Gulf countries for work, and the harrowing journey of a young Afghan man as he sets off on foot to Germany. The international and interdisciplinary work in this book contributes to this moment by analyzing how borders are experienced by migrants and borderlanders in South Asia, how mobility and diaspora are engaged in literature and media, and how the lives of migrants are transformed during their journey to new homes in South Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Europe.

Food and sustainability

Cote : 641 FOO

Résumé : Food and Sustainability is the first text on this topic to consistently and coherently bring together important concepts from different disciplines to introduce students to a common challenge: food sustainability.The book explores the issues related to our growing demand for food from the perspectives of disciplines ranging from environmental and social sciences, to public health. It examines food as a point of convergence across these disciplines, illustrating the need for a transdisciplinary approach to understand common challenges and opportunities in food systems.The issues discussed are exemplified in several case studies for each chapter, which provide a direct avenue for students to apply the principles and theories set out in each chapter to real-world problems. In addition, 'Food controversy' panels highlight how there is very often no one right answer to the problems being faced, and how different viewpoints and perspectives need to be weighed up alongside each other to come to workable resolutions.

Forensic architecture

Cote : 720 WEI

Résumé : A new form of investigative practice that uses architecture as an optical device to investigate armed conflicts and environmental destruction.In recent years, the group Forensic Architecture began using novel research methods to undertake a series of investigations into human rights abuses. Today, the group provides crucial evidence for international courts and works with a wide range of activist groups, NGOs, Amnesty International, and the UN. Forensic Architecture has not only shed new light on human rights violations and state crimes across the globe, but has also created a new form of investigative practice that bears its name. The group uses architecture as an optical device to investigate armed conflicts and environmental destruction, as well as to cross-reference a variety of evidence sources, such as new media, remote sensing, material analysis, witness testimony, and crowd-sourcing.In Forensic Architecture, Eyal Weizman, the group's founder, provides, for the first time, an in-depthintroduction to the history, practice, assumptions, potentials, and double binds of this practice. The book includes an extensive array of images, maps, and detailed documentation that records the intricate work the group has performed. Traversing multiple scales and durations, the case studies in this volume include the analysis of the shrapnel fragments in a room struck by drones in Pakistan, the reconstruction of a contested shooting in the West Bank, the architectural recreation of a secret Syrian detention center from the memory of its survivors, a blow-by-blow account of a day-long battle in Gaza, and an investigation of environmental violence and climate change in the Guatemalan highlands and elsewhere.Weizman's Forensic Architecture,stunning and shocking in its critical narrative, powerful images,and daring investigations, presents a new form of public truth, technologically, architecturally, and aesthetically produced. The practice calls for a transformative politics in which architecture as a field of knowledge and a mode of interpretation exposes and confronts ever-new forms of state violence and secrecy.

Israel under siege

Cote : 915.6 DEL

Résumé : Raffaella A. Del Sarto examines the creation of Israel's neo-revisionist consensus about security threats and regional order, which took hold of Israeli politics and society after 2000 and persists today. The failed Oslo peace process and the trauma of the Second Palestinian Intifada triggered this shift to the right; conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah and the inflammatory rhetoric of Iranian President Ahmadinejad additionally contributed to the creation of a general sense of being under siege. While Israel faces real security threats, Israeli governments have engaged in the politics of insecurity, promoting and amplifying this sense of besiegement. Lively political debate has been replaced by a general acceptance of the no-compromise approach to security and the Palestinians. The neo-revisionist right, represented by Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud, has turned Israel away from the peace process and pushes maximalist territorial ambitions. But they have failed to offer a vision for an end to conflict, and there has been little debate about whether or not the hardline policies toward the region are counterproductive. Del Sarto explains this disappearance of dissent and examines the costs of Israel's policies. She concludes that Israel's feeling of being under siege has become entrenched, a two-state solution with the Palestinians is highly unlikely for the foreseeable future, and Israel's international isolation is likely to increase.

Ties that bind

Cote : 916.8 TIE

Résumé : What does friendship have to do with racial difference, settler colonialism and post-apartheid South Africa? While histories of apartheid and colonialism in South Africa have often focused on the ideologies of segregation and white supremacy, Ties that Bind explores how the intimacies of friendship create vital spaces for practices of power and resistance. Combining interviews, history poetry, visual arts, memoir and academic essay, the collection keeps alive the promise of friendship and its possibilities while investigating how affective relations are essential to the social reproduction of power. From the intimacy of personal relationships to the organising ideology of liberal colonial governance, the contributors explore the intersection of race and friendship from a kaleidoscope of viewpoints and scales. Insisting on a timeline that originates in settler colonialism, Ties that Bind uncovers the implication of anti-Blackness within nonracialism, and powerfully challenges a simple reading of the Mandela moment and the rainbow nation. In the wake of countrywide student protests calling for decolonization of the university, and reignited debates around racial inequality, this timely volume insists that the history of South African politics has always already been about friendship.Written in an accessible and engaging style, Ties that Bind will interest a wide audience of scholars, students, and activists, as well as general readers curious about contemporary South African debates around race and intimacy.

Image acts : a systematic approach to visual agency

Cote : 700 BRE

Résumé : 'Image Act' focuses on the counterforce of the form of images. The book subdivides this sphere into three parts: imitation, substitution, and the pure effect of the form. All three parts are contemplated with examples from antiquity through to the present and the iconoclastic controversies of our times. From this reconstruction of the image act springs the element of a new philosophy of affordance.

The transnational middle east

Cote : 337 TRA

Résumé : The Middle East has been undergoing new crises since the powerful socio-political uprisings known as the Arab Spring took place in several countries in 2011. Some countries are experiencing a long-term collapse of their political and social structures out of internal conflicts and external interventions.The Transnational Middle East posits that, in the Middle East, the development of regional dynamics, of processes and circulations of all kinds, can be documented. In this regard, the approaches it develops - `bottom-up' regionalisation, `globalisation from below' - allow for a better understanding of the ways in which the Middle East is part of global transformations. The book analyses how, through their practices, Middle East societies elaborate a regional space which is not institutionalised. Based on fieldwork in the Middle East, the book provides venues for further theoretical elaboration on globalisation and contemporary societies, as well as on processes of regionalisation. It draws on the emergence of genuine regional spaces of culture, art, economic activity, human circulation - which supplement and do not contradict other infra-national, national, or global social processes. As in other areas of the world, these transformations are to a large extent the mode of the Middle East's insertion into globalisation. In this respect, they go against standard narratives of the supposed `exceptionalism' of the region.This book will be a great contribution to comparative politics, Middle Eastern studies, globalisation and international relations.

No borders

Cote : 325 KIN

Résumé : From the streets of Calais to the borders of Melilla, Evros and the United States, the slogan 'No borders!' is a thread connecting a multitude of different struggles for the freedom to move and to stay. But what does it mean to make this slogan a reality?Drawing on the author's extensive research in Greece and Calais, as well as a decade campaigning for migrant rights, Natasha King explores the different forms of activism that have emerged in the struggle against border controls, and the dilemmas these activists face in translating their principles into practice.Wide-ranging and interdisciplinary, No Borders constitutes vital reading for anyone interested in how we make radical alternatives to the state a genuine possibility for our times, and raises crucial questions on the nature of resistance.

Deported to death

Cote : 325 SLA

Résumé : What happens to migrants after they are deported from the United States and dropped off at the Mexican border, often hundreds if not thousands of miles from their hometowns? In this eye-opening work, Jeremy Slack foregrounds the voices and experiences of Mexican deportees, who frequently become targets of extreme forms of violence, including migrant massacres, upon their return to Mexico. Navigating the complex world of the border, Slack investigates how the high-profile drug war has led to more than two hundred thousand deaths in Mexico, and how many deportees, stranded and vulnerable in unfamiliar cities, have become fodder for drug cartel struggles. Like no other book before it, Deported to Death reshapes debates on the long-term impact of border enforcement and illustrates the complex decisions migrants must make about whether to attempt the return to an often dangerous life in Mexico or face increasingly harsh punishment in the United States.

Urban gardening and the struggle for social and spatial justice

Cote : 710 URB

Résumé : The book presents an in-depth and theoretically-grounded analysis of urban gardening practices (re)emerging worldwide as new forms of bottom-up socio-political participation. By complementing the scholarly perspectives through posing real cases, it focuses on how these practices are able to address - together with environmental and planning questions - the most fundamental issues of spatial justice, social cohesion, inclusiveness, social innovations and equity in cities. Through a critical exploration of international case studies, this collection investigates whether, and how, gardeners are willing and able to contrast urban spatial arrangements that produce peculiar forms of social organisation and structures for inclusion and exclusion, by considering pervasive inequalities in the access to space, natural resources and services, as well as considerable disparities in living conditions.

The nation and its fragments

Cote : 327 CHA

Résumé : In this book, the prominent theorist Partha Chatterjee looks at the creative and powerful results of the nationalist imagination in Asia and Africa that are posited not on identity but on difference with the nationalism propagated by the West. Arguing that scholars have been mistaken in equating political nationalism with nationalism as such, he shows how anticolonialist nationalists produced their own domain of sovereignty within colonial society well before beginning their political battle with the imperial power. These nationalists divided their culture into material and spiritual domains, and staked an early claim to the spiritual sphere, represented by religion, caste, women and the family, and peasants. Chatterjee shows how middle-class elites first imagined the nation into being in this spiritual dimension and then readied it for political contest, all the while "normalizing" the aspirations of the various marginal groups that typify the spiritual sphere. While Chatterjee's specific examples are drawn from Indian sources, with a copious use of Bengali language materials, the book is a contribution to the general theoretical discussion on nationalism and the modern state.Examining the paradoxes involved with creating first a uniquely non-Western nation in the spiritual sphere and then a universalist nation-state in the material sphere, the author finds that the search for a postcolonial modernity is necessarily linked with past struggles against modernity.

Taking-place : non-representational theories and geography

Cote : 900 TAK

Résumé : Emerging over the past ten years from a set of post-structuralist theoretical lineages, non-representational theories are having a major impact within Human Geography. Non-representational theorisation and research has opened up new sets of problematics around the body, practice and performativity and inspired new ways of doing and writing human geography that aim to engage with the taking-place of everyday life. Drawing together a range of innovative contributions from leading writers, this is the first book to provide an extensive and in-depth overview of non-representational theories and human geography. The work addresses the core themes of this still-developing field, demonstrates the implications of non-representational theories for many aspects of human geographic thought and practice, and highlights areas of emergent critical debate. The collection is structured around four thematic sections - Life, Representation, Ethics and Politics - which explore the varied relations between non-representational theories and contemporary human geography.

Urban food planning

Cote : 641 ILI

Résumé : This highly original work examines the rise of the urban food planning movement in the Global North and provides insights into the new relationship between cities and food which has started developing over the past decade. It sheds light on cities as new spaces for food system innovation and on food as a tool for sustainable urban development. Drawing insights from the literature on socio-technical transitions, the book presents examples of pioneering urban food planning endeavours from North America and Western Europe (especially the Netherlands and the UK). These are integrated into a single mosaic helping to uncover the conceptual, analytical, design, and organizational innovations emerging at the interface of food and urban policy and planning.The author shows how promising "seeds of transition" to a shared urban food planning agenda are in the making, though the urban food planning niche as a whole still lacks the necessary maturity to lastingly influence mainstream planning practices and the dominant agri-food system regime. Some of the strategic levers to cope with the current instability and limitations of urban food planning and effectively transition it from a marginal novelty to a normalized domain of policy, research, and practice are systematically examined to this end. The conclusions and recommendations put forward have major implications for scholars, activists, and public officials seeking to radically transform the co-evolution of food, cities, and the environment.

Space invaders

Cote : 327 ROU

Résumé : Space Invaders argues for the importance of a radical geographic perspective in enabling us to make sense of protests and social movements around the world. Under conditions of increasing global economic inequalities, we are witnessing the flourishing of grassroots people's movements fighting for improved rights. *BR**BR*Whether it be the alter-globalisation mobilisations of the turn of the century, the flurry of Occupy protests, or the current wave of anti-austerity mobilisations taking place, there is a geographical logic to all forms of protest whether that be through transforming landscapes, occupying enemy territory or developing solidarity and communication networks. *BR**BR*Paul Routledge takes a primarily auto-ethnographical perspective, drawing upon his extensive experience over the past thirty years working with various forms of protest in Europe, Asia and Latin America, to provide an account of how a radical geographical imagination can inform our understanding and the prosecution of protest.

Entanglements of power

Cote : 900 ENT

Résumé : This book argues that practices of resistance cannot be separated from practices of domination, and that they are always entangled in some configuration. They are inextricably linked, such that one always bears at least a trace of the other that contaminates or subverts it.The team of contributors explore themes of identity, embodiment, organisation, colonialism, and political transformation, examining them from historical, contemporary and more abstract perspectives within a wide geographical and cultural spectrum. Case studies include German Reunification; Jamaican Yardies on British Television; Victorian Sexuality and Moralisation in Cremorne Gardens; Ethnicity, Gender and Nation in Ecuador; Sport as Power; the film Falling Down.Entanglements of Power presents an exciting and challenging account of the symbiotic relationship between domination and resistance, and contextualises this within the parameters of geography with a rich body of case-study material and a respected team of contributors.